Chapter 18

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Jenna's P.O.V.

"where is he?!" i said pacing the kitchen floor "he said he'll be here so he'll be here!" Michelle said stuffing some grapes in her mouth "it's been and hour!" i said still pacing "'ve been pacing for and hour!...give it a rest!" she said calmly and forcing me to sit down.

"I'm just worried!" i said starring at the table. "I noticed!" Chell said sitting down. "what if something happened?!" i said as of michelle never said anything. She sighed "listen...if he said he'd be here then he will...don't worry!...i mean you should worry but just...calm down a bit! i'm sure he's on his way! he'll be here soon!" she comforted and i smiled.

Just then Louis walked in the kitchen.

"Told you!" Michelle laughed.

Louis grabbed my wrist and drug me out of the kitchen "wait! Louis! where are we goin'?!" i asked forcing him to stop "i told you you'll see!" he said pulling me out the door.

I didn't last long in the car before i fell asleep.


"Jen!" i could here Louis say as he shook me, trying to get me to wake up. i ignored him hoping he'd go away...he didn't "Jenna! wake up! we're here!" he said still shaking me.

Here? Oh my god! i'm on a date with Louis! where are we?! Oh he is so romantic!! i Love him so much

My eyes opened quickly and i sat up straight.

All i could see was bright greenish blueish water lined with golden sand.

"Louis! we're at a lake!" i smiled "yup!" he said as he jumped out of the car. he ran over to my door and opened it. "walk with me!" he said very dramatically giving me his hand. I laughed and took it. we walk long the water and talked.


"Whats that?!" i said noticing something in the distance on the beach. Louis just smiled. "Lou?! what did you do?!" I smiled back. he just ran ahead of me and i followed.

We ran until we reached a checkered blanket with a brown basket sitting in the middle of it...a picnic!

"Louis?! did you do this?!" i asked in aw of it. he just smiled and sat down.

We ate and talked


"You wanna go swimming?!" i asked out of the blue. Louis looked at me, smiled, walked towards me and picked me up (bridal style) "Lou! thats not what i meant!" I screamed pounding on his chest "PUT ME DOWN!" i screamed "fine" he said dropping me in the water.

When i reached the surface i grabbed his shirt and pulled him down towards me until his lips met mine.

"i love you!" i whispered "i love you too!" he whispered back.

I looked down to admire my ring wasn't there! "oh god!" i yelled looking around me into the water. "What?!" Louis asked worried. "it's not here! i lost it!" i said still looking around in the water. "what are you talking about?!" he asked confused. i stopped and looked up at him "my ring! i lost it!" i said almost in tears

Beside Louis himself (and my friends and family) that ring meant everything to me!

"Ok well calm down! it might be up by the blanket." he said leading me out of the water.

I looked around a but i couldn't find it! "it's not here! it's gone!" i said almost in tears. "hey don't cry! we'll find it! just keep looking!" Lou said calmly and continued to look.

"Is this it?!" He said happily handing me a silver ring cover with sand. "yes!" i smiled and rubbed the sand off of it.

I looked inside it but, instead of saying

Luv ya -Lou

It said...

Will you marry me?!

I stood there in shock. Louis smiled nervously. I looked back down at the ring to make sure i read it right. when i looked back up ti Louis his smile was gone and he looked kinda worried.

I smiled "YES!" i screamed and jumped in his arms.


"Hey!" Kendra said snuggling up to Harry. Louis and I just smiled "good date?!" she said confused and Michelle (who was sitting in between Kendra and Niall) laughed . My smile got even bigger. "What?" Kendra said confused.

I took my ring off and handed it to her. "look inside" i instructed smiling. she paused and then looked up at Louis and I, her mouth dropped oped and eyes as wide as ever. Michelle grabbed the ring from Kendra and paused but she shrieked, jumped up and hugged my followed by Kendra.

Niall and Harry looked confused. "we're getting married" Louis said sitting down in between them as is it was no big deal. "oh shut up! your exited!" i said slapping his leg and sitting on him. "of course i am hon!" he said with a devilish smiled on his face.

Then he pushed me off his lap and onto the floor. "LOUIS!" I screamed and slapped his leg again. the boys laughed.

Just then Kendra gasped "WHAT IF WE HAVE A DOUBLE WEDDING?!" she shrieked. i instantly jumped up and shrieked too. "That's a great idea!" before i knew it we were deep in conversation about the topic.

"WAIT!" Harry yelled over our chatter. our heads jerked in his direction "what if it doesn't work out?! i'm not getting in a fight over it!" He yelled "'ll work out! Jen and i have been planing the same wedding since we were seven! there won't be a fight!" Kendra said calmly. Harry just huffed and stored down the hall.

Kendra sighed "i'd better go talk to him" she said walking towards her room.

Harry's P.O.V.

*knock knock*

I knew who it was...Kendra

"Harry?" she whispered.

I was laying on the bed that was put in the room since we moved Kendra's bed to our new house. "What was that all 'bout?!" she asked sitting beside me. i sighed "it's just the the girls...we don't have to share them if we don't want to...we don't have to share our big day!" i explained starring up at the ceiling. Kendra sighed

"Do you ever think 'bout Kenna?!" she asked and i nodded "do you think about her the same way you though about her when we first got home?!" she continued. "no" i said plainly a little confused "me either! And why is that?!" she asked as if trying to prove a point. "Because of Jady" i said smiling. "exactly!...imagine where we would be if we didn't have her...if i decided to give her up! convinced me to keep her all to our selves!" She smiled and i smiled back. "we don't have to share if you don't want!" she said laying down and placing her head on my chest. "thanks sugar!" I smiled







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