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Tape 20, Side A

"Does your parents flew to the US immediately after that conversation?" My psychologist asked after she handed my 19th tape back to me.

"No," I shook my head as I put the tape back in my backpack. "Mama called me that same night. I was in my condo and what she said changed my life as well,"

"What did she said?"

"She wants me to come to the US with her and Papa..." I said.

"Oh, I see." My psychologist started scribbling on her notes. "And what did you..." she was about to ask something else when the alarm went off, signaling that I have to leave. "Put it on your next tape, can you?" She just said with a smile on her lips.

I nodded and stood up. "I will..." I turned around to leave but she called my name again.

"Dayu," I turned to face her again, "Hang in there. It will be over soon." She said.

I swallowed hard, "That's what I am afraid of," I muttered before leaving.

Tape 20...

My hand almost slacked and dropped my phone after I listened to my Mama's request. "You want me to come with you to the US? Why?"

"I worry, Dayu." Mama's voice is indeed filled with worry. "Your Papa is determined to leave. He cannot watch Qing make the same mistakes he did. A loveless marriage, Dayu...and you support it? Instead of stopping Qing..."

"I tried stopping him but..."

"But you love him too much to be a hinder to his plans. And what, do you really plan to stay here and watch him marry someone else?" Mama is amazed. "When did you start being a masochist, Dayu? Is that a new thing you are enjoying doing to yourself? Being a martyr?"

"Mama..." I close my eyes and ran a hand through my hair. "It's not like that." How can I make her understand when I am now confuse at the situation myself?

"Then come with me to the US. Come with us. I will not be at peace until I know I can be there for you. Your Papa is determined that we should leave. If we won't leave, he can't guarantee that he will not stop Qing from proceedings with his plans. So he wants to leave so Qing can do what he wants,"

Papa is so conflicted. He doesn't like Qing's plan but he also don't want to block Qing's dream. He must be feeling like a tortured man right now.

"Pack your things and live here in the mansion with us while your Papa is preparing our documents and tickets to go to the US. Dayu will come with us, right? You will stay with me, right?" Mama sounded needy and she is so unfair.


"Dayu ah...please..." she sniffed like she is fighting not to cry.

I swallowed bitter saliva, "I will call Qing and talk to him first..."

Mama was silenced for a moment, "Okay. Do that. But call me back to tell me your decision. I love you, Dayu."

I hate her right that moment. She is so unfair, really. "I love you too. Mama, why do this to me?" I whined.

"Because you are my son and the only memory your Baba left to me. Because I love your father and I will not let him nag me that I didn't do anything to protect our son when we see each other again in afterlife. Oh no, your father will hear a lot from me and not the other way around." She is really something else.

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