Chapter 21: The truth about Isaac

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"Isaac what is she talking about?"
"I don't know she's crazy oky. Just calm down."
"You're lying Isaac! Why?!"
"I'm not lying to you.I'm trying to keep you from the heartache."
He closes my side of the car door. And got in. He started the car and drove off.
"Isaac tell me."
"Not now."
"End of decusion."
I look at him feeling very annoyed. I had to know what his crazy aunt was talking about.
A few minutes went by. I couldn't take the silence.
"Isaac what did she mean by 'the one who came first left first?"
"Allison... Please don't."
"Tell me Isaac!"
"No! I ... I can't do this to you. I'M SORRY! I'm not telling you."
"You are keeping a secret from me?"
"It's better if you don't know. When we're back in town we're going to my house."
"Isaac please I deserve to know."
"You don't... You don't deserve any of this Allison!"
He glows his eyes. And for a second I swear it was Red. I didn't say anything.

The car ride home was silent. I wanted to put pressure on him to tell me. But by the looks of it he was very stressed.
When we got to his house we went inside. Isaac made some coffee and I was sitting at the dinning table. He hands me my cup and took a seat accross from me. Not drinking his coffee ,he sits with his head in his hands.
"Talk to me please?"
"I'll tell you oky? But before I do... You need to know, I didn't tell you earlier because I tried to keep you from that pain. So please ,keep that in mind ,oky?"
"Isaac just tell me!" I feel myself tense up as I await the news.
"It's Theo... He... He's gone Allison."
"What do you mean ? Where is he?"
I ask not understanding what Isaac was telling me.
He stood up and walked over to me, kneeling down infront of me.
"As in gone forever. He died last night."
"This can't be true. He's a fighter, he's strong? He can't be dead. "
"Yeah, he was. And I envied him for that. And for the fact that he had you wrapped around his finger from day one."

"What are you talking about?"

"You still have feeling for him don't you?"
"Isaac I... No... I don't... Uhg I don't know oky!"
"You are with me. You will not have feelings for someone else while we're together!"
He glows his eyes and it's red.
"Isaac what did you do?"
"What I had to. I did it for you. For us."
I take a few steps back, secretly pushing the call button on my phone. Not knowing who I'm calling as long as someone knows about this.
"For us? You killed an Alpha for us? Don't think I believe you!"
"I didn't kill a Alpha !I did other things."
"Tell me! What did you do?!"

He walks toward me grabbing me by the arm and forcing me in a chair. He ties up my hands and feet. While he is tying me up he held me down so I wouldn't run.
"Your mother didn't kill that wolf. I did. With her gun. After I..."
"Oh my god... You killed my mom! You son of a bitch how could you!"
"It's a war now. The supernaturals will win. Wiping out all of you Argent pests. And once they're all dead, I'll finish you off myself."
"You are a crazy dude. My family is strong!"
"Well thanks to you I don't have to worry about Gerard anymore. Now it's just Chris. He'll be easy to take out. My plan is coming together so nicely. I just have to wait till the hunters kill Scott then no one will stop me."
"What are you?"
"I'm the last experiment of the dread docters. When they died I escaped from the tunnels."
"This can't... That Douglas guy was the last experiment and he turned into a ghost rider! So what are you"
"I'm a Chimera! You idiot! I have more than just wolf powers. You have no chance of stopping me. I knew you wouldn't pick your father's side, because you have a loving emotion towards me. It gave me the advantage. My plan from the beginning was to make sure you don't get out alive when we were at my fake aunt's house. She knew who you were all along. But then I decided let's play this game a littke longer. And... Here we..."
He got cut of when all of a sudden a window shattered.
"Who's here? Did you call someone.!?"
"She called me!"
Scott yells at him.
"Why did I ever trust you?"
And without thinking twice Isaac attacked Scott. And without him knowing Aiden and Ethan came down stairs.
"We've been here the whole time."
Aiden looks at me and winking
"Geez thanks. So you would have waited untill he killed me before you did something?!"
"Come on Allison we had to wait for Scott."
"I really don't care just go help him."
Liam came in aswell. He untied me.
"Hi Al. Sorry about Theo. Looks like someone planed this."
"I have a good idea who it was."
I look over to Isaac who is pinned to the ground.
Liam runs toward them.
"Guys pick him up. I have a few questions to ask him ,before I kill him myself!"
Scott and the others forced him into a chair and tied him up with chains.
Liam walks toward Isaac. And came to a stop right infront of him.

"Tell me what you are."
"Something you would dream to be."
"That's not the answer I'm looking for!"
He digs his claws into Isaac's arms.
"Wolf Lion hybrid!" He yells out in pain.
"Did you plan a attack on Theo?"
"He deserved it."
"No! No he didn't!"
"We have diffrent agruments. Believe what you want. He did deserve it he was on to me. Knowing I was bad news. He almost messed up all my plans. I would never let him get away with that."
"He was trying to protect the one he loved! Even though she didn't know it!"
"Loved? Oh please! If he really loved her he would have done more to keep me away from her. She is just another Emily he lost."
"You told the hunters where to find Malia, right?"
"Why would I not tell them."
"She's dead because of you!"
"She's dead because she trusted an Argent!"
"Allison's harmless you sick..."
"Liam calm down. It's not worth it."
Scott grabs Liam's hand.
"We lost two of our friends Scott. It is worth it. No matter what it does to my eyes."

He rippes his hand back and turn to Isaac who was looking at him.
Before Isaac could say anything Liam looks at me
"I'm sorry Allison."
And with one movement he ripped out Isaac's throat.
I couldn't handle the sight so I ran outside before I freak out completely.
I just lost the guy I loved even though he was just trying to kill me.

When I woke up I was in my house.
So I decided to do some research on Isaac's kind. But I didn't find anything.
I grab my phone and searched through my contacts when suddenly I stopped at Theo's name. I wanted to call him and invite him over and tell him how sorry I was but I was a little too late because just then reality struck me like a lightning bolt...

e's gone.


Falling For The Werewolf//Allison ArgentWhere stories live. Discover now