Chapter 36: Scott's dead

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We were standing in the rain ready to fight Vic when Scott suddenly appeared.
"How'd you know?"
"Well your my Beta! I know! Now run!"
Scott yells at us and we listen. We ran to my car.
"Scott come on! We're not leaving you.!"
"I said go!"
"Go. I'm not leaving him. I have to help him."
"Liam no! I.. I can't leave withou..." I was crying so I couldn't get alot of words out
"Go. I'll be fine. I love you, so let me protect you. Go!"
And without saying anything I got into my car and drove off. Calling Malia.
"Go help Scott and Liam. They're at Sinema!"
I didn't give her time to say anything. I called Theo, Isaac the twins and Stiles and told them the same thing. I called Lydia and asked her to come to my house.

When I got there my phone rang.

You need to listen to me. Your mother is alive and she wants to kill Scott and all his friends. You need to leave Beacin Hills right now!
Dad... Scott is already fighting her. Actually he's fightimg her right now and my... Liam is there aswell!"
Were are they?
At club Sinema they told me to leave.
Get your weapons ready. I'll see you in a while we need to help them.

I didn't wait for Lydia I told her to go to the club and help. After about ten minutes my dad was at my house. We load the car and left.

When we got there my dad got out of the car first. I started to panic because I only saw Malia, Stiles and the twins. They were kneeling over someone. My heart stopped.
I got out of the car and ran to them. Vic was nowhere to be seen. When I looked down I saw Scott's lifeless body laying on the ground.
"Is he..."
"He's gone." Malia said with tears running down her face. I started crying aswell. Looking around,
"And Liam?"
"I don't know. Theo, Isaac and Liam just went that way and I didn't hear or see them in a while."
She points to where they went. I looked at my dad. He nods at me and ran in that direction.
"We need to get him out of here."
" And tell Melissa."
"That's going to be hard."
"Leave it to me guys." Stiles stated.
" I'm calling an ambulance."
I called and in about a minute they were there. Stiles Malia and the twins left with the ambulance to talk to Melissa.
I took my dad's car and went in the direction he went. Hoping to find anyone.

After searching for almost an hour I see someone leaning against a tree holding his chest. I got closer and when the lights hit the person it was Liam.
"Oh my god Liam! Are you oky?"
"Am I glad to see you."
"Are you oky? What happend?"
"Let's just say my 'mother in law' has a tiny bit of anger issues."
"A little bit?"
"Oky alot. Alot more than I do."
"You're bleeding." I look down to his chest. He starts laughing.
"Come on beautiful. You know I'll heal."
"I know but still. Hey were's my dad and..."
"Isaac and Theo?"
"Well all of them are tracking your mother's location as we speak. They told me to come get you and make sure you're oky."
"My dad didn't tell you did he?"
"Tell me what?"
"Scott's dead."
"Did she kill him?"
"Yeah. But he's still an Alpha."
"Yeah. I heard a myth once. It says that no one can steal a true Alpha's power except his own Beta."
Suddenly my phone rings.
"Allison get to the hospital. Fast. Oh and bring Liam."
"Malia what's this about?"
"Scott is still breathing but he's not going to make it. He wants Liam to take his power."
"What? Why?'
"It's the only way Liam will survive. He can't be without an Alpha so it's better for his survival if he's the Alpha."
"Oky well we'll see you soon."
And then I hung up. We got into the car rushing to the hospital.

When we got there we made sure Melissa was nowhere to be seen. We went into the morgue the only people there is Malia, Stiles and Lydia. Liam looks at me and I just nod my head.
"Scott are you sure about this?"
"Liam... You have to do this. I'm to weak to heal."
"I... I..."
"It's oky. Just do it. You're going to be good at this. I promise." Liam started crying barely getting a word out.
"Scott... Rest in peace."
"Liam... Just so you know, I'm so proud of you." He closed his eyes and slashed Scott's throat while crying so hard it sounded more like screaming.
Malia closed the freezer and grabbed Liam around his shoulders.
I felt so bad that I couldn't be there for him. But I was also having a hard time being strong. I mean... We just lost our Alpha. And one of our best friends. I see Stiles staring at the freezer. I walk over to him touching his shoulder. He looks at me.
"His last words were for you."
"Yeah, he wanted to tell you that you shouldn't blame yourself because of what happend to him or what could happen to any of us."
"Thank you for telling me."
"Sure. Excuse me please. I have to go home... Tell my dad Scott's gone. Bye."
I watched him leave when I see Liam walking up to me. I walk closer to him when he looked at me and said.
"I'm going to kill her. For good this time."
"I'm with you. Let's go. Malia you go with Lydia. Drop her off at Stiles's. Then follow our scents. It's going to be a long night."
Lydia freezes in her steps turned around and said,
"It's going to be a bloodbath."

Falling For The Werewolf//Allison ArgentWhere stories live. Discover now