Scaly Bitch

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Tape 10, Side A

"How much do you love your mother?" My psychologist asked.

I pouted a bit, "No words can describe how much I love her. I will throw anyone away but my mother. That's how much I love her. More than myself."

"And you will protect her from anything or anyone that can hurt her...?"

"Of course," I didn't even give myself a millisecond to think. I answered that question automatically.

My psychologist sighed on my passionate response. "So how much do you hate the first Mrs.Wang?"

"Hate her?"

My psychologist look me straight in my eyes. "She hurt your mother," she said.

"Hate her? Qing's mother? You are asking how much I hate her?"

My psychologist nodded. I look straight into her eyes. "I hate her to hell and back. I hate her to death. I hate her enough that I could kill her," I said in a cold tone.

My psychologist nodded and write on the file folder in front of her. After writing, she picked the ninth tape and handed it to me. "See you again, Dayu."

I nodded and stood up. "Sure." I turned around and left her office.

Tape ten will start the moment Mrs.Wang the first entered our lives again.

I said again because she had been oart of Papa and Qing's life. She was Papa's first wife and she is Qing's biological mother.

Although how can a mother hate her own son, I have no idea. But that is the case with Qing and his mother.

It was on the same gala where Papa received an award that my mother and I first encountered the first Mrs.Wang.

Sometimes, people came late to a party and decided to be like snakes who stayed on the shadow while silently observing his or her prey.

Such is the case of Qing's mother. She and her husband, the one she marrisd after divorcing Papa, came late to the gala party and decided to wait in shadow before making their presence known.

Unfortunately, in my mother's case, she fell prey to the scaly bitch that is Qing's mother.



Maybe I should stop calling her Qing's mother. She has never been a mother to Qing aside from the moment she gave birth to him. She doesn't deserve to be call Qing's mother or put Qing's name near her in anyway.

Let's call her by her new name. Mrs.Ho. She married a politician after getting a settlement and divorcing Papa. An influential parliament representative. She and her husband are quite the power couple in the political and social circle. They are respected and leaders in their circle of associates.

That makes her dangerous. Because aside from being a snake, Mrs.Ho is a bully. Imagine a narcissistic cheerleader in all the teen drama you have watched. That one Queen Biyatch who makes other girls in her vicinity miserable. Either by enslaving them or bullying them.

That's Mrs.Ho.

She got a band of cheerleaders circling around her and backing her up while the Queen Biyatch chose a prey that she can bully and humiliate.

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