Important Client

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Tape 9, Side A

"Complicated things, you don't like them?" My psychologist asked.

I nodded, "Who likes complicated things anyway?"

"A doctor of Mathematics, perhaps." She is teasing me. I sighed, "I think maybe you are right."

She handed me my eighth tape. "Were you suprised to learn things about him?" She asked me gently.

I nodded, then I chuckled a little. "Of all the things in the world, a doctorate in Mathematics! Why? I am not fond of numbers. That's why I plucked most of my math tests. And don't get me started in Algebra. Oh the horror!"

My psychologist smiled, "A difference. That must be exciting to know. So far, you and him agree on many things. Like keeping your relationship simple and uncomplicated."

"Yeah," I smiled while thinking of Qing. I look at my watch. I exceeded my time with her again. "I have to go," I gather my bag and coat.

"See you next time, Dayu. I will wait for that next tape."

I nodded and left her office.

Ninth tape. On the

Lunch was a quiet affair. He took me to a hotel restaurant. We ordered crab cakes, salad and hamburg steaks. I concentrated on eating and sipping a glass of delicious red wine.

"Do you like the taste?" Qing asked me when I finished my wine. He signaled the waiter to refill my glass.

I nodded, "It taste sweet. Sweeter than the usual wine. I...kinda like sweet stuffs. I am not a wine person because they can be sour with a bitter aftertaste but this wine is good.

"I see," he called the waiter who came close again. "Can you pack three bottles of this wine and send them to this address?" He passed the waiter a business card. "Yes, Sir." The waiter left while holding his card.

I was surprised. He just bought three bottles of a 12 thousand per bottle wine. Just because I said I liked it. He...I sighed.

Dick and money, Dayu. He can only offer those two things. Don't reject them.

After finishing another glass, I let him pour some more wine in my glass. I look around the restaurant. It's lunch time but only few people are eating here. The food taste phenomenal. I guess because not everyone can afford the prices of their food.

It's a hotel restaurant. A hotel...

I glared at Qing who is busy slicing his steak. "What do you plan to do with me?"

He looked up, "I freed you for the whole day. We have a lot to talk about."


"Yes, here. I ordered a room to be readied for us." He casually said.

God he...has too much money in his hand. This guy is dangerous. With his money, he thinks he can do anything. Buy anything. Even my time.

"Are you done?" He asked me. I stopped touching my food.

"Yes," I nodded before drinking my wine again. My appetite for food may have stopped but I am not done drinking. This guy can turn me into an alcoholic.

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