Chapter 46

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Jenna's P.O.V.

"wheres Kendra?!" Alicia yelled as she walked back stage "still in her dressing room" i explained "God that girl!" she yelled walking down the hall and towards Kendra's dressing room.

"Why is she taking so long?!" Michelle asked taking a sip of her water "when i was in there she was having a melt down" i sighed

Suddenly we herd a door slam shut and Alicia yelling "KENDRA!" and then walked back down the hall and into the same room we were in "Alicia! Her friend just got murdered!" i yelled. she sighed and put hands on her head. "we can't do the show" she sighed "what?! why?!" i screamed since my fans were everything to me. "because i'm not letting her out on stage like this" Alicia continued. i sighed

She's right!...Kendra can't go out! she gonna have a melt down on stage!

Then i ran out onto the stage. "JENNA WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" Alicia yelled i just grabbed a mic from the stands as the crowd screamed

"Hi guys! you all know and friend of ours was killed the other day...what some of you don't know is that...Kendra reported it and she saw her friend...laying there...not moving...not breathing...that sorta stuff haunts people for the rest of their lives!...Kendra can't perform today...i'm sorry...but we'll try to organize another show for you guys so hang onto you tickets!" and with that i walked off stage. i didn't wait for a reaction from the crowed or anything i just ran off stage and ran to Kendra's dressing room. i didn't stop to hear Alicia or Michelle's reaction i just ran! My best friend needed me!

"Jenna!" Kendra yelled as i ran into the room. i just walked over and wrapped my arms around her "i'm scared!" she yelled into my shoulder "i know...but i'm here now...your'll be alright" i said rocking her back and forth squeezing her a little tighter with every word.


Kendra's P.O.V.

I walked into Jason's house and looked around. nothing was moved from the last time i was in there and it was still dark inside.the curtains were only letting in a bit of lite.

i called for Rusty but he wasn't around.

My heart was racing and i was sweeting.

Then all of a sudden there i herd a door slam shut and i slowly walked over to the hall way. it was pitch black but somehow i made it to Jason's bedroom.

I opened the door and saw blood all over the room. i reached down into my pocket but my phone wasn't there.

I spun around to run out the door but then someone grabbed me and threw me onto the bloody floor. i couldn't see who it was because he/she was in the hallway. I tried to scream but i couldn't

Then i herd a gun shot!

And then i woke up

It was the same dream every night. i looked over at my clock. 5:00am. i just curled up and a ball at the head of my bed with my arms tied around me knees and my eyes wide opened. i just sat there...reviewing my dream






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