Chapter32: No more funerals.

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It's been a week since I found out about my mother being alive.
I was kind of hesitating to tell my dad but I had to.
So today's the start of a new week. It's Monday.
A week after I found out that Theo and I might not be surviving this relationship, and a week of happiness for Liam and his new girlfriend. I still can't believe we kissed. I never had the idea he had those feelings towards me. But I kind of had this butterfly feeling in my stomach when I see him. Am I crushing in him without actually noticing it?

At this moment I was on my way to go to my dad's when suddenly Malia burst into the front door stopping me in my tracks.
"My dad's gone Allison."

"Gone as in?*
"As in Dead!"
"But...what happend ?"
"There's a new werewolf in town."
"No... This can't be. She would never..."
"She? Who are you talking about?"
"No one oky. I just... I have to talk to my dad. I'm really sorry for your loss. Let me know if you need help with the funeral." And without waiting for a response I ran out of the front door, got into my car and raced over to my dad's house.

"Dad! Dad! I want to tell you something!"
"Sorry sweetheart. I think daddy already knows."
"Mom... I mean... Vic... What are you doing here?"
"Visiting my husband."
"If he didn't make it clear you're not his wife any more."
"Shut up you little Bratt!"
"Get out. Before I take you out with force."
I grab hold of my ring daggers and point them to her.
"Does your boyfriend know you are out hunting his kind?"
"No. Because I'm not hunting his kind. I'm defending my friends and family. And by family I mean my dad."
"Allison. Sweety. You don't have to act. I know hunting is in your blood."
"And looks like killing my friend's dad was in your's."
"We have to get our bloodlust under control. But we can only do that if your friend's father wasn't wandering around the woods in the middle of the night. Probably looking for his werecyote daughter."
"You stay away from her!"
"Hm. Maybe I will. Maybe how  I should just start with... Isaac instead. He doesn't have family that's going to miss him."
"Well... Isaac might not have a family..."
"Or a pack..."
"I don't care. Because he has me. And I won't let you hurt him. Or any of my friends for that matter."
"Sweety. You are only human."
"A human... With a pack of werewolves behind her. I think you should choose your moves carefully. Vic!"
"Oh I am. Very very carefully. You will see me again Allison , sooner than you'd hope."
Suddenly she was gone. I ran through the entire house, but my dad's not here. Then I remembered he said, if I don't know where he is ,check the fridge. He always leave notes.
When I walked into the kitchen, there was a sticky note on the door saying:
Out of town for the week. Having meetings everyday. See you on Sunday.
Love you.

After I read the note,I went back to my house and called Malia over, for moral support and to help her with the funeral setup and planning.
"Allison... Who were you talking about earlier?"
"My mom. She's alive."
"Holy hell... But how?"
"She was turned, by the werewolf she killed. Remember... We found their bodies."
"Yeah. I think we should ask the Sheriff ,who the other person was. Because his face was too messed up to recognise. Then it would make a little sense I guess."
"Who's car are we taking?"
"Mine. You're driving."
Malia smiles at me while throwing her car keys in my direction. I grabbed them and walked to her car that was parked right infront of my door.
We drove in silence for about two minutes when Malia broke the silence.
"Why aren't you talking to Theo?"
"I don't know I guess I just don't feel safe anymore. I know it's wrong ... I just can't think of a possible reason for him to kill his own sister."
"Oky look. Yeah he did some bad stuff in the past. But you guys fit. Oky? There's nothing else to it. "
"Thanks Malia."
"Yeah sure. And to be honest, you and Isaac fit aswell, you know before things went south. If you're having boy trouble I'll help. You pick one. We get rid of the other one..."
She gives me a evil smile.
"Just one thing though... The body's your problem."
I start laughing and shook my head.
When we got to the Police station there was a very good looking sports car parked at the entrance.
"Oh crap. Things can just get better."
"Nevermind. Let's just do what we came here to do. And leave."
We walked in and as soon as I look to the front desk, there was a guy.  He had blonde brownish hair, a nicely toned body and a very visible jawline.
"Ladies..." He greets us. But before I could say something back Malia let out a sigh and suddenly grabbed him by his shirt then threw him to the ground.
"Malia... Charming as ever."
"Why are you here Jackson!? Did you come to hurt Lydia some more? Because I promise you... If that's the case I'll hurt you. No wait actually ,I'll kill you!"
"Chill Malia. I'm gay."
"Wow... I thought I saw a little bit of gay in that hairstyle."
"Haha! Good one!"
"Oky who the hell is she?"
"My best friend. And also a Argent so watch yourself."
"Oky cool. Sorry. Nice to meet you. Now... Malia get the hell off of me!"
"You still didn't say why you're here!"
"Remember Boyd?"
"Well his father gave me a call. He want's me to help him find his son's killer."
"But... Wait... You know who his killer is."
"Yeah that's why I'm here. To get a tag on him."
"Uh, sorry. Hi. Yeah. Who's this guys killer? Maybe an Alpha of some kind or what?"
"Yeah. He was this guy's Beta."
"Who's the Alpha?"
"As in Derek Hale?"
"Allison. You know Derek?"
"No but, my dad does. And he's looking for him too."
Deputy Parrish calls Jackson. Leaving me and Malia looking at each other. When suddenly, the Sherrif's door went open.

"Let me guess. Can't figure it out without me?"
"Kinda." Malia smiles nervousely.
In some weird way. I think my dad knows about my mom. And about that email. Why else would he try to get into my phone?
And my guess is he already knew who Vic's Alpha is.
"Come in. Just close the door behind you."
We walked in and sat across for him.
"We want to know ,who's body we found, the time my mom died. Please."
"The one who killed Allison's mom in the process."
"Oky. But why is this so important?"
He looks at us while rammiging through files in his desk drawer."
"We might have something. We just want to... Figure it out."
"I get it. You want revenge?"
"No. Not at all. We just want to know if that person could have been a werewolf ,which would mean..."
"He's not really dead."
"Oky so this is the file. And the guy... It is... Um..."
"Sheriff spill it!"
"It's definatly a werewolf. An Alpha to be exact."
"Derek Hale."
"So what now?"
"Now. We kill the baster who's Beta killed my dad!"
"He has a new Beta? Who?"
"My mother."
Before we got into the car I stopped and looked at Malia.
"I'm going to end this. All of it. No more funerals. I promise you now I will not stop untill we avenge your dad."
And without saying anything else we got into the car and left to go to the hospital. On our way there we didn't say a word.

When we got there we did not want to waste any time ,we ran into the Main entrance.The first person we saw was, Scott's mom.
And just the right person ,we wanted to see.

How can I help you girls?"
She says with a smile. As if she's happy to see us.
Before I could say something, Malia gives her a look and says,

"We need to see Derek's body please."
"Should I even ask?"
She looks nervouse.
"Probably not." 
I asure her. Just to be a little sympathetic.
She smiled and motioned us to follow her.  We went into the morgue.
"Oky. So he's  in the middle . Second last freezer. Just be quick. I can get into trouble."
We nod and walk over to the freezer. While Melissa was being a lookout.
When we opened it... There was no body.
"Shit. What now!?"
"Now... We find him."
"And what then?"
"We kill him... We kill Derek Hale."

Falling For The Werewolf//Allison ArgentWhere stories live. Discover now