Chapter 13: Two killers.'they killed each other'

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"Guys what if this is a trap?"
"Then we better stick together. And by that I mean you Stiles!"
"Oh please Isaac. I know what I'm doing."

"Oky guys.. we should split into groups. And see if we find anything out of the ordinary.
Theo... You go with Liam.
Isaac go with Allison.
Stiles you and me.
Kira Lydia and Malia, you guys go together. When something happens just call me. We all meet back here in 2hours." Scott demands and everybody listened.

"Come on Allison, let's go this way."
"Right behind you."
"You should be next to me."
Isaac says while laughing. I can feel Theo looking at us as we walk away. He's not going to stop me from getting to know Isaac better.

After a while of silence I started to think ... About our kiss. There was something between us I felt it.
I let out a small laugh. And immidiatly I can feel Isaac's eyes on me.

"What's so funny Silver?"
"Nothing. I'm just thinking."
"Wanna let me know about what you're thinking?"
"Mmmm... nope."
"Still no."
We walked in silence again. When Isaac suddenly stopped.
"What is it?" I whisper.
He turns to me.
"I smell something."
"You're stressed."
"Wait... What... You can smell that?"
"Of course I can."
"Oh cool."
"Do you know what I'm thinking about now?"
"No... No I don't."
"I'm thinking about what happend in the car."
"I uh..."
"Tell me if I'm wrong. You did that to make Theo jealouse?"
"You're beyond wrong. I did that to show you I don't care what Theo said. I like you and I'm not putting that on the line because Theo said so! I'm not affraid to say it."
"I'm speechless. Allison, you know that..."
All of a sudden I freez then I cut him off with a scream.
I run over to another body. And fell to the ground with tears in my eyes. I immidiatly recognised the person.
"Oh my god. Is that...?"
"That's my Mom." I forced the words out of my mouth. I start to freak out, finding it hard to breath. And just then I start to cry and scream at the same time.
Isaac picks me up from the ground and holds me to his chest giving a growl, for Scott and the others to hear. Minutes later they came runnig from all directions.
Theo saw me in Isaac's arms and got mad. He looked at me in a strange way. Like he wanted to be the one to console me. He tilted his head down, shaking it from side to side.
"Isaac get her out of here. Stiles call your dad."
"Scott the other body... It was a wolf wasn't it?"
"Yeah it was."
"Well I just identified both of the killers." I clearify, still standing in Isaac's arms and still crying.
"Liam, Theo you two come help me here. We need to figure out cause of death. Malia, Kira and Lydia you guys look around for anything, weapons or something."
"Come on Allison. Let me get you out of here. If you want I'll take you to your dad's ?"
"No. I want to go home."
"Then that's where I'll take you."
We went to his car and drove to my house in complete silence. When we got to my house, he walked me to my front door.
"Call me if you need anything oky?"
"Oky. Thanks."
He turns around ,walking back to his car. He just got into the car, when I reached for my phone and call him
"I need something."
"I'm on my way." He got out of the car once again walkimg over to me. When he reached my porch, I run from the front door and straight into his arms.
"I need a shoulder to cry on... No wait, actually I need your shoulder to cry on."
"Well you have it. Let's go inside. I'll make us some coffee. Then we can watch movies or do whatever you want to. Oky?"
"Oky. I'd like that."
We went into the house. Mea clinging onto Isaac as if he's a piece of gold. When he finished making the coffee I wanted to go up stairs and lay on my bed.
So we did.
In my room I was laying on my bed and Isaac was holding me. I pushed my face deep into his chest feeling his breathing and listening to his heart beat.
"Do you know what I want to do?"
"No, what?" As I look up at him he leans forward placing his lips on my forehead, then he looked me in the eyes.
My heart starts beating faster I can feel myself blushing.  I lean forward and kiss him back. Closing my eyes as my lips meet his.
"Isaac... I'm glad you're the one with me right now."
"Me too. There's no place I'd rather be, than here with you."
Before I can kiss him again I hear the front door opening and alot of voices. It's my friends.
"Please tell them I'm asleep?"
"Sure. I'll be right back." He gives me a kiss on the forehead again,before going downstairs.

I hear everyone asking if I'm oky, then I hear Isaac's voice.

Suddenly everyone let's out a gasp. I hear someone running up the stairs. It's Isaac.
"Your dad's here."
"Uhg great."
I run down with Isaac.
"She... Your mom... She's ... Gone."
"I know dad. Guys maybe you should go." I tell everyone.
But when Isaac walked past me, I grab his hand.
"Not you."
He smiles at me. I made some coffee for my dad. Isaac sat with him in the livingroom. But it was really quite. When I got there my dad's gun was laying on the dinning table pointed at Isaac, he is staring at Isaac.
The moment Isaac saw me he had that *help me* kind of look on his face. So I simply had to lay down the rules.

"No! Dad no guns!"
"Another werewolf... Really Allison? Why can't you have normal friends?"
"This one is... Special."
"Like how?"
"We're figuring that part out. Only thing you should know sir...
Is that I'm in her life. It's still complecated but I will take care of her and never put her in harms way."

"Well atleast you're better than that Raeken kid next door."
"So you'll give him a chance?"
"Sure I will, if he messes with you there is a silver bullet in his future. But any way listen... Funeral is on Monday, my father will be coming to town,so warn your friends."

Falling For The Werewolf//Allison ArgentWhere stories live. Discover now