Organic Honey and Eggs

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Tape 15, Side B

If Qing was not weirded out that I suddenly introduced him to my friends as my lover, both of us were stunned to silence when one morning, three and a half months to their marriage, Mama called us to their mansion.

Just to tell us that...

"I think I am pregnant."

Hence, the stunned silence.

We were in the living room of their mansion, Mama sat on a solo armchair while Qing and I sat together on the long rose colored sofa.

Stunned to silence by her announcement.

Mama stared at us staring at her while wondering what is going on. Then my mother blushed deep red and tears formed in her eyes.

"Dayu ah...say something," she uttered brokenly.

And I realized, my mother is scared. And I am being a humungous jerk by just staring at her.

I stood up and clapped once, "Oh my God! Really?! Wow! Mama!" I held her hands and guided her to stand up so I can hug her. I kicked Qing too who remained stupefied in his seat. "That's one suprising news! Oh my..." I hugged her tight.

Qing, who finally woke up from dreaming, he stood up too. "Maman!" He hugged her after I let her go. "Are you...quite sure?" Qing asked carefully after letting her go.

"Not yet." Mama replied shyly. "But I have a strong feeling that I am."

"But you are forty seven," I pointed out insensitively.

"I know Dayu. But I still have my period so I am still susceptible to be pregnant," Mama looked at Qing shyly.

"But are forty seven." Someone should smack me at this point. Qing opted to elbow me. I look at him. He gave me a warning look and I realized my blunder. I look at my mother again who is starting to look offended by me harping on her age. "Which is great. Wow!" I laughed. My strange habit kicking in as I am nervous and shocked.

"So Maman, it's just your feelings? No confirmation yet?" Qing asked.

Mama blushed again. "I did a pregnancy test last night." She produced a plastic stick from the pocket of her casual dress and present it to us. Qing took it.

Qing and I peered on it. "When there are two lines does that mean negative?" I pointed at the two line on the pregnancy stick.

"No, it means positive." Qing said.

I snatched the stick from him and looked at it closely. "There are two lines here. Right? I am not just seeing it. Why is there two lines in this stick?" I wave the stick to maybe change it to just one line. I don't know. I am shocked, you all have to understand.

"Yes," Qing snatched it back from me forcibly and gave it to Mama gently. "But it can mean nothing too. We have to get you to an OB-Gyne, Maman. Just to be sure." He said and smiled to my mother. He is being the better son. "Where is Baba?" Qing looked around for the fourth member of our insane family.

Mama sighed, "I think I broke your Baba, Qing. He is upstairs..."

Qing and I excused ourselves to look for the potential father to be. We found him in Qing's old nursery room. Going slowly insane while talking to someone on the phone.

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