Chapter 7

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Jenna's P.O.V.

i rolled over to face my boyfriend. he was smiling.

"What?" i asked

"nothing" he said still smiling.

"then stop it! you look like your 'bout to kill me or somethin'!" I said also smiling.

Louis leaned in and kissed me. i never wanted to stop...and we weren't but we were cut off by Kendra.

"Jen! Lou! get out here!" she yelled.

I rolled out of my bed and grabbed some pants from my closet then i walked over to Louis dresser and grabbed some close and chuck then at him. "get up!" i yelled laughing then i went back to searching for a shirt in his dresser.

Finally i pulled out Louis plain gray button up shirt and then walked into my bathroom off of my bedroom.

I slipped on my pants and then threw Louis shirt on. i was to big on me but i knew Lou loved it on me!

I brushed my hair and put it up in a messy bun and put on a bit of makeup. i walked out to Louis smiling.

"Stop!" i yelled laughing

"I love you!" he said walking over to me and placing a kiss on my four head. "Luv ya too!" i said smiling

We walked out of my room and into the living room were every one was sitting.

"Ok! so...what are we gonna do today?!" Kendra asked happily since it had been our first day off in two weeks.

"We could go to the bar tonight?" Michelle suggested and we a nodded in agreement

"That means...SHOPPING!" Kendra squealed.

"And what are we supposed to do?!" Harry asked looking at Kendra

"I don't know! video games or make Niall pizza or somethin'." She said plainly. Niall smiled brightly

"I like that idea!" he said excitedly and all us girls laughed.


"Well...that was fun!" Kendra said slumping down on the couch dropping her bags

"Tell me 'bout it!" I shrieked "ok it's 4:00 so we can eat, hang out, get ready and leave!" Michelle said excitedly.

"What time are we leaving at?!" Louis asked play Call of Duty on our wii.

"10:00!" Michelle said looking at her watch.

Just then Harry and Niall walked in. They both sat beside their girlfriends.

"Did you get your pizza today Nialler?" Michelle "no." he pouted "Harry wouldn't make me one!" he said pretending to cry. Harry rolled his eyes. "Darlin'?" Niall said looking over at Chell. she sighed got up and walked into the kitchen

"You are so lucky Ni! Chell will do anything for you! Jen doesn't do anything for me!" he said looking at Jenna and pouting.  "oh shut up!" she said slapping his arm. "I can do stuff for you!...what do you want oh king Tomoo?" She asked getting up and bowing. Louis rubbed his chin as if he was thinking "ok never mind! Bad question!" Jen said jumping back on the couch. we all laughed.


Kendra's P.O.V.

"Ok i'm gonna go get ready!" Michelle said getting up off the couch followed by me and Jenna

I walked into my room and emptied out all my shopping bags out on my bed and searched though the pile. after i changed my mined about ten times i decided to ware skinny jean and a pink t-shirt. i grabbed Harry's  gray beanie from his dresser and walked to my bathroom door.

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