Chapter 3: Britney x3

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We didn't meet for the rest of the week. We figured Unique and Marley's anti-clique protest would just blow over what it didn't. So nobody bothered to show up.

Mr. Schue knew we didn't have any time to waste, so he finally caved and brought us back in for a meeting the next Monday after school.

"Alright guys, I hear you," he said, looking at Unique and Marley. Kitty looked back at me from her seat in the front row-- next to John-- and rolled her eyes. She predicted Mr. Schue would give in to his star singers' demands. 

"You mean we finally get to do numbers where Satan's trident doesn't get the spotlight?" Unique responded. I scrunched my nose but Bree laughed. 

"Looks like some people can't handle not being under the limelight," she murmured.

"You guys are the dancers of the group," said Marley, obviously fed up with taking anything from Bree. "It's just not fair if you start taking all of the solos, too."

"Maybe if your dancing was better--" Bree started, all fired up.

"Ok, enough," Mr. Schue stopped her. "It doesn't matter who is pegged a dancer or a singer or whatever in here."

"No offense Mr. Schue," said Sugar, timidly raising her hand. "But since some of us can't sing and some of us can't dance, at least not like the rest can, being great at the other does matter. A lot."

Mr. Schue thought about this for a second.  "How many of you are confident in your voices?" he asked. Everyone other than Amity and Sugar raised their hands. "Okay," said Mr. Schue. "And how many of you are confident in your dancing?" This time, it was only Jake, Kitty, Sugar, Bree, and me who raised our hands. Mr. Schue did not like the low numbers. "This week's assignment is going to be a little different than the last one," he said. He started walking over to the white board and then wrote: Britney x3.

"Oh no..." mumbled Jake. "Are we doing a Britney week?"

"Britney week?" I asked.

"It's what they were working on last year on the week that I joined," he told me. I noticed Marley shift uncomfortably in her seat.

"We do Britney songs all week," Joe explained with a smile.

"That's right," said Mr. Schue as he walked back to the center of the choir room. "And since so many of you are insecure about your dancing, we're going to embrace the fact that Britney Spears made it in showbiz with much better moves than her voice. Unique and Marley, you two have had a lot to say about your voices, but what about your dance moves? This week is about danceability. We can't have a glee club without the Mike Chang's and Brittany Pierce's. Which is perfect timing because--"

"It's Brittany bitch," said Brittany as she stood at the door. We cheered as she walked in and the music began. Was this planned?

Brittany did not hesitate in strutting through the room as she performed Britney Spears' "Til The World Ends." It was an entertaining performance, though I may have enjoyed it more if I hadn't been reminded of the fact that I had taken her boyfriend, Sam, when I first joined the glee club. I tried to ignore that small detail as I watched Brittany, the best female dancer the glee club had ever produced, give a great performance. 

Brittany: Keep on dancin' til the world ends

As she sang the last line, we all started to clap and cheer for her. She was a magnificent performer. The rest of us, except for Dan and Amity, took our turns hugging her.

"So what are you doing back?" asked Unique when we were all settled back in our seats. "Weren't you in some lesbian island with Santana?" Santana Lopez was one of the meanest girls I had ever met, and I really didn't know her that well. She had dated my brother to make Brittany jealous when she was dating Sam, but eventually broke up with him because she was, well, a lesbian. I guess she likes guys, too, but we all know Brittany is the only one for her. That's why it wasn't a surprise when at the end of last year she and Brittany flew out to Lesbos, Greece.

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