Chapter 52

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Kendra's P.O.V.

i woke up at 8:00 the next morning and rolled out of bed. i put on a white summer dress covered with lace with a brown leather belt. i put on a pair of brow leather boots that went half way up my calf and i put my dark brown hair up in a tight bun with only a few pieces flowing free. i walked out of my room and into Jady and Luke's room.

"Come on Jay! wake up!" i yelled picking Luke up from his crib. she rolled out of bed and walked into the bathroom across the hall from her room.

i walked over to Luke's dresser and pulled out a light blue onesie and a pair of blue jeans. i changed his dipper and got him dressed.

Then Jady walked in. i walked over to her closet and pulled out a light pink, poof dress with a hot pink, ribbon belt that tied back into a bow. i slipped that on her and then grabbed her a pair of white socks that were lined with lace at the top and put a pair of white dress shoes over top.

"Why are we dressing up?!" Jady asked still half asleep "we're going to gods house!" i smiled and led her into the kitchen.

When i reached the kitchen Harry was already sitting at the table.

He was wearing blue skinny jean and a white t-shirt with a pair of black Keds.


"Good morning!" i smiled, handing Luke to Harry. "mornin' little man!" Harry smiled "mornin' princess!" he said looking across that table at Jady.

I poured three blows of Cheerio's while Luke's bottle was warming up.


"If we just open our eyes we will see the true power of god!" The preacher said "and especially for young couples! they need to see...if they think they are in love...why do they split up?!...why do they get in fights?!...why do they hurt each other?!...they need to see why god made them think...they were in's as simple as a lesson...not to trust everyone...that you beed to trust more cruel the world really is...anything!" he continued "and if every one opened their eyes...imagine what this world would be like!" he almost yelled "okey! i hope to see all of you here next week and don't forget to sign you children up for our sunday school!...they'll go on field trips and learn bible stories and learn about our lord...and open you children's eyes to how much of a difference they can make in this world...ages 2 trough 14 can sign up! Starts at 10 and ends at 12!" He said wrapping up the service "And also...come to our 'Tuesday socializer'! this Tuesday come here and talk with our neighbours and me and just have a good time!...lunch is provided and there will be a service that day as well! The service will started at 10 and the socializer will be starting right after!" he continued "thank you for comin' today and i hoped you learned something new and had a great time!" he said walking off the stage.

I looked around quickly before everyone started leaving and everyone was either talking or on their phone...i mean there was a few people listening but other than that!

When i was a kid we weren't aloud to swing our feet let alone be in our phones! I understand they run churches differently now but...disrespect is disrespect! .whether it's fifteen years ago, fifteen years in the future or now!


I looked down at my phone and i had a bunch if texts

From Jenna

Hey wanna come over for supper


From Jenna

Hey! where are you?!


From Jenna



and a whole bunch more.

I just sighed and slumped down on the couch "what up?!" Harry asked laying Luke next to me on the couch. "do you know how many people i saw not paying attention?!...i mean the worst ones are the people who go to church every sunday!" i yelled "hey!...calm's okey!" Harry said sitting next to me and putting his hand on my shoulder. i wanted to argue that it would not be okey and that this is wrong but...i decided to leave it at that.

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