When you announce your pregnant

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~Syaoran You looked at the pregnancy test, your eyes were wide as saucers as your hands started to shake. Of course, you were happy but what was Syaoran going to think? You tried to muster up the courage to tell him but it soon deflated as he knocked on the bathroom door.

Y/n are you okay? You've been in there for ages. He said worry evident in his voice.

Yeah. You called out but panicking on the inside. Deciding you had to tell him, you put the pregnancy test behind your back and opened the door. He stood there looking at you confused, you signed and showed him the test.

You bowed your head not wanting to know his reaction, as soon as you shuffled your feet he pulled you in for a hug spinning you around.

I'm going to be a dad! Syaoran said excitedly kissing you, you're glad you told him.

You heard a squeal. You two turn around. And saw Sakura, Eriol and a grinning Tomoyo who filmed the whole thing. I got your cute moment on film! Tomoyo squeals. You smiled and lead back into Syaoran.

~Tsubsa Syaoran Syaoran-kun may I talk to you for a minute? You asked very nervously. Sakura gives you an encouraging smile. Of course Princess. Syaoran said. You both walk away from the group. Syaoran-kun do you remember that one night when we did well you know. You blushed. Syaoran blushes remembering that night of passion between you two. Syaoran-kun what I'm trying to tell you is. I'm pregnant. You show him the test. I'm a dad? Syaoran said shocked and surprised. Yes. I understand if you don't want anything to do with this. Syaoran cuts you off by kissing you. Mm! You moaned quietly. You pulled away. I'm gonna be a dad! Syaoran-kun said joyfully. You giggled. You walked back smiling. Did you tell him? Sakura asked excitedly. Tell him what? Mokona asked. Y/n's pregnant Mokona! Sakura said grinning.

~Sakura You're pregnant Y/n. Your grandpa Carlisle said with a smile. You smiled and placed a hand on your stomach. Sakura is going to be so happy! You smiled. You walk out of the room. You saw Sakura with Alice. Mum! Saku-Chan! I have news! You giggled. What? They asked. We are going to have another person to feed in a couple of months. You smiled. You're pregnant? Sakura smiles. You nodded. I'm a mom!!!!!!!!! Sakura cheers. Sakura kissed you on the cheek happily. I'm a grandma! Alice squeals. Oh, Jazzy! You need to get home like now! Your mum said on the phone. Okay. we're coming back now. Your dad Jasper said. Within minutes they got home. What's going on? Rosalie asked. You and Sakura smiled at each other. I'm pregnant! You announced. They whole family smiles. I have another little one to feed again! Esme smiles. You giggled. I thought you would like that nana. You smiled. We already decided on the godfather and godmother. You smiled. Who are they? Alice asked. Of course, Tomoyo since she is mine and Sakura's best friend. And Syaoran as the godfather. You smiled. Dad, what do you think? You asked. Jasper smiles.

~Tsubasa Sakura You have been feeling sick for the past couple of days. So in this dimension, you were going to see a doctor. Syaoran put you up to it. So what is it? Am I sick? you asked. You will be for a couple of months, Miss. Li. You're pregnant. The doctor smiles. Your heart stopped. You then smiled. Thank you. You said and walked out of the room with a smile. What happened?! Syaoran asked going big brother mode. I will be sick for a couple of months. You smiled. Everyone but Fai was confused. Y/n-chan that is amazing! He smiles at you. What? Sakura, Syaoran, and, Kurogane asked. Y/n is pregnant. Fai smiles. i-i-I'm a mom? Sakura asked. You smiled. She kisses you lovingly. I'm an uncle! Syaoran said cheerfully. You giggled and nodded.

~Tomoyo Family meeting! Alice called smiling at you. Everyone rushes downstairs. What's wrong? Is it something bad? Carlisle asked. No good actually. You smiled. Everyone I have news! Good news! I'm pregnant! You smiled. Tomoyo squeals. Rosalie looked like she was going to hug you tightly and she did. I'm so happy for you sweetie. She smiles. You smiled up at her. Well. I have to get more food in a couple of months. Esme smiles.

~ Tsubasa Tomoyo You squealed. You were pregnant. You saw Sakura and Syaoran. Sakura-Chan! Syaoran-kun! You squealed running over to them. Sakura squeals and hugs you. Guess what?! You asked beaming. Uh. You're pregnant? Syaoran guesses. You gasped. You're good! You smiled at your brother figure. He chokes. I'm so happy for you! Sakura squeals. And you didn't tell Tomoyo yet didn't you? Syaoran gives you a look. You snicker. Nope, I told her first! I just wanted to see the look on your face! You giggle. Syaoran gives you a look. Well, I'm happy! I'm throwing you a baby shower! Sakura squeals. Princess. You don't know. Zip! Sakura gives him a look. You giggled.

~Eriol Just tell him. Alice said. But mom. What if he doesn't want her or him? You asked. Then it will be his loss. Now go tell him. Alice said. You walked over to Eriol who was with Sakura, Syaoran, and Tomoyo. Guys. I uh. Well. Uh. I'm pregnant. You told them. Sakura and Tomoyo squealed. Syaoran looked like he wanted to kill Eriol. Eriol was in shock. Eriol? You asked. His eyes rolled in the back of his head and he fainted. You gasped. You guys were now at your house. You pace around the room. Sakura pulls you over to her and Tomoyo. Eriol opens his eyes. I'm happy. He smiles. I bet you are. Syaoran said glaring. Syaoran back off. Sakura warns. He pouted. You signed.

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