Watch Where You Are Going

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Tape 4, Side A

My psychologist is starting to seriously get into my nerves.

She is now really fascinated to meet Qing.


"He sounded like an interesting character. He came from a broken family and he has too much money and free time for his own good. What does he do for a living?"

"I don't know. Why are you asking me?"

"Well, because you are stepbrothers, right? You must have at least some knowledge about him. Plus, he is your lover."

"He is not my lover. We just have sex,"

"Fuck buddy then,"

I was floored to hear such a language from a dignified looking woman like her. My psyhologist laughed at me.

"I cursed too. I am also a human being. I am most curious about what people are thinking. That is why I became a psychologist. How other people differs to me. What are my similarities with them. Those of kind of things,"

I pouted at her, "Can I ask for a payment while listening to you talk? Should I give you an assessment too?"

She laughed again. "Here, keep this tape." She handed me my third tape. "I will look forward to your next tape."

I took the tape and our session was over.

So here I am, on my fourth tape. Side A.

The next day was Sunday. The day of the family dinner.

Sunday morning, my mother and I decided to bake. My mother is an expert baker although she doesn't use that skill to earn money. It's because banking is her passion. Baking for her is an acquired skill, she may be good at it but she didn't want to do it everyday. Maybe as a hobby but not something she will do day in and day out.

We baked sugar free deserts like brownies and cupcakes. I shopped for the ingredients and she readied the pretty boxes where we can put the goodies in. It's sugar free in case someone is diabetic in the Wang family.

I slept in her place so I can spend the day helping her to get ready for the dinner later. We baked. We boxed the goodies. I helped her choose the clothes she will wear and paint her nails.

"Having a gay son has a lot of perks," she said smiling.

"And don't you forget that," I squinted at her. We laughed together.

"Yes, I will put an additional deposit on your account."

I have two bank accounts. My expense account and my savings account. They are self explanatory. My expense account is where my salary and my allowance from my mother goes. The saving account is for my savings. Me and my mother both put money on my saving account. When my expense account emptied, I cannot touch my savings. I have to tighten my budget if that happened.

I am still getting an allowance from my mother. I know, it's embarassing. Here I am, a twenty five year old employed male still getting an allowance. But what can I do, the last time I rejected my mother's money, she cried and said that I don't need her anymore and that I will put her in a home for aged people where I will ler her rot since I am the kind of son who doesn't care for his mother anymore.

So I let her put money on my accounts. Believe me when I said that you will not want to witness my mother when she started getting dramatic.

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