When they propose

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~Syaoran Syaoran loves you so much, you've both have been through so much together. He can't wait another minute. So he wants to seal the deal. He has everything prepared, he told you to meet him at the school around 8. You both were still in high school. But he doesn't care. He told all of your friends and family to come to the school when he proposes. You Arrive wearing a beautiful red dress and red shoes to match and you're black now long hair pulled up in a ponytail. Syaoran looked at your appearance, you looked stunning and angelic. You took his breath away. Just like the day you too meet. He walked over to you and takes you to a table pulling out your chair for you. You had a lovely date. It was the best date you two ever had. He got up after dinner and pulled out a beautiful diamond ring and got down on one knee, you gasped and were left breathless.

Y/n from the first moment I laid my eyes on you, I knew you were the one, I love you so much and want you to be mine forever. Will you marry me? He proposed.

Tears start to slide down your cheeks and you hugged him tightly.

Yes, of course, I will! You cried.

He smiled and kissed you passionately, you kissed back as all of your friends and family all cheered and clapped for you guys.

~Tsubasa Syaoran Syaoran loves you more than his life. When he knew you couldn't remember what he meant to you. Since Syaoran gave up those memories. A miracle happened. Somehow and some way you remembered what he meant to you. And he knew at the moment he had to ask you to marry him. Syaoran can't live life without you. It would be too hard. You mean too much to him. So since you guys are still on the run trying to find the feathers. He is ready to ask you the question. He remembers seeing how his other self-was happy with his you. You ready? Fai asked Syaoran. Yeah. Syaoran gulps. Don't worry. Y/n-chan won't say no. She loves you too much. Fai smiles. Where he was going to ask you to marry him was at a Sakura tree. With your and his friends watching.

And there you were looking so stunning and beautiful purple dress with low shoes. Your hair curled and off to the side. You were standing under the Sakura tree looking around for him. Syaoran took a deep breath and walks forward. You spot him and smiled happily. He pulled out your chair for you and then pushed it back in. You blushed at his actions. You both had an amazing evening and it got even better when he pulled out a purple box. He then got down on one knee to show it had a diamond ring inside. You covered your mouth sobs coming out.

Y/n before I met you, it was always me and my dad. The only person who cared for me. But then you appeared out of nowhere. You showed me that more than one person can care about me. I care about you and you showed me how to live life. I'm nothing without you, so will you do me the honors of marrying me?

He proposed.

You gasped and hugged him.

Yes! Yes! Yes! You cried.

He smiled and kissed you lovingly, you instantly kissed back.

Everyone was clapping for you two.

And Sakura was secretly planning your wedding. Signs what can you do with sisters.

~Sakura You were Sakura's whole world, she loved you so much she wanted to make it officially to make you hers. She asked Alice for help about the restaurant and Alice was more than willing to help Sakura. She loves Sakura like she is her own. And she is the biggest shipper of you and Sakura. She already knew of the propose. She has been so excited about it for weeks. She knows Sakura and you are true mates. So Alice and Sakura picked your favorite restaurant nothing too fancy and nothing too big. When you were supposed to meet Sakura at the restaurant at 8. She was stunned. So stunned Syaoran had to smack her across the head so she would stop eye fucking you. You smiled at your girlfriend and sat down. You both eat when everyone else watches you two. Tomoyo couldn't help herself and she filmed you two with sparkling eyes. Sakura then pulled out a blue box and she got down on one knee. She opened it to reveal a diamond ring.

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