Chapter 4: The Party

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As soon as we got to the party it was at full blast. Couples dancing and chilling in the pool. Everyone is drunk, although it's a high school party. Lydia as usual didn't care if she broke her mom's rules.
There were alot of older guys at the party. And also alot who's younger than us.
"You doing oky. Alli?"
Theo asks looking worried.
"Yeah, I just can't stop thinking about that thing. What it was, what it wanted and why it was trying to harm us, and then again the guy who was on fire? It's not normal that's for sure"
"Well I really don't know. But for now just don't think about it and enjoy the party." He smiles. Calming my thoughts.
Before I could continue talking to Theo, Lydia grabed me by my arm pulling me away from him.

"Hey you, glad you could make it. What changed your mind ?"
"Theo changed my mind."
"Why do I get the feeling you like him?"
"Lydia how in hell would I like a guy if I met him about a day ago?"
"I don't know. But there's definitly something."
"Lydia come on I barely know you. And you barely know me. How in the world would you know what's going on in my mind and so on?"
"Because girly. You don't have to know someone to figure out they like someone... Duh." She smiles handing me n glass of punch.
"Enjoy the party. I have to find my boyfriend." She turns around and walks away.

I start to look around searching for Theo when a girl with brown hair walks over to me.

"Hey, why do you look so lost?" She laughs
"Hi ,well because I only know 2 people. Which include Theo and Lydia." I say shyly.
The girl smiles at me
"Well now you know 3. I'm Malia.And you are?"
"Well Allison. Now you have 3 friends. Come on. Let me intorduce you to more people."
She grabs my arm and led me to a huge group.
There are 6guys and 1 girl.
"These are my friends. And now your friends aswell. Scott, Isaac, Liam, Stiles my boyfriend, Aiden and Ethan the twins, and last but not least Kira, Scott's girlfriend."
I look at all of them knowing their status. Scott: The leader
Stiles: The Mischief
Isaac : The Mysterious
Liam : The funny and serious
Aiden: Gym Crazy
Ethan : Apparently the Gay one
Kira : The brains.

"Hi guys I'm Allison."
Everyone in the group introduced themselves seperatly. All of them are very nice.

"Sorry guys I'm stealing her away from you. I want to dance." Theo all of a sudden grabs me by my waist moving me to the dance floor. Not caring what the others had to say.
"Wow your smooth Theo... Uh Theo... Wait whats your last name?"
Theo laughs
"Raeken, and yours?"
All of a sudden I feel Theo tensing up. And without saying anything he ran to Scott saying something to him then they turn to me. Walking closer I hear Scott say ,"Maybe she doesn't know what her family history is. Don't worry you'll know if something's up."
And that made my curious. What did my family have to do with anything?
All of a sudden I hear Kira say. ."Scott it's full moon! Guys, you should go. Now!"
Theo ran into the house and I followed him up the stairs.
"Please go away. I'm dangerous."
I didn't listen and went into the same room as him.
He started screaming and as he turned around his eyes were glowing yellow. I was afraid. But I wasn't planning on leaving.
"Theo?What's happening to you? What are you?"
"Werewolf." And that was all he said before turning completely. He turned to me storming in my direction. I back up until my back is against the wall. He seemd angry. I stood my ground. Determined to calm him down and to see what happens next.
He pins me against the wall growling at me. There is no sighn of Theo in those eyes. Just an enraged animal. I took a deep breath. Lifted my hand and put it on his face.
"It's the full moon isn't it? That's why you wnated to get away from me." He shakes his head up en down in respond.

"Theo I'm not afraid."
"You should be."
"Well I'm not. Just calm down. Take a deep breath and again and again until you feel relaxed."
He tried but it didn't work he got more furious and more violent.
"Oky try holding your breath ."
He try. He fail. He start going crazy turning away from me bowling his hands into fists trying to fight his urge to kill. The blood started dripping down his hand because of the claws digging into his palms of his hands.

All of a sudden out of the blue. I rushed over ti him turned him to face me. And kissed him. On the mouth. (I know right and I only know him a day)
I feel his body relaxing and as I pulled away he breaths in deeply. He's back to normal.
"Why did you do that?"
"Because when you changed and wanted me to leave I didn't. And with that you started having a panic attack. I read once that holding your breath can stop a panic attack. So... "
I that a pause before talking again.
"...When I kissed you, you held your breath."

"Thanks, I owe you."
"No problem. I should probably get home. It's past 2am and we have class tomorrow."
"Uh... Yeah sure I'll take you home. And I guess I should take you to school tomorrow because that's were your car is at the moment."
"Please ." I laugh and act as if nothing happend
We walked to the car got in and left the party.
"Thanks for the ride. See you later?"
"Yeah defenatly."
"Night Alli"

Falling For The Werewolf//Allison ArgentWhere stories live. Discover now