Chapter 23: When is a Banshee ever wrong

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"Oh my god Lydia. You made out with Theo! Didn't you!?"
"No I didn't!"
" Then why would you say his name while making out with Jackson!"
"Because..." I grab my pocket crossbow out of my shoulder bag I was carrying with me.
"Because what Lydia? Give me one reason not to shoot you in the face with my crossbow."
Just after I said that Liam and the other's came running into the kitchen.
"Allison! What are you doing she's your best friend!"
"Shut up Liam! Talk Lydia! Why did you say his name!"
She starts crying.
"Because I get the feeling he's alive!"
I look at her with tears running down my cheeks. I throw the crossbow to the ground, and ran up the stairs while crying.

Poor Lydia. She'll never forgive me. I lay on my bed while crying. When someone knocked on the door.
"Go away!"
"No. I'm coming in."
Liam came into my room. He walks over to me and sat on the edge of my bed. Putting his hand on my leg.
"Allison. It's oky."
"No it's not. I almost hurt Lydia. My feelings are all over the place since Theo's death. I just don't understand who would do this."
"Allison I can't answer that question. But I can offer you some comfort. And a shoulder to cry on."
"At this moment I need a hug and a bottle of vodka."
"Well I'll give you that hug. But no vodka for you." He smiles at me. He stood up from the edge of  my bed and walked to the side where I was sitting while hugging a pillow.
"Move over."
He get onto the bed and sat next to me.
"Oh my goodness I feel so bad. Lydia probably hates me."
"One way to be sure is to make up and ask her if she feels strong about her theory. Then join forces to find him."
"But what if her theory isn't right?"
"Then, it's time for you to make pease with reality."
I start crying.
"I'm not ready to say goodbye. I mean I hardly said hello."
"You will never know if you don't search for him. What are you going to do if she was right and you didn't believe her?"
"You have a point. But I'm just afraid to know the truth."
Suddenly my door goes open.

"Do you think I'm not afraid? I wouldn't want to give you false hope when I know my feeling is right."
"Allison ... She has a point because when is a Banshee ever wrong?"
"Fine. So where do we begin?"
"Well we have to begin where it all ended for him. We need to go to his house. Liam you will help us."
"Eh... Um... Oky... What do I have to do?"
"We are going to look around for any of Theo's things. And..."
"Let me guess, follow the scent?"
"Wow you catch on fast. I'm proud of you."
"Haha funny. But thanks."

It's midnight. They wanted to start tomorrow but I said the sooner the better.
We are at Theo's house. Or at least what's left of it.  We were searching for anything that can carry a scent. Like a jacket, a shirt, a pillow or anything he might have been in contact with.
Liam came to a stop and flashed his eyes.
"Guys. I have a scent."
"Great! Lead the way!"
"No. It's not him. It's..."
He got cut off
We all looked shocked. Lydia and I started backing up.
"Hello Allison. Did you think Eichen house would hold me?"
"The one and only. Why don't you give me a kiss? I know you want to. Remember? You love me."
"I was fooled by you. Nothing else. The one I actually love is gone."
All of a sudden I hear someone behind us. But it can't be Liam. He's infront of us. And it seems like Isaac doesn't notice who ever is behind us
"Oh please Allison. You love me. Theo was a monster. A monster who deserved to die. Just accept that he's not coming back!"

He is cut off when someone from behind me yelled...

"But what if he's back!"

turn around and I came eye to eye with a guy. Tall blonde-brownish hair, wonderfully built with sharp edges in all the right places.

The guy also known as Theo.
He runs past me and attacked Isaac. While they were fighting Liam decided to help Theo. But Isaac caught him when he ran towards him. Isaac grabbed him by the throat and threw him into us. Luckily I stepped away so only Lydia got hurt. I decided I'm going to help Theo by shooting Isaac with my pocket crossbow I always have with me. Each moment I got a clear shot I didn't hesitate to shoot him. I wish my dad had killed him already.
Just as I'm about to shoot another arrow he moves into my direction knocking me out. Like completely I was out cold.


When I woke up I was in the safe house. My face feels sticky as if I was crying. So yeah. I was dreaming the whole thing. When I got down stairs Lydia was waiting for me.
"Morning sleepy head."
"Hey. You won't believe this. I actually dreamt about Theo for once and not about..."
But I was cut off when I heard a voice coming from the kitchen.
I stop talking to Lydia and ran to the kitchen entrance.

"Hey you. Guess what I was never dead. Can you believe that?"
"But how?"
"Your dad. He shot me with a yellow wolfsbane bullet."
"But that should've killed you? I'm so confused."
"Well after I was shot Isaac took me to the vet. Who is actually a geniuse with supernatural creatures. He burned the wolfsbane right out. But I was in a sleeping trance he put me in, he said something about me healing faster that way."
"Wow that makes alot of sence. Stiles now you can stop blaming me!"
"Well anyway. What'd I miss?"
"Theo dead, Isaac killer crazy, me trying to kill Isaac or get him killed, Lydia following her feeling about Theo being alive."
"Wow hecktick. Well I'm here now so a extra few eyes and ears will be of much help."
"Thanks Malia." I walk closer to her and hug her.

*Lydia's POV*
Oh my god. My feeling was right. He's alive. But Allison forgot about what happend she thinks it's a dream.

Maybe it's not so bad. It should stay that way untill we can figure out where he is. Because after last night he vanished into thin air.
I'm texting Liam right now, letting him know about my plan. This needs to be kept quite that we know he's alive just till we can find him, again.

That was a close shave with Isaac. Theo might have warned him and let him go, but I know for a fact that he won't stop untill he killed us. We can't let our guard down. Not now.

Falling For The Werewolf//Allison ArgentWhere stories live. Discover now