Chapter 3: The Rebel side of Allison

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We are in the middle of nowhere. Talking about anything that came up. Not even looking at the time, because it didn't really matter.
"So , why did you decide to come to Beacon Hills?
"My parents ,I guess."
"Oh oky. So tell me what are your hobbies? You know apart from stalking"he start laughing.
"Uh ... Daydreaming."
"Hahaha. But seriously, what do you like to do?"
"I don't know I'm kind of boring."
"Come on there must be something your good at?" Theo looks at me with disbelieve.
"Oky fine! I'll tell you but if you laugh I will kill you!"
"Wow... I'm scared, hahaha" he teases.
"I'm good with archery..."
Theo's laughing went silent, and all if a sudden he puts on a serious face.
"You have to show me! That sounds awesome!"
"Maybe one day. My Father took my bow and arrows away when I moved here. I don't know why but yeah."
"That's weird..."
Theo start to tense up
"What?" I ask in nervousness
"For a minute it felt like we aren't alone."
"Uh... Theo... That's because we're not. What the hell is that?"
All of a sudden a large wolf like figure came creaping towards us. It has glowing Red eyes and claws. Not human at all.
"Get behind me...NOW !"
Theo yells. And I listened. As I'm standing behind him I hear something behind me. I slowly turned around pushing my back against Theo's. I see a guy walking our way. Totally on fire.
"Uh.....Theo we have another problem. Move!"
I push him out of the way as the guy who's on fire ran past us and turned into a black dog like creature. All of a sudden the 2 creatures start to fight. We made a run for it. We took a short cut that was alot closser to the school parking lot. When we got there I rushed to my car with Theo close by and out of breath,"Wanna hang out a little longer? It's only 08:30(pm) and the night can still get longer?"
" I should probably get home. Because of that test."
"Oh come on Alli , I was just starting to like the rebel Allison. "
"You like me?"
"Who wouldn't? Your amazing." He smiles at me.
"What did you have in mind for the rest of the night?"
"Tell me what we're doing before I change my mind."
" Lydia's party."
"I told her I'm not going because I had something else in mind."
"Let me guess... Studying?" He teases.
"Fine fine, your idea sounds way better." I admit shyishly
"Well then, get into my car before I have to use force and dump you into the back."
"Your not serious right?" I laugh nervously"

"If you take your time for much longer I won't be joking about it."
"Oky, oky geez!" I yell put rushing to the side of the car and sliding in.
"That's better. ", He closed the door and got into the car aswell.

Falling For The Werewolf//Allison ArgentWhere stories live. Discover now