Chapter 38

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Louis's P.O.V.

Three months later

3:00pm, December 6

"LOUIS!" Jen yelled "what?! what's wrong?!" i jumped up worried "my water broke!" she screamed. "OH MY GOD!" I yelled hoisting her up off the couch and walking her though the living room.

"What's going on?!" Kendra asked sticking her head out the door after us.

Since her and know...Kendra has been living with us! And so have Niall and Michelle since

"THE BABY!" I yelled running over to the driver side and getting in "CALL EVERY ONE! WE'LL MEET YOU AT THE HOSPITAL!" I yelled driving away.


"I NEED A DOCTOR!!! PLEASE!" I yelled as we walked into the hospital and some nurses came and lead us to a room.

Kendra's P.O.V.

"Are you gonna be okey phoning every one by your self?!" Michelle asked walking towards the door. i nodded "okey" she sighed "see you at the hospital!" she said walking out of the house "bye!" i yelled after her.


"hey Liam!" I said down the phone "hey!" he repeated "hey...are the other boys there?!" i asked hoping they would be "no!...Zayn's over at Parri's and Harry went to Cheshire for the week." he explained "ok i'll call them-" he cut me off "what's wrong?!" Liam asked worried "nothings wrong!...Jen's have her baby! can you get on the next plain and come as soon as you can?!" i asked all in one breath "yah! thanks of calling!" he said "anytime! see ya tomorrow!" i said hanging up the phone.

I was hard pretending to be happy all the time but somehow i managed to convince everyone i was.

Next i phoned Michelle and Niall and then i phined Zayn, Parri, Jade, Jessy and Leigh Ann. Then i phoned Harry.


"'s me" i said plainly "Kendra?!"

"Yah" i said plainly again "why are you-" i cut him off "Jen's having her baby" i said quickly "oh! i'll get on the next plain and be down there as soon as i can" he said plainly "ok...bye" i said hanging up the phone.

I sat down on the couch

Man it's gonna be awkward when he gets here! i HATE him...but i still love him! i just...can't stop...thinking about him! Man!...what has he done to you Kendra?!

Suddenly my phone started ringing


"Hey! are you coming?!" Louis yelled nervously "yah! we'll be right there!" i said hanging up the phone and jumping up

"JAY!" I yelled and she ran down the hall way followed by Duke and the cats "come on!' i said giving her my hand "where going?!" she asked taking it "to see aunty Jen's baby!" i said leading her out of the house "YAY!" she screamed.


Louis's P.O.V.

"GOD!" Jen yelled "OW!" I screamed as she squeezed my hand. "LOUIS! I know i wanted you here don't have to be if you don't want!" she yelled...a bit calmer. "you mean it?!" i asked just to make sure she wasn't going to give me shit later. she smiled and i walked away but just then she had another contraction and grabbed onto my hand again "AH!" we both screamed


Kendra's P.O.V.

I sat out side of the room with Michelle, Niall and Jady listening to Louis scream when all of a sudden there was a tiny cry. "mommy! baby!" Jay yelled running to the door just as the nurse came out and told us we could go in.

"Hey!" Michelle at the sight of Jenna holding a little child wrapped in a blue blanket. "hey!" she sad quietly "meet Owen!" Louis said picking up the child and showing him to us.

"Well isn't he cute!" Niall smiled

"baby!" Jady yelled "shh!...Owen!" i told her. "O?!" she asked "Owen!" i told her again "O!" she said looking at the baby and smiling. we all laughed.

The next day

"Hey!" Leigh screamed as she walked into the house "HEY!" I yelled jumping up off the couch and hugging her, Jade, Jessy and Perri at the same time.

"Hi Zayn!" i said hugging him "hey!" he replied

"Hey!" i said hugging Liam "hey Kendra!" he smiled.

"Everyone is in the kitchen!" i said leading them all in the room.

"HEY!" Jenna screamed when she saw them. "HI!" Leigh shrieked when she saw Owen.

"O!" Jady said pointing to Owen "yah!" Jessy laughed and Jady nodded seriously and we all laughed "this is Owen!" Jenna explained "he's beautiful!" Jade said looking into his eyes that didn't have any colour yet.

Just then there was a knock on the door. "i'll get it!" i yelled walking out of the kitchen.

"Harry" i said wishing i never volunteered to open the door. "hey" he said plainly. we stood in silence "how are you?!" he asked still standing in the door way. "Good...i'm good!" i said sitting on the couch "Jady?!" he asked walking into the house "she good!' i forced a smiled. "listen...i'm sorry-" i cut him off "don't apologize!" I yelled.

The room was silent and i started to cry

"why are you-" he asked worried but i cut him off again "because Harry!'s could kill me a hundred times over and it still wouldn't come close to the pain i'm feeling right now!" i said still crying "i'm sorry-" i cut him off...again "YOU LEFT ME AT THE ALTER!...YOU HUMILIATED ME!...THEN TOLD ME YOU CHEATED ON ME!...and you think sorry is gonna cut it?!" i yelled still crying.

there was silence in the room

"that's what i though" i said quietly holding back my tears

"Kendra i'm-"

"Harry stop!" i cut him off "NO! listen to me! haven't let me explain my self-" i cut him off...again. "i don't want your explanation Harry! can't you see that!...cause then i know i'll just let you in again! and then i'll get hurt again" i said crying again. "Kendra i won't hurt you anymore!"

"Really!...i find that hard to believe!" I said wiping my tears.

There was more silence

"I want you to just...just...leave my life completely...but i know that's never gonna happen because...your gonna be around during birthday parties and Christmas and...i see you every time i look at Jady and...i'll always see you in magazines and billboards and...i want my kids to know her dad! so just...stop...stop making this so hard for me to get over you!...please!" i said crying again "i can't...because i promised my self that i wasn't gonna let you go with out a fight!"

"You screwed that up for your self Harry!...and for once you have nothing to hold against me!" i yelled

"i would never do any thing like this to you!...why did you do it to me?!" I asked wiping my tears. "because i'm stupid" he sighed sitting next to me "yah! are!" i said standing up and walking towards to kitchen door.

Then Jady ran into the room "DADDY!" she yelled jumping in Harry's arms. i just looked at her

She thinks he the best thing ever (besides the pets) and she doesn't see how much it hurts me to see him hold her!

"O!" she yelled, jumped off his lap and drug him across the room "what?! Harry laughed "O!" she yelled again "she wants you to see the baby...Owen" i said plainly and walked into the kitchen.







Chasing forever: Book 1حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن