Chapter 55

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Kendra's P.O.V.

"Well thanks for watching-" Louis cut me of "oh it was no problem!"

"HARRY!...Thanks for watching the

kids Harry!" i yelled and Louis glared at me and every one laughed

"What did you guys do last night with a bunch of kids?!" I asked curiosity taking over. "we put them to bed early and watched movies!" Harry smiled "HARRY!" i yelled "no i'm joking...we watch movies with them" he laughed "really?!" i asked raising my eyebrows and crossing my arms. i took awhile but finally Harry answered. "okay okay!...we attempted to watch movies but it ended up Owen playing in his room, Jady eating all the cookies and Luke playing with our feet" Harry said quickly "yup thats what i thought!" i mumbled "whats that suppose to mean?!" Louis yelled. i just laughed.

"Kendra...can i talk to you in the kitchen?!" Jenna asked pulling me out of the room.

"Did you think about what i said?!" she asked. i sighed "Jen...we're not dating!" i whispered so the boys wouldn't hear "you kissed him!" Jen yelled "SHH!...that was an accident!" I yelled. "you made him think-"

"I'M STILL IN LOVE WITH HARRY!" i yelled and Jenna's face went blank and then i realized what i did!

Did i jut yelled that out at the top of my lungs?! SHIT I DID! What the hell am i suppose to do now?! what if he didn't hear me?! oh who am i kidding of course he heard me! SHIT!

Just then Harry walked into the room. i stood in the room awkwardly. the room was dead silent. i felt like something was chocking me! i tried to force words out... something... anything...but i couldn't

Then Harry broke the silence "listen I-" he started but was cut off by my phone ringing.

Saved by the ring!

"Hello?!" i yelled down the phone "Kendra!" A familiar voice said "ELLIE!" i shrieked and Jenna's head instantly shot up. "Hi! we got a different lawyer!" she explained "YOU DID! who is it?!" i yelled and Jenna walked towards me. "Joan! And she wants you guys to come here tonight to discuss some things with her" Ellie explained "JOAN?! oh she's great! i mean with out her Harry might still be-" Ellie cut me off "about Harry!...i want to thank you for getting him out of there...he's a good kid and i don't want his life wasted in there...and he was proven innocent so that means that who ever did still out there...and if Harry was still in jail...he would be roaming the streets forever!" She said and tears began to form in my eyes.

"oh Ellie...i don't know how you stay so...positive all the time!" i said wiping my tears away before they fell. "well...theres a good side to everything!" she said and i could tell she was smiling "yah well...not in my life lately" i said looking at Harry who was sitting at the table twiddling his thumbs.

" know...this is a blessing in discise...if you haven't can't escape's either you live with him and love him...or you live with him a love him!" she said and more tears formed in my eyes. "yah" i said looking at Harry again. "well...i'd better let you go! Can you come to my place tonight for supper?!" Ellie asked "yah we'll be there!" i said and with that i hung up the phone.

"What?!...what is it?!" Jenna asked worried "they got a new lawyer!" i smiled as tears fell from my eyes. "OH THAT'S GREAT!...why are you crying?!" she asked worried "oh!...Ellie's making me cry again!" i laughed, wiping my tears. "Who is it?" Harry asked plainly "huh?!" i said confused "the lawyer...who is it?" He said again...a little annoyed "oh!...Joan!" i smiled "JOAN?! OH THATS AWESOME!" Jen screamed.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN HERE?!" louis yelled running in the room. "They got a new lawyer!" Jenna yelled grabbing his hands and jumping up and down "they?!" Louis asked confused "The Smiths!" She yelled "really?!...who?!" Louis asked "JOAN!" Jen shrieked "Joan?! as in Joan Burtlin?!...As in the Joan who got Harry out of jail Joan?!" He yelled "yes!" Jen laughed. "YIPEE!" Louis screamed and we all laughed.

Then Jady ran into the room "UNCLE LOU!...shh!" she ordered and we all laughed some more.

"Okay!...we all need to go to Ellie's place for supper and discus some things with Joan...okay?!" i yelled still laughing a bit. "yah!...should be no problem!" Jenna smiled

"Okay...we'd better get home then!" i said grabbing Jady's hand and walking out of the kitchen.

"Grab your toys you two!" i said helping them.

Then Harry walked in the living room. i stood uncomfortably until he spoke. "is it true?" he asked quietly. "Jay go wait in the car" i order. I didn't want her to see us fight!

"Is it true?!" He asked again a little louder "Jay! go wait in the car!" i yelled again since she wasn't moving

"!" Harry yelled, tears swelling in both our eyes.

"JADY GO!" i yelled. she huffed and ran out the door.

"Thanks!" i yelled, picked Luke up and heeded for the door but Harry stopped me. "tell me!" he said as tears rolled. i started crying and looked him dead in the eye "we're not getting back together...okay!" and with that i walked out the door.


I managed to hold the rest of my tears back while we drove home.

When i got in the house i ran and locked myself in my room...and cried.

It was a while before i could stand. i walked over to my bed, kneeled down, put my hands by my mouth, closed my eyes and began to pray.

"Lord...i don't know if i'm doing this right...or if you can hear me...but all i that i need your help...i know your not a wizard...and I'm not sure if you can see the future...but please!...please help me!...give my a sign...or something...anything!...i love Harry with all my heart but...i just wouldn't survive if he hurt me again! so just something!....amen!"

I opened my eyes and i instantly stopped crying.

i got up and walked into the living room and Duke bolted down the hallway and sat next to me on the couch. And i started crying again.

Chasing forever: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now