A Way Out

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Like Dayu being away and not by my side is not punishment enough, now I still have to deal with her. Really?

Mrs.Ho. She looked beautiful and elegant in her soft peach colored pantsuits but distressed can be seen in her eyes.

I mostly took the Wang traits physically but the sad truth is, I shared some similarities with her too, like thin lips and high cheekbones. I guess we share DNA after all.

She is my mother but not my mother at the same time. Our history and estrangement is far too long and wide to be mended.

In life, I guess, there are really bridges that will get burned to the point that you cannot build another bridge on that same spot. And you will lose that connection.

This woman and I, our bridge had turned to ashes so many years ago.

So I am wondering why she is here.

"Why?" I asked simply as I strode inside my office to get behind my desk. I have some files to read and sign but it looks like work is not that heavy today. I look at Mrs.Ho, I think I have to warn my secretary not to let her in my office again.

"Why what?" She didn't get the question. Maybe because it is not specific enough for her.

"Why are you here? Why do you think you have the right to be here and approach me? Why do you even think I would entertain you much less want to see your face here..." she can take her pick.

"Wang Qing, I am your mother..."

"Stop insulting mothers all over the world. You are not that to me. Except for the moment you pushed me out of your body, you have never been a mother to me..." I said.

"How dare you..."

"What do you want?" I asked her quickly before she can start her usual tirade about how disappointed she is to me. I asked even though I have some idea why she is here.

Mrs.Ho took a deep breath. Squared her shoulders and visibly braced herself. "I need your help," she said in a steady with as less emotion as she can deliver it.

I stared at her, thinking that there is no wonder I am as fucked up as I am. With a genetic condition like alexithymia and a mother figure like her, I am doomed from the start.

Dayu saved me. He saved me from my messed up life. Shit. I love him so much.

"I can't help you...or your husband." I said with as little emotion as her tone a while ago.

I may have thrown away my political aspirations but I am still actively following the political world. With Kim's grandfather and my grandfather encouraging my interest in politics, I am keeping myself informed on what is happening and who's names are notable in the world of politics today.

What is notable is Rep.Ho's doomed chance of getting another term in the Parliament. A lot of people are backing away from supporting him. From him mishandling alot of issues in the Parliament and voting against key laws to help the President, plus nasty rumors about his illicit affairs with different women (although this one I can't fault the good representative. As nasty as the thought, if your wife is Mrs.Ho who is a cold bitch, affairs with other women can be justifiable. Yeah, I am ugly like this), Rep.Ho's political career is in a hot water. It will soon die like my desire to be President of this country.

It's not my dream anymore. I have a bigger and more difficult dream. To have Dayu back in my arms. But I will not think Dayu right now. I don't want to mix Dayu with this woman, even in thoughts.

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