Chapter 12

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It was a long plain ride! everyone else slept but all i did was eat.. i couldn't even sleep because every ten minuets i would feel my digested food making it's way back up my throat.

We landed in London at 8:00am and we drove to our hotel and walked up to our room.

When we reached our room and Harry dumped our bags in a bedroom.

"This will do" he said examining the room. I didn't care what the room looked like or how big it was as long as it had a bed!

I plopped my self on the bed.

"Sugar?!" Harry laughed. i just groaned and rolled over. "come on hon!" he said walking over to me. before i knew it Harry was laying on top of my with his forearms by my head supporting his body. he leaned in and placed his lips on mine. we sat up and Harry lifted up my shirt still kissing me. he pulled away to pulled my shirt over my head. And then kissed me some more.

It was so right! but we couldn't.

Harry stopped and threw my shirt in my face. i laughed.

"Get dressed!" he yelled walking over to our bags and began unpacking. i sighed and walked into the bathroom off of our bed room.


I slept...for an hour!

"Sugar?!" i could here Harry as he shook me. i groaned and rolled over. "we got to go if we want to make there for 1:00!" Harry laughed. i sighed and rolled out of the bed. i walked over to our dresser and pulled out a pair of black sweat pants and a light blue t-shirt and walked into the bathroom.

When i walked out Harry was gone. i walked out of the room into the living room and every one was sitting on one couch in front of the T.V.

Harry looked at me "ok sugar and i are gonna go down to the breakfast room then we're gonna leave!" Harry said getting up and walking over to me. he placed a kiss on my lips and walked passed me. i followed him into our room.

I walked over to the closet and slipped on a pair Uggs. when i turned around Harry was stuffing his curly locks in a beanie.

i hated it when he insisted we try to hide our identity in front of a crowd.

He looked at me and smile then he walked over to the dresser and grabbed his sunglasses and slid them on his face and smiled again.

He chucked my flat-beaked, blue and white hat at me.

I put it on so the beak was to the side. i normally would have told him I wasn't going to put it on but, i was to tired to fight with him. I walked over to the night stand and grabbed my glasses. i walked into the bathroom and took out my contacts as Harry put on some shoes.

We walked out of the bedroom, out of the hotel room, down the hall way, into the elevator, across the lobby and into a room full of...FOOD!

"am i in heaven?!" I said standing in the doorway in shock.

Harry laughed and walked over to the table covered with toast, cereal and bengals.

I walked passed him to the table covered with sticky buns, smoothies, pancakes and waffles. i grabbed a plate and piled it with food.

"Sugar?!" he yelled. i smiled and walked over to the table full of fruit. i gabbed a second plate a put a few pieces of fruit on it.

Harry laughed "and you wonder why i call you 'sugar'?!" he said still laughing.

i smiled and sat down at a table. We talked about nothing and everything.


"Ok! would you like the rest of that to go?!" Harry asked laughing at how much food i had on plate...nothing. i laughed and nodded. he looked at me confused.

Chasing forever: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now