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Tape 12, Side A

"So tell me, what is your first impression on Rep.Ho?" My brain doctor asked me.

"First impression on him? He and Mrs.Ho deserve each other. They both look entitled." I said.

"So you don't like him?" She asked.

I shook my head, "No. I cannot say that I don't like him. I just find him as slimy as like other politicians. I don't get why we have politicians, actually. For me they are just a bunch of fattening cow that eats our taxes yet we cannot sell them or cook them as beef. Nope, politicians are like an old bucket with a hole at the bottom, they are useless and tiring to fill."

I chuckled. For me, Mrs.Ho is a scaly bitch while Rep.Ho is a slimy dude. They really deserve each other.

My psychologist nodded, write on her notes and handed me my eleventh tape. "Will you tell me what happened in that meeting on the next tape?"

I nodded, "Sure. Nothing much happened really. Except I learned a bit more about Qing," I said.

My psychologist smiled at me as I stood up and gather my bag, "There is nothing wrong in knowing a person deeper." She said.

I shrugged, "Sure, see you next time."

"See you, Dayu."

I left her office.

She is right, there is nothing wrong in getting to know a person in a deeper level. Look at my friends, I like them more as I learn their characteristics deeper.

Kitty is an animal lover. She donates a portion of her monthly salary to an animal shelter. She asked us for money too, to donate. "I won't beg for myself but I will beg for those animals, sure." She is adorable.

Minnie is a devoted aunt. Her sister is a divorcee, and every weekend, she will stay with her nephews so her sister can go to her second work. "My sister is a strong mother, the least I can do is help her."

Denden is an assistant primary softball coach. For children with autism. Two times a month, he will go to a softball field and encourage kids with autism to hit some balls and interact with other kids like what every normal kids should do. "It's a twice a month gig, that's not hard. And you should see those kids trying their hardest, they would put any athlete to shame." True that.

YaLong, is a sign language expert. His dearly departed grandmother was deaf and he learned sign language at a young age and cultivated his skill. He advocates people with perfectly functioning hearing to learn sign language to communicate with deaf people. "We should not be rude to them. Maybe they are the normal ones and we, who can hear, are all defected. Think about that." He is a warrior for deaf people, YaLong.

See...if you learn more about a person, you will like them more.

In Qing's case...not so much.

The day we met Rep.Ho, I learned two new things about him.

First, he can be utterly ruthless.

"Dr.Wang," Rep.Ho stood from his seat and held his hand out but Qing ignored it and sat on the chair opposite Rep.Ho. I was shocked at his rude attitude.

Qing stared up at the still standing Rep.Ho. "I don't think we are in any relationship to shake hands and exchange pleasantries, right Mr.Rep? Not when you cannot even control your wife."

"Qing," I cannot believe that he can be this rude.

Rep.Ho chuckled humorlessly and sat down again. "Really, Dr.Wang, that's women's business."

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