First Kiss

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Tape 1, Side B

Okay. I think I managed to shocked you all enough with the side A of this tape so let me clarify some things for you here.

First, yes, I am having regular sex with my stepbrother but when we first met and had sex together, we are total strangers to each other.

It was supposed to be a one night stand.

Maybe I should tell you the whole thing first, huh. Okay. Here's how it happened.

It was pretty cliche actually. Six months ago, we met in a club on a Friday night. Should I give him a name. Let's call him Qing. When I first met him, he was wearing this cool green shirt and I started calling him "Hot Qing" in my head. Like a hot guy in green shirt. Whatever.

The point is, we will call him Qing. That is not his real name, of course. This guy I am sleeping with. My stepbrother. Qing is not his real name, we will just call him that.

Anyways. So I am in a club with my friends, dancing and drinking and having the time of our lives, when we were invited to a VIP room.

You see I have two gorgeous girlfriends named...ugh! I cannot give you their names. God, this is hard. Let me pause for a minute.



Okay, I am back. I called my psychologist and told her I am having a hard time inventing names since I cannot say the real names of the people involved in my life. Since I think that will be a violation of their privacy if ever anyone heard these recordings. I might say things about them that can get me jailed so...

I have to invent names I can use to call my friends, I have like four of them. Kitty and Minnie, are my two best girl pals and they are both gorgeous. I know, Kitty and Minnie is just plain laziness but I don't give a damn. Don't pressure me.

Kitty is tall, model like and hopelessly romantic. She fell in love so fast a guy just have to buy her a drink for her to say that she is in love. Like.

"Oh, there's a cute guy checking me out two stools away. I think I am in love."


"That guy bought me a drink and smiled at me. I think I am in love."

Got it. She is easy to fall.

Minnie is voluptous, bisexual and fierce as a lioness. She is your basic dominatrix. She is a mother hen and scout leader. You don't mess with Minnie because her favorite catch phrase is...

"Mess with me and I will cut you until you bleed to death on my feet. I will start by cutting your balls off..."

Yeah, run I say. My girl pals are crazy.

My boy pals are not that far away in craziness. They are both straight and cannot take care of themselves.

Denden is the nerdy preppy type. He hates exercising the most because he doesn't see the point when his body just refused to accumulate fat. Yes, the skinny jerk. With his spectacles and messy hair, the only thing missing is that bolt shaped scar on his forehead and he can be casted as the Asian Harry Potter.

YaLong is my other boy pal and oh boy this guy is something else. He is a genius with 170 IQ points but he is one stupid fuck when it comes to love. His one and only girlfriend cheated on him and got pregnant with another man's baby but the worse part is, that bitch tried to pin that baby on YaLong and our stupid friend wanted to marry his bitchy cheating girlfriend because he said they are going to have a baby together. The stupid boy did proposal and the engagement and all that. Ugh!

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