One Family

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Tape 6, Side B

I blamed him of course. We were supposed to come to the hotel where the wedding will be held by nine o clock but we stepped out of his condo at nine thirty.

I talked to my mother on the phone while we are on the way.

"Qing overslept, Mama. And since you taught me to never disturb anyone who is sleeping peacefully, I didn't woke him until eight. But then he is primadonna in the morning. He kept on snarling at me. No words, just grunts..."

Part of that was true. He didn't say much and grunted a lot the whole time he was fucking me. So that counts.

"Are you on your way? You might not have enough time to eat brunch, Dayu ah." Mama is really worried.

"No worries Ma. We will buy some sandwiches on the way and eat it while on the road. Traffic is not bad. We will be there in an hour or less."

"Okay, but be careful on the road Baby."

"Okay..." I ended the call. Then glared at Qing. "This is all your fault. If you didn't took your time coming, we could have left early. But no, you have to stay in my ass far longer than usual..."

"It happened already. Stop bitching. Do you want a sandwich? I am not hungry..."

"No. I am not hungry too. I just told Mama that so she won't worry." I said.

"So you lied?"

"Yes I lied."

"Do you have a habit of lying?" Qing asked casually but I can see that he is waiting seriously what my answer would be.

"Yes, I tell the habitual white lies. Like I hate you for making us late and I hate the reason why we are late but the truth is..."

"You enjoyed what we did," he supplied the rest for me.

"There," I gestured to him. We smile together. I relaxed on the passenger side while Qing continued driving.

I got in time to see my mother panicking about her choices in life.

"Can I do this again? Why am I marrying again? Have I gone insane Dayu ah?" Her eyes are shining with tears. She hugged me, still in her robe but her hair is done. We still need to do her make up.

Still, on the positive side, at least she is having a meltdown before her make up can be applied. Imagine having a retouch, what a nightmare it could be.

She sniffe in my arms, "I love your Baba, Dayu. I love him. I still love him. But this man, Mr.Wang, he makes me happy. He makes me smile again. He makes me laugh. He is a gentleman and he looks at me with concern in his eyes. He is considerate. Smart...oh Dayu...I love Mr.Wang too but I swear, I still love your Baba..." she sobbed harder.

I smiled awkwardly to the team of beauty people who are in charge of dressing the crying bride. "My Baba had been dead for ten years now. She is a widow," I explained before they had this strange idea that my mother is a two timing bitch.

"Mama, calm down. Baba knows you love him. He is happy today," I lean her out to smile and wipe her tears. "He wants this. For you to be happy. You know he is not selfish. You and I are selfish, but not Baba. Stop crying. He knows you still love him. And he loves you too, in heaven."

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