Chapter 22 : Liam's easy

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It's been a month after Theo's death and I've been totally out of my mind. Getting sick actually. I didn't eat, sleep ,hung out with my friends or went to my classes. I mean what's the point? I've been feeling guilty eversince his death because I didn't spend time with him. I was just spending time with the guy I thought was inlove with me. But he ended up trying to kill me. How wonderful. Before I came to Beacon Hills I had a guy who also wanted to kill me, but I never knew why, until I learned my family's hobby.

I have been having nightmares ,of Malia yelling at me, telling me it's my fault she's dead. I can't even try to sleep because as soon as I close them the nightmares begins.
I can't get Theo out of my head. Maybe somehow, I'm waiting for a miracle to happen.

The worst part of it all I didn't get to say goodbye. He didn't have a funeral. So in other words there's no grave to go to for a little comfort. Each time my phone rings I look to see if it's him.

I'm currently living in a apartment 5blocks away from my house. I never saw what Theo's house looked like when I got away from Isaac. Visiting it would send me into Eichen House. And Scott forbid me to go there for my own sake.

Suddenly my phone rings. I pick it up and saw it was an unknown number so I decided to answer. Just because I haven't had any conversation in a while.


Is this Allison?
Yeah who is this?
That you don't need to know.
I think I would disagree
Look Argent. I'm just trying to inform you...
About what?!
About one of your friends Theo...
What about him?
Go to his house all the answers are there. You will even find some shocking news.Goodluck on your search.

Before I could ask what he was talkung about the phone line was cut off.

For the first time in a Month I decided to call Scott. But just when I got to his name I hesitate. Because he's the one keeping me away from Theo's house.

He's going to tell me to leave it alone. But how can I after a phone call like that?
Iwas ripped out of my thoughts when my phone rang.

t's Scott...

I have news.
Remember we didn't tell you where Isaac was?
How can I forget that?
Thanks for the sarcasm...
Just tell me what you wanted to please?
We took him to Eichen House. But...
Please don't tell me he escaped!?
Shit, so what now? Should I run away in terror... Or what?
No. But we need you to get your stuff from your old house. We and by that I mean, Liam, Stiles , Kira and myself will be moving into a five bedroom house.
Five bedrooms ? But there's only four of you?
You are number five.
Oh goody ,my third house in less than three months.
And also your longest conversation in two months.
Shut up oky. Will I be going to my house alone?
Yeah but if you need any help you can call we'll be more than glad to help.
Yeah yeah just tell me where it is.
I'll text you.
Ky, ky. Bye.

A few minutes went by, after I ended the call. With alot of hesitation I stand up from my bed and made my way to the one door closet, which has just enough space for seven shirts and pants,six dresses ,my underwear and four pairs of shoes.I'm actually glad to leave this shoe box of an apartment.

Falling For The Werewolf//Allison ArgentWhere stories live. Discover now