Chapter 16: The Funeral.

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It's Sunday morning. I woke up and went down stairs to make myself some breakfast. I was just finishing up when someone knocking.
I run to the front door and opened it.
I yell out of joy as I jump into his arms.

"Wow someone missed me. It's only been 1day."
"One day too long!"
I give him a kiss. He didn't hesitate to kiss me back.
All of a sudden I notice someone behind him.
"Theo? Hi what's up?"
"Hi Alli. Sorry to bother you. I was going to ask if you wanted some company untill Isaac got back but looks like I'm a little late." He give Isaac a death stare and walked away.
"Am I missing something?"
"He's jealouse because I'm with you. And he isn't."
"Oh oky. So... You're with me?"
"If you want me to be of course."
"I'll think about it."
When he came into the house ,I closed the door behind him. I walked over to him and gave him a kiss on his cheek.
"I'm with you." I whisper
"For how long?"
"If it's possible... Forever."
"Good because I was counting on it."
He kiss me back on the cheek.
"How about I take you out? We'll have lunch at a restuarant and then see a movie. After that we go have dinner."
"I'd like that very much."


Later that day we went to a Mexican restuarant .Then we went to see a movie of my choice.
When the movie was over we we decided to go back to the Mexican restuarant and have our dinner there.
Around 8:30pm we went to my house.
When we got there we were chilling in the livingroom.
"Do we have to sit on the floor?"
"Yes we do. It's more fun. Now..."
I take a pause before speaking again.
"Tell me about your parents?"
"I can't tell you much. My mom died in the hospital almost directly after my birth. And my dad died about a year ago."
"Oh I'm sorry I didn't know."
"If I didn't want to tell you. I would have kept quite."
"Do you have siblings?"
"I used to. an Older brother. But the hunters got to him. So yeah it's just me."
"What happend to your dad?"
"You know Jackson? Lydia's boyfriend?"
"He killed him."
"Oh my goodness."
"Yeah but if you ask me he deserved it."
"Why would you say that?"
"He was an awful person."
And with that respond I can see that it's a touchy subject for him to talk about. So I decided to change the subject.
"Maybe we should get some sleep."
"Yeah that sounds good to me, I should be going anyway."
As he walked to the front door I grab him by his arm.
"Please stay."
"If you want me to stay... How can I say no to that?"
He smiles pulling me closer to him.
"Kiss me. And hold me close to you so I can hear your breathing for the rest of the night."

I put on my black dress and a pair of black tights. I did my hair  and when I was done we left to go to Isaac's house.
When we got there I didn't really take notice of what his house looked like inside.
He put on a black button up shirt and a pair of black pants.
We then left to go to the cemetary.
Isaac's POV:
We got dressed and left for the funeral.
I'm terrified of her family. But I'm not letting her do this on her own. Never in my life would I let her suffer alone. No matter how scared I am.

When we got there her father gave me a look that gives goosebumps.
"Hi sir. I'm really sorry about your wife passing."
"Thank you Isaac."
I nod my head. We were the first ones there. Then the rest of her family came. Then came one person who could identify me as a werewolf. Gerard.
"Allison. That guy... He's your grandfather right?"
"Yeah why?"
"He is going to see me. He knows me all too well . He knows what I am."
"I'll talk to him."
"Gerard... I want to talk to you."
"Sure thing sweetheart. What about?"
"About your job."
"Alright then I'm listening."
"Good, because today you're not a hunter. Today you're my grandfather."
"Ahh it's because you brought a wolf to the funeral." I can feel him looking at me. He has a very evil look in his eye.

He already has an idea of who to punish... Scott's pack. Even though we're innocent.

The preacher preached and we went to the grave. Allison is standing with her father. Or as I like to call him... Chris.
He is barely keeping it together and Allison's not doing so good either. Chris turns away leaving Allison alone standing there and watching the coffin. As if she is asking for a miracle that somehow her mom would wake up and step out of that white wood coffin.

"Isaac... Won't you help an old man burry his daughter in law?"
" Gerard... The only reason I'm here today is because of Allison. I know what you're thinking. And I'll say what you think aswell.... NO! Thís is nót our doing.!"
"Isacc do you think I don't know that?"
"Then why are you looking for a reason to talk to me?"
"I simply want you to help me lower the coffin."
"Yeah sure. Just so you know I'm doing this for Allison. No one else."
I walk to the coffin and start lowering it into the ground. I can feel everyone watching me.
When I turn around I come face to face with a woman Gerard brought with him.
"Thank you for your help today. I'm Louisa. Victoria's sister."
"I didn't even know she had one. It's nice to meet you."
I hold my hand out to greet her. She takes hold of it in order to shake it. But when she touched my hand... I felt numb. I quickly let go of her hand and make my way to Allison.

"Allison... I ... "
I stumbled upon my words as I see a purple substance on my hand.
And just after I said that I fainted.

Falling For The Werewolf//Allison ArgentWhere stories live. Discover now