A New Dream

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3 months later...

"Have you called him yet?" Dra.Yen asked me.

I frowned, "No. Why should I call? Dayu said don't call him..."

My psychologist sighed. "There's this thing called reverse psychology..."

"You think Dayu used that on me? I don't think so..." I said while frowning.

Dra.Yen took some seconds to think. Then she smiled and nodded, "You are right, Dayu meant it when he said that you should not call or follow him. So, did you check tickets for flights to Athens today?"

"No," I pouted a little.

"Good for you, Qing." She sounded delighted at me. I gritted my teeth. "Maybe later..." I grumbled.

"Qing," she called my name in a warning tone.

Everyday, I look for earliest flights to get to any European city Dayu is visiting. The day Dayu left, I was tempted to get a ticket to a flight next to his, but I stopped myself.

I knew it will be hard, to not be with Dayu but there are times that it's really bad that I purchased a ticket one time or six times to follow him.

I never called though. In the fear that if I hear Dayu's voice, I might really use the tickets I bought, and later refunded, just to be with him.

It was bad. But three months had passed and til now, I am keeping my words that I will stay here in Beijing. Getting well...physically.

"You gained your weight again. You look healthy. And busy..." Dra.Yen looked at me. "A partnership with Kim, why?"

"Because we are friends," I replied. "And apparently, beauty and wellness shops like hair and nail salon and spas are a multi million dollar industry. People's vainness means money."

People, I learned, will shell out money to look good. To have glowing skin and perfect nails and hair. Kim presented her idea for me about a spa center and I liked it so I accumulated the right amount of investment and now we are partners.

Kim is the main manager of the two spa centers that we opened a month ago of course, and so far it's going well. Kim is meticulous and very detailed. I don't worry if my money will earn. It's not a question of will it earn or not, it's how much I will earn from it.

We are earning well. Kim is still an effective endorser.

Ato's pub is doing well too. He is getting ready to plan to open another branch of the pub on another city. He asked me to run the numbers for that.

"That's on the business part. How about your family?" Dra.Yen asked.

"Pele came out to his parents and to our family. He is gay. I didn't know." I said, feeling like a big bastard by missing that one about my younger cousin.

"And what is your family's reaction to that?" Dra.Yen's face held curiousity.

I sighed, "It's too much drama, if you ask me. Baba and Uncle have words again. My Uncle and Auntie are being stubborn. Pele disowned them. He is living with our grandparents. GrandPa is happy, Pele had always been his favorite. Yal Li is starting college so she decided to left their home too. Baba offered support for my cousins. Like I said, too much drama..."

The biggest surprise are my grand parents. They genuinely don't care about me loving Dayu or Pele being gay. I was puzzled by them until GrandMa explained it all to me.

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