1 - Haruki Takami: Origin

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My eyes fluttered open to take in the sunlight flooding my room. Despite the warm orange glow, it felt chillier than the depths of Antarctica. Did someone leave the freezer door open all night? Not likely it'd reach my room, but still, my teeth chattered nonstop for some...


My brown hair fell all around my face.

I hope I don't catch a cold, I thought to myself as I pushed it back.

The morning light illuminated the contents of my average bedroom: a desk with my laptop and an assortment of writing utensils collected over the years, a dozen books yet to be sorted on the bookshelf, space-themed posters, prints, and stickers all over the walls; and a telescope perched near the window...which was open?

"Did I forget to close it?"

One foot after the other, I rose out of bed like a zombie and moved to the window. I strained to shut it at first, but my arms found the strength eventually. The room started to heat up once it was successfully closed and locked.

When I swiveled around, a round pillow was floating in the middle of the room. 

It must've happened when I sneezed.

I put my fingertips together, and the plush moon returned to its original spot.

Before getting dressed, I needed to stretch. My fingers reached up high, brushing against soft feathers. Those feathers belonged to my wings, which I also stretched by holding up above my head.

Next, my left leg. And my right.

And finally, a series of twists to stretch my back.

My eyes caught sight of the posters above my desk: a woman with long hair and rabbit ears wearing a white leotard, a rocket ship barreling towards a black hole, a man dressed in all-denim clothes, and a man with his trademark voluminous muscles and gleaming white teeth, amongst others.

I smiled back at them all. "I'm absolutely ready for my first day of school."

My outfit for the day was the same black and white school uniform I'd been wearing for the past two years; it's been washed, of course. I added black socks to my look. Next, I brushed my waist-length hair and formed it into the usual style: a messy half-bun.

Last but not least, a pink plaid scarf wrapped around my neck. "It smells like caramel," I said with a big, fat grin on my face.

Stepping over to the desk, I found a new schoolbag sitting beside the old one. This pink and black shoulder bag bore a calico cat keychain on the strap. Someone had sewn a few patches into the fabric: a partial eclipse, a comet, and Snoopy wearing a space helmet.

My heart skipped forward, elated by the discovery.

"I love it!" I lifted the new bag, gazing at it with wide eyes. There wasn't a note. "I wonder who got it. Whoever it was knows me well. Ooh! Thank you, thank you, whoever you are!"

Probably Mom or Dad... It's not like many people have access to my room.

Emptying and tossing the old bag into the trash using my Quirk, I quickly stocked my new one with school supplies. I then plucked my phone from the charger. My wings hit the light switch on my way out the door.

Upon reaching the staircase, two figures jumped out at the bottom.

"Happy Opening Ceremony Day!"

"Ahh!" Though startled, it didn't take long to realize there was nothing to fear. "Mom! Dad! Shouldn't you already be off to work?!"

"We wouldn't dare leave the house without wishing our daughter good luck at school today," Dad replied with a chuckle. His massive wings bounced in sync with his laugh.

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