One Night Stand

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Tape 2, Side A

My psychologist said that I cannot end my recording in a cliffhanger. I gave her a look saying "she needs to see a psychologist, because she is not normal".

I also asked her, "Do you have gay fetish? Like watching gay porn and reading male to male romance novels? What do they call those kind of girls in Japanese...?"

"Fujoshi," my psychologist blandly supplied the word for me.

"Fujoshi!" I snapped my fingers. "Are you one of those? Do you find two guys making out hot?"

My psychologist stared at me before sighing. "Just continue with the story. Okay? Don't leave any detail out."

"We had sex that night..." I said.

"Details..." my psychologist is insistent. I laughed at her. She smiled at me. "Finally, I hear you laughing. I first thought that you don't know how. Here is your first tape, do whatever you want to do with it."

True to her words, after listening to the tape, she handed it back to me. She listened through a small cassette player and used earphones. To show me that she is not making any copies, she surrendered the tape to me immediately after the session.

Now, first tape is in my hand. And I am recording my second tape.

Where did we left off?

Oh, right! The first kiss in the men's cubicle. After kissing me until my lips felt numb and throbbing, Qing left me to get his car. He wanted me out on the front door of the club in ten minutes. I look at my wristwatch, it says a quarter before midnight.

Well, it looks like this Cinderella had to leave the party early because Prince Charming is about to fuck my brain out.

I ran back to the VIP room to say goodbye to my friends who are still having a great time dancing, mingling and drinking.

"I have to go," I told them while collecting my small backpack and coat.

"Already?" Minnie frowned at me. YaLong sighed, "Alone or with someone?"

"With someone," I guiltily admitted and they all nodded. "Text me tomorrow or I swear I will call the police," Kitty warned me while I was kissing her cheek.

"Me too!" Denden raised his hand.

They are such good friends, I don't deserve them. I nodded, "I will. Tomorrow is a big day for me."

But tomorrow had to wait. Tonight, I am going to get laid.

I ran back down to the dance floor. Navigate my way through the grinding bodies of the fully packed club until I got to the front door. Outside, I stopped when I saw a sleek, black sports car parked there.

The window on the passenger side slightly lowered down. "Hop in," Qing shouted from the driver side. So I hopped in.

After I closed the passenger door, Qing pounced at me and kiss me again. I would have laughed because he is kissing me like he missed me and we haven't seen each other for two years when it's just eight minutes since we separated in reality. But I got busy kissing him back.

After thoroughly checking if my tonsil is still there, Qing let me go and started the car.

I didn't even noticed that I am not wearing my seatbelt through that fifteen minute ride from the club to an exclusive condo building. We got out and ran to the parking elevator and kissed again after it's doors closes.

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