Chapter 24: The search continues.

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We are looking for a shirt or anything Theo touched recently ,for Liam to catch a scent.
"Find anything?"
"Nope. Nothing."
"We need to find him."
"And we will."

All of a sudden Lydia picks up a shirt.
"Maybe this will help?"
"Let me try. Give it here."
He takes the shirt from Lydia. He smells it. Then shake his head.
"It's not his. It's Isaac's."
"I knew that looked familiar."
"Keep looking."
We split up and walked around.
My eyes landed on the jacket he was wearing the last time I saw him. I pick it up.
When I see a memory flash before my eyes. The night I kissed him, he was wearing it. How can I forget him in a leather jacket? Total badboy.

I throw the jacket to him. He smelled it and looked at me in a weird way.
"You were all over him. Weren't you?"
"Shut up oky! Just tell me if you can find something?"
"Actually I can. I smell mostly you. But there's a bit of his scent still on the jacket. And it seems he's alot closer than we think.

As I'm walking through the wood and glass my eyes catch a door peeking out from under a rug that was laid in the livingroom. So I decided to pull the rug away. I had to move wooden frames and pieces of glass to get to the rug. Before I decided to pull on the rug I check to see what time it is. It's 1am. We should really find somethimg soon I'm getting tired.

I start to pull on the rug to uncover the door. When the whole rug was away from the door ,I hesitated at first ,but then pulled on the handle.
The door flung open with a massive cracking sound. It was darker than dark down there. I grabbed my phone to use the flashlight.
I went down the steps. And told the others to wait for me. When I reached the bottom there was a long tunnel with flame torches against the wall. I followed along the tunnel until I came to a stop, infront of a metal door. It looked old, and rusted.
I touched the door and it started to screatch as I opened it. And that sound made my jump and look around.
When the door was open ,I entered and again there was a long tunnel infront of me. But this time there's no torches. So I had to use my phone's flashlight again.
I kept walking and walking. After a while I saw another door.

"I'm really going to turn back if it's just another dang tunnel behind that door." I say out loud to myself. I'm feeling very tense and stressed about what I'm going to find.
I opened the door infront of me, but this time it's a wooden door.
As I stepped through the door .
I'm suddenly outside.
I start to look around not knowing were I am. The only thing I knew was that I'm no longer in Beacon hills. Because it was early morning in Beacon Hills. Here the sun is setting.

Right in front of me there is a field of green grass and a house on the far side of the field. Nothing else, for miles. It's just that house.
I hesitated and wanted to turn back but all of a sudden something pushed me to go on. So I started walking through the long grass. From far it doesn't look long. But that is untill you walk through it. As I'm walking I start to feel the stress building up. I came very close to the house. But then I saw someone. A guy . He was standing outside. Looking at his surroundings. I can't see his face so I decided to go closer. When I saw his neatly built edges, I felt my heart beating really fast. He still doesn't see me. And that's a good thing. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't see his face. So it is obviouse what I should do... Go back and tell the others about this.
I turn around as quitely as I possibly can and walked away. When I was far enough from the guy ,I started running.
I reached the door. And ran through the tunnels. When I reached the top  where Lydia and Liam was waiting for me they looked very concerned.
"Where were you?"
"Down there why? I wasn't gone for that long?"
"It's 5am Allison. You were down there for four hours."
"It can't be. It didn't even feel that long." I look at the time and she was right. It is 5am. This is so weird.

"Whatever. Did you find something?"
"You know I did. But I think we should get some rest. Since we've been at this from midnight."
"Sounds good to me." We started walking to our cars while Liam broke the silence.
" So are you going to tell us what you saw?"
"I don't know how to describe it. It was kind of magical. I walked through a tunnel followed by a door and again a tunnel. When I reached the last door, I opened it and I was outside. The sun was starting to set. So where ever I was... It's not Beacon Hills."

"What else? And if it wasn't Beacon Hills... What town were you in?"

Well there was long grass up to chest hight and a house. It was beautiful. Oh and then there was..."
I paused. Staring out infront of me. All of a sudden I say...
"That body... Neatly built edges..."
"What? You found a body?"
"A dead one?"
"No Lydia. Actually it was a person. A living ,breathing person."
"What was the person doing?"
"Standing. And looking at the sunset."
"Who is it?"
"If I knew I would've told you!"
"Well we have to go see."
"No not right now. What we need to do now is, get some rest. We were at it aal night. And it's already 05:30am."
"Fine, but we have to tell Scott about this right?"
"Yeah I mean he's the Alpha. And He is good at solving mystories." Lydia added.
"Yeah. And we will. But first... Rest."
"Yes ,please." Liam says smiling
"Oky see you guys at home?"

We got into our cars and drove to the safe house. While I was driving I was thinking.

'why did we ffind Isaac's shirt in Theo's house? Did he hang out with him before the explosion?'
Then I shake me head to get rid of that thought. Then I start to think about Theo. Our day off from school and all the fun we had. Untill ...
"Red glowing eyes!" I yell out loud. And when I said that I was just stopping infront of the house.

"Oh my god you guys! I just had a thought."
"Yeah? What about?"
"That night of Lydia's party when Malia introduced me to all of you. Did Isaac come with the group? "
"No he didn't. He said he's going to be a bit late."
"Why? What does that have to do with anything?"
"Before the Party. Theo and I were walking in the woods. When something with Red eyes stalked us. Then a guy... I mean Parrish came running past us to attack the one with the red eyes."
"Wait. Di you think it was Isaac?"
"It can be possible right?"
"More than possible. He came to the party about twenty minutes before you and Theo."
"We might be on to something."
"Get Scott?"
"Not yet. Rest first."

We all agreed and went to sleep.

I was sleeping for an hour when I woke up to find Liam and Lydia standing infront of my bed.
"I saw something. I'm going to leave you and Liam to figure it out. I'm leaving to see where my vision sent me."
"No but we need you?"
"Malia will be going in my place. She's good at tracking."
"Don't worry. We'll soon get everything we need to prove Theo's alive."
"I hope your right Liam."

Falling For The Werewolf//Allison ArgentWhere stories live. Discover now