Chapter 25:Theo's alive

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Liam, Malia and I started the search. We went back to Theo's house. And all three of us go down into the tunnels. But this time Liam checks his watch.
As we walk through the first door. Liam's watch's arms start turning like crazy.
"Uh guys! Look!"
We both turn to Liam seeing what he sees.
"The time is moving forward. How is this possible?"
"The only way this is possible is when we're in a time loop."
"Not to be a downer or anything but that doesn't even make sense."
"Oh but Werewolves an werecyotes makes sence?" Malia stated.
"Fine you have a point. Lets go."
We walk through the last tunnel and door. Again there was the long grass and the house. But this time no one was standing outside.
We started running through the grass. And all of a sudden we find ourselves in the front yard of the house.  We went to the front door. "What now? Do we knock?"
Liam looks at me while smiling. He walks closer to the door and knock.
But the door flung open after the first knock. And on the inside of the house there's nothing.
"But how? What is this?"
"I don't know. Maybe we should keep looking around?"
"No need look." Liam points to the inside of the house. Where a person is standing next to the stairs.
My eyes widen as the person walks towards the front door.
It's a guy.

As he walks closer I start crying.

Mostly out of joy. I began to run towards him.
I yell and jumped into his arms. I smelled his body spray from all directions when he caught me. I dug my head into his neck. At that moment my eyes were exploding of tears. I never wanted this moment to end.
"I'm so sorry. About everything. I needed you more than I could have ever imagined."
"I know you are. It's oky."
"Theo... I don't know and don't care what you think... But I missed you so much. I just can't stop missing you."
"I missed you too, Alli."
"I'm just so sad right now."
"Because it's just one of my dreams again. So soon I will wake up and you will be gone."
"I'm real Alli."
I started hitting myself harder and harder to make sure I'm awake, and then I knew this was reality.
"What happend to you? Why didn't you let me know you were alive? It's been a month."
"I had to Alli. I'm so sorry. I knew that, if I wanted Isaac to believe I'm dead, I had to dissapear completely."
"I almost met my fate you know."
"I know and I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you."
"It's oky. I get it. You were trying to get the upper hand against Isaac."
"So you're not mad?"
"No. Even if I wanted to be I can't. Being mad at someone like you..."
He looks at me and smiled.
"Someone like me?"
"What am I?"
I start to see a flashback in my mind from the first day at universaty when we had the same conversation.
"You know..."
"No I don't. What am I?"
"You're..." I take a deep breath. "You're a..." I look at him. Smiled and walked closer to him.
"Oh just shut up and kiss me!"
I demanded and he didn't hesitate. He grabbed me around my waist pulling me closer. And then kissed me.
"I missed your kisses."
"I only kissed you once?"
"I know. One time is enough for me to remember a lifetime."
"You're so cheesy!"
I playfully punch him on his arm.
"Please come home with me?"
"Alli I..."

"No! You are coming to my house That's final!"
"You know what!?"
"You're super cute when you try to be mad."
"I can't be mad at someone like you."
"Someone like me?"
"Like I said before. Shut up. Let's go."
We started walking back to the door and he came to a stop infront of it.
"Before we go back I need you to tell me what I am.'
"Oky I'll tell you...
You are my weakness. You keep me sane. You are my, Mister Good looking and my, Mister Amazing. And hopefully one day, I will be able to tell ,you how much love I have inside me . Just for you."
And while we were having this conversations I totally forgot about Malia and Liam. I turned around and looked at them.
"Oh my god is the cheesyness over?" Liam stated.
"I hope so! Man I'm not even so cheesy with Stiles!"

"Yeah yeah. I missed you guys as well."
Theo walked to them while laughing. Then he hugged them.
"Guys. Let's get out of here. "

We walked through the tunnels. Malia and Liam leading the way. While I walk next to Theo. Holding onto his arm.

"Are you oky?"
"Yeah. Why?"
"You're gripping my arm so tight. As if you're scared?"
"I am. To loose you again."
"You won't. I promise."
"I know. But I'm just being sure."
We walked uo the stairs and went outside.
"My house... It looks super bad. I'm going to need alot of money to restore it."
"No not at all. My house is open for you."
"Why is your house open?"
"Scott made a safe house to protect me from Isaac."
"You don't have to stay in the safe house anymore. I'm back."
"Scott won't like this Theo. Allison's dad is the only other Argent that's alive. Isaac killed Allison's mom."
"Yeah Theo. Malia has a point. And we don't want to loose other friends."
"Liam you didn't actually loose friends. We're all still her and all still alive."
"Yeah Liam, Theo has a good point."
"Allison. Of course you'll side with Theo. Malia and I are only trying to keep you safe. After all you're human."
"Listen guys... Theo's back and he will keep me safe. I know that for sure."
"Liam... It's oky. Really, I'll be fine."
I see the worried look on Liam's face. But I ignored it.

We went to the safe house and got the stuff that was mine. After that Theo and I went back to my house. We unpacked everything and made sure there was no one there who's uninvited.
After that we made dinner.
"Why does it feel like you're mad at me?"
"I'm not. I'm just..."
I take a deep breath before speaking again.
"About what?"
"About how you ended up in a time loop. And how did you know to go there?"
"Isaac's not the only one who knows a Time Kitsune."
"Oh my goodness. It was an Illusion?"
"Jip. The place you saw was actually a buncker."
"But the grass... Everything felt way too real to be an illusion?"
"That's how a Time Kitsune work."
"Oky. Next I want to know what happend?"
"Why are you even asking. You know what happend. Isaac..."
He gives me a look.
"Did he really do this? Himself? And why did we find one of his shirts at what's left of your house?"
"He didn't do it himself. He tipped off your dad. And the reason why you found that was because he was at my house a day before the explosion. We were hanging out. Swimming and you know, guy stuff. Then I asked him how you were doing and he just lashed out. Leaving without his shirt. Before he left I could sence jealousy and hate."
"So my dad did this? What or who told you to go down there?"
"Well to be honest. Nothing. When I saw my window shatter in the living room and the bomb afterwards, I just made a run for it. So I went in there because it's the safest place to be."
"Why didn't you come up when I was there or when it was over?"
"I wanted to make sure Isaac tgought I was dead. So I got the upper hand for once."
"He wants me dead."
"I know but he won't kilk you before..."he gives me a worried look.
"Before he kills your dad."

Falling For The Werewolf//Allison ArgentWhere stories live. Discover now