Meeting your Tsubasa self

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~Syaoran This was when they were 16. Your pov You were hanging out with your best friends and boyfriend. You heard something outside. You used your vampire speed to go see what it was. You look like. ME!? You and your other self-yelled. Princess try to stay calm. The other Syaoran said. Hold up. In your timeline, I am a princess? He nodded. Not a vampire? You ask very confusedly. Let's start over. Hi, I'm Y/n Cullen. You said. Your boyfriend comes outside to see what is taking you so long. Whoa!? You're me!? Your boyfriend gasped. You facepalmed embarrassed. I am so sorry about him. You signed. It's fine. The other Syaoran smiled. You inside or I will cut you off of kisses! You threatened. You won't. Your boyfriend glared. You growl at him in warning. You hurt her and I'll. You cut off your boyfriends threatening protective side by pointing to the house. I'm warning you Syao. You threatened. House now. You threatened. Your boyfriend glares at them one more time then walks back inside the house. I am so sorry about him. You say embarrassed. It's fine. Syaoran is the same way with the Princess. The man with blond hair smiles at you. Oh, Syaroan! You and the princess in this timeline are together! The blond man smiles. Fai! The other Syaoran blushed. Names Kurogane. Kurogane told you. Nice to met you all. Do you have a place to stay? You asked. No. Syaoran said. Then you can stay here! You exclaimed. Really? Princess, you asked. Of course. After all, you are me. You smiled. You walk in with them following you I don't know how I feel about this. Your boyfriend said. You smile sheepishly at them then glared at your annoying boyfriend. I'm warning you Syaoran Li. I'm warning you. You threatened. The Princess you giggled. Syaroan crossed his arms pouting at you. You giggled and warp your arms around his neck. Behave and if you do. I'll do that thing you love. You whisper in his ear. Syaoran looks at you grinning. After a while, your parents came back home with the rest of the family. Your dad jaws drop. Y You look like Y/n. Jasper stammers. Dad met my Tsubasa self. In her timeline, she is a Princess. You explained. Alice squeals. My daughter from a different timeline, so cute! Alice squeals. Pfft hahaha! You giggle. Jasper chuckles at Alice. Pfft hahaha! You can't stop giggling. Like Jasper said like mother like daughter. Syaoran was staying close to You. He still doesn't trust his other self. You turn to him. Syao. Your other self won't steal me away from you. You giggle. I was not thinking that! Syaoran blushes glaring down at you with a blush. You Giggle hugging his waist. I only want you. I always will want you. You whisper with a smile. So please don't be jealous. It may look hot on you. But you have no reason to be jealous. I love you and no one else Syao. You say pinching his cheek smiling at him sweetly. Syaoran looks the other way blushing. Man, I love her. Syaroan thought watching you talk with Princess you. Well, my Syao is more of a protective of me. You giggle. I am not that bad. Syaoran huffs at you. You raise an eyebrow smirking. Yes, you are. I have to protect the girl I love! You giggle. Sakura chuckled. Syaoran signs.

~Sakura You were hanging out with your best friends and girlfriend. You guys were watching a movie. Do we really have to watch Descendants? Syaoran whines. You gasped at him in horror. How dare you! You know I love love that movie! You pouted. Syaroan whines at you. Suck it up Syaoran. Sakura said with her arm around your shoulder's. You smile leading into her. You are lucky I love you Y/n Or I will throw this movie away. Syaroan threatens you. Well if you think about it. Y/n is a lot like Mal. Tomoyo said. Yeah but. That makes Sakura Ben! Syaoran laughed. I would shut up if I were you Syao. You threatened. And don't think I didn't hear you cry about Mal and Ben. You smirk at Syaoran. I I got something in my eye! Syaroan protests. Admit you love the movie! You giggle. I do have to wonder. Sakura said. What? You asked. If you weren't gay. Who you would you pick as a boyfriend? Sakura seems interested in this. No one! I would be single! You blushed. Y/n just tell them. You know they won't hate you. Tomoyo smiles at you. Who? Both Sakura and Syaoran asked. You laugh nervously rubbing your neck. If I wasn't gay I would date well. You trail off not looking at either Syaoran or Sakura. Both of them look dumbfounded for a minute before it clicks in Syaoran's head. Well Y/n... I'm very flattered you would pick me if you weren't gay. Syaoran smirks. You cover your face embarrassed. Mine! Sakura hissed at Syaroan. Chill I won't steal your girl. Unless she wants it. Syaoran said joking. You facepalmed. You aren't gonna let this go, are you? You ask your best friend. Your brown haired friend shakes his head with a grin. Nope! He grins. You chuckled. You then heard something with your vampire hearing. With your vampire speed, you run over to the window. Your eyes widened. Uh, guys, you should take a look at this. You said shocked. Your friends and girlfriend walk over to the window. Hell! There are people that look like us! Syaoran exclaimed. Time travel. You mumble. What was that sweetie? Sakura asked. Time travelers! Of course! You exclaimed. But if they are from the future what are they doing in our timeline? Syaoran questions. You turn to him with a grin. One way to find out. You grinned. Your brown haired friend follows you. My god. You look just like me! The Princess you said. Gay gay gay. The other Syaoran mumbled. You know. Why don't you shut the hell up? Princess you smiles. Her Sakura laughs. The other Syaoran glares. I am out of here. You say taking the Princess you hand and walks in the house. Both Sakura's look at each other and chuckling following their girlfriends. But wait I am not done teasing you! Your Syaoran teases. You stood up with a dark aura. Tease? Why? The other Syaoran asked. You look at the other Syaoran. If you want to live I suggest you don't ask. You say sweetly but deathly. He shivers.

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