Chapter 18:Threat.

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Allison's POV:
"Allison... I..."
Isacc looks down at his hand and so do I. Suddenly I look up at him,
"Wolfsbane..." He looks at me with a shocked face.
And right after saying what it is he fainted and everyone saw. I asked my dad to bring the car around to load him in before my family realises what he is.
My aunt was standing and smiling so just then I knew Isaac's life was in danger. My family's active again, and this time for revenge.
"Dad you drive. I'm going to try and wake Isaac."
"Sure thing. You know they won't stop. And after today I won't either. They will all pay for this."
"Isaac had nothing to do with the death of my mother! The werewolf who killed her, died with her!"
"Do you really think I would believe that? You know every werewolf in this town wants us dead because they are scared of us. So tell your friends,after today, they should watch their backs."
The rest of the car ride to my house was silent. I failed to wake Isaac up. I waited till we stopped at my front gate.
And I decided I don't need help from my dad, I took my phone and called Theo to come and help me.
"Oh my god... Is he alright? What happend?"
"My aunt got to him with a hand full of wolfsbane. But don't act like you care. I know what you feel towards him."
"You know Allison... I do care. He's my friend."
"Oky if you say so. Just help me."
We load Isaac out of the car and carried him to my room where we then layed him on my bed.

"Ah , I see you two are already getting very cozy with each other."
"Theo... Shut up oky?"
"So no denying it then?"
I roll my eyes and punch him against his arm.
"I said... Shut up!"
He sees it as funny and starts laughing.
"How do we wake him up?"
"First of it would be nice if he slept till tomorrow because it's full moon tonight..."
He takes a pause. Giving me a evilish smile.
"Second, did you notice the purple powder on his hand? "
I look at him in confusion.
"It's still paralising him. You didn't think about, I don't know, maybe cleaning his hand?"
"Keep your sarcasm to yourself. I'm still new at this."
I run to the kitchen and grab a pack wet wipes I usually use when I'm makimg dinner. Then I run back to Isaac. I take one out of the pack and clean his hand. Then I take another one to make sure I got all the Wolfsbane off of his hand.
I sit down on my bed next to him. Putting my hand on his chest.
"Oh god you're so cheesy. I'm leaving."
"Fine go then!..."
I take a pause.
"Oh and Theo..."
"Thanks for your help."
"No problem. If you ever need help again and if you can't figure it out just call me."
"Thanks. Enjoy your day."
"Sure. You too. Bye."
"Wait... How long till he's awake?"
"Don't know. But I suggest that when he's waking up... You leave. He can't control his shift."
"Oh so in other words he's like you?"
"Shut up. Bye."
I laugh.
"Yeah bye to you to."
It's almost been an hour after I cleaned Isaac's hand but he's still not waking up. I wasn't planning on leaving his side. I will sit here and wait till he's awake, even if it takes all night.

The seconds turned into minutes and the minutes into hours, but still nothing. He's laying there not even moving.

I grab my phone and call Scott.



Hi Scott it's Allison

Oh hi. Any news of Isaac?

Well. Uhm. That's why I'm calling.

Did something happen?

No. That's the point. Nothing's happening. He's been out for almost 3hours and he hasn't even moved. Theo told me to clean his hand were the wolfsbane powber was. And I did. But still nothing. What do I do?

You do nothing. We're on our way.


Yeah... Stiles, and my boss Deaton is coming with me.

Why your boss?

Just trust me. See you in five.


Exactly five minutes later Scott and the others arrived at my place.
"Scott it's full moon shouldn't you be, I don't know, locked up?"
"No. I've learned to control it."
"Allison, I'm Deaton, where's Isaac? "
"In my room. Up the stair, last door at the end of the hall."
"In your room? I didn't think things were serious."
"What is it with you guys and Isaac being in my room geez. Did I have to leave him on the coatch?
They start laughing. But was cut off when Deaton came back down the stairs.
"Allison, come with me please?"
"Sure." I say stressed as I follow him up the stairs. While I was walking I heard Scott say,
"She's so stressed out I can smell it."
Stiles just laughed. I shook my head and ignored him.

When I got into my room Isaac was awake. But before I could go to him Deaton stopped me.
"Allison, I gave him a shot to get the wolfsbane out of his system. He might be a little aggresive so be careful."
"Thanks Deaton."
He nodded and said goodbye before leaving with Scott and Stiles.
"Allison... I'm sorry."
"About what ?"
"About being stupid. I should've seen it coming. I was getting weird glares from her the entire time."
"Hey... Shh... Don't worry about it. I didn't know she would go so far."
"Now she knows I'm with you. And soon enough she'll figure out that all of your friends are like me."
"Well not all of them. There's a banshee, a kitsune and a Stiles."
"Ha yeah. Don't forget the Stiles."
"How are you feeling?"
"Like I want to rip someone's head off."
He yells. And jumps up from my bed.

"Allison. Go. The moon is out!"
I didn't hesitate. I ran out and closed the door. All of a sudden I hear a window shatter.
And just then I knew that all hell is breaking loose tonight.
The first thing I thought to do is let Scott and the others know what was happening.
But before I could call them,tge front door swings open.
"Dad? What are you doing here?"
"I'm here for Isaac. I told you Allison. They'll all pay for your mother's death."
"I won't let you hurt my friends!"
"Oh sweetheart... I'm not going to hurt them, I'm going to kill them." He starts laughing like a mad man.
So I ran to my phone and called Scott warning them. Even though my dad was standing infront of me.
"You might not save all of them. You might win round one. Or you might fail terribly.
But just remember... At some point you'll join the fight."
"Yeah... You're right , I will join the fight... The fight against you!"
"You're an Argent Allison! Killing is in your blood!"
"Well then... I will be doing some killing, in the atempt to save my friends. Get out!"
I yell at my dad and my words made him take a step back.

"You won't win. Not against me." He walks out of the door and drove off

About an hour later my phone rings.

*phone call*

Let's make a deal Allison?

What kind of deal?

The only thing standing between my gun and Isaac.

What do you mean by that?

In other words. You will accept my deal or else I'll kill Isaac.

Fine it's not like I have a choice.

You really don't

Fine I'm listening...

Falling For The Werewolf//Allison ArgentWhere stories live. Discover now