Chapter 27 : The Oni has returned.

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A few weeks has past and Isaac still didn't show. We were starting to think it was over. But we spoke a bit too soon.
With Scott, Stiles, Lydia ,Aiden and Ethan aswell as Kira gone, we were having major stress issues. I couldn't sleep or think straight. Isaac could strike any moment and we won't be ready.
On the plus side...
My dad was actually being nice to Malia and the guys. But I know for a fact can change at any minute.

I am currently alone. Malia went to see her dad. Liam went to Deaton and Theo had classes to run.
Chris was out and about as usual so that leaves me being bored. I decided to go to the universaty and see how Theo's doing.

When I got there, I walked into the main doors. At that moment a girl, my age, was standing next to Theo. Fliddling with his jacket and flirting with him. He didn't seem to care. It looked like he was enjoying the attention.
"Uhem..." The girl shoots me a glare of confusion.
"I think you can let go of my boyfriend now!"
The girl looks shocked and walked away quickly.
"Hey baby."
"Oh no you don't."
"I leave you alone for a day and you already allow girls to hang onto you. That's not how things should be."
"Oh come one babe. Don't be like that."
"She was flirting with you. Infront of everybody."
"I didn't even noticed. I wasn't even listening to what she said. I was day dreaming."
"About what?"
"About my beautiful girlfriend."
"You're not fooling anyone."
"Babe I'm sorry oky. It's not like I wanted her or anything. I didn't even look her way."
"Don't let it happen again!"
"I love it when you get jealouse."
"Shut up. So listen, we have to be as sharp as a razor blade. Isaac can strike at any moment. My thoughts were that he knew Scott and the others are leaving."
"Yeah. I see your point. Maybe he was counting on them leaving. That way he would have less complications when he's trying to kill you and your Dad. Smart move."
"We need to be on the lookout. Oky? For once in my life I'm scared."
"Yeah, me to."
"Why are you scared?"
"Because just the thought of you getting hurt makes me terrified."
"Don't get all cheesy with me mister."
I walk toward him and put my hand on his shoulder. And slightly pulling him forward before kissing him.

"Raeken! No kissing in the hallways!"
We turn around and see coach standing behind us.
"Fine we'll take it outside then." I say while blushing my ass off.
We turned around and walked to the main entrance. But we got stopped by Danny. Ethan's former boyfriend.

"Hey guys, I'm having a party tonight. Since halloween is around the corner. "
"Wait... So this is as dressup party?"
"Yeah. You have to come. Tell the rest aswell."
"Oh it will only be us. As in Allison, Liam, Malia and I. But if we are more I'll let you know."
"Cool. See you guys tonight them. Any time from 8pm."
"Sure. See you tonight."
We turn around and walked outside.
"Babe. I have the best idea ever!."
"What do you have in mind?"
"Weeeeeelll... For the party."
"Wait. We don't have to dress up. Well you do but I don't."
"That's what I was thinking. Only thing we do is paint some claw marks on your chest and rip your shirt. As for me..."
"You'll be my hunter." He gives me a smirk. I feel satisfied knowing both of us had the same idea.
"We're so meant to be!"

It's almost time for the party. So we started getting ready.
"You guys had an amazing Idea. Maybe I should also be a hunter with Allison. And Liam can also be the hunted, just like Theo." Malia stated
"That could work. I mean we are a pack after all."
We laughed as I started going through my clothes, for something that would look perfect on Malia.
Just as she was changing her shirt my bedroom door flew open.

"Oh my god. Don't tell me you guys are going to a party without me!" A familiar strawberry blonde came into my room.

"Oh my god! Lydia!!"
I run towards her hugging her as if she's been gone for a very long time even though it was just three weeks.
"Hey girlies. So tell me. You two, hunter?"
"Yeah. It was Theo's idea. I just wanted to suggest that they go as werewolves."
"It's better to play the part.'
" What do you wanna be?"
"I was thinking a Skinwalker. I have the outfit and everything."
"Guys we better hurry. The guys are already here..."
She gives us a look the put her hand to her mouth and whispered, "I can smell then."
I just shook my head and laughed. While Lydia was giggling.

We soon went to the Loft where Danny was throwing the party.

When we got there the party was already at full blast even though it started thrity minutes ago.
"Why are you guys late! Didn't I tell you to here at 8pm?"
"Oh come on Danny. We're only thirty minutes late. And besides..."
"Little miss perfect over here did her hair four times!" Malia interupted pointing to Lydia.

She just smiled and walked past everyone. Swinging her hips from side to side.
Malia and Liam left to go dancing. Theo and I decuded to dance aswell.

After a while I see Lydia looking around as if she's lost. So I decided to walk to her with Theo close by.
"Lyds? Are you oky?"
She turns towards us and stared at us saying, "They're back."
"Who? Who's back?"
All of a sudden we see seven masked figures with glowing eyes standing on the dance floor.
"The Oni."
Theo looked worried. "Who are they?"
Malia and Liam came running towards us.
Before Malia said,
"They're supernaturals ,who only appear when things are going to go wrong."
"What do they want?"
"This can't be possible. Can it?" Liam asks with a rattle in his voice.
"But maybe it is." Theo looks terrified.
"Let's call Scott." Malia suggested.
"Please tell me what's going on?!"
"Void is back!"
"Void?" I ask looking at everyone in a cinfused way. When Theo said,
"The Kitsune Void. The one who thrives on darkness and chaos."
"Oh my god. We need to call everyone.  Forget Scott's rule! This is big!" I say looking at everyone before I spoke again.
"Where is he?" I ask ,as I look over to Liam.
"Hopefully... Far away from Stiles."

Falling For The Werewolf//Allison ArgentWhere stories live. Discover now