Tight Fit

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Tape 5, Side A

"In his sports car?" My psychologist finished listening to my fourth tape.

"We are not particular about the place. We once did it on the floor beside a potted plant. I am just happy the clay pot didn't break. That will be messy. What's with all the soil..." I tried looking like I am cool with everything.

"You are horny bastards, right? The two of you..." my psychologist shook her head and sighed. "And so? Is there no progress in your relationship? After six months of being fuck buddies, is there no progress at all?"

"Aren't you cheating? I still have lots of tapes to go through before I reveal if we are still together or not. Don't you want to listen to the accounts of our parents' wedding?"

My psychologist gave me a tired look. "You will drag this one out, right?"

I grinned at her. "I heard my sessions are fifty percent discounted. Why?"

"Your mother is my friend." She said.

"Okay. Sure. Can I go now?" I asked after I put my fourth tape inside my bag.

"Yes. See you again, Dayu. Work hard on that fifth tape." She reminded me before I left her office.

And so here I am again. On my fifth tape already. Side A.

Mr.Wang and Mama got married one month after that dinner. I tried helping my mother as much as I can but between my work, my friends, my drama in life and all those sex I am having with Qing, my life is hectic.

But still, I volunteered to do my suit fitting on my own. I went into a shop selling formal suits for men after my work one day. If Qing was there too, that was pure coincidental.

I hope.

"Are you following me?" I asked him when I saw him inside the shop.

"I got here first. I should be the one asking that question," He replied in a bland tone.

"I didn't know you are here," I said. "I just got from the office." I sat next to him on the long leather couch and lean my body on the backrest. "I love this couch, this feels so comfortable. I can sleep here. I am so tired."

"What do you do anyway? In your office?"

I opened my eyes. I look around. We are alone. Actually, the shop is already closed. Only the assistant designer were left behind to accomodate us. It was scheduled. Two weeks from this fitting day, my mother will marry Mr.Wang, she wants to make sure that the wedding suits for men and dresses for the women were ready.

This is my only available time to get to this shop to do my suit fitting. My job is stressful right now, I sometimes even skip eating just to rest.

Now, Qing is asking what I do for a living.

"Are we allowed to ask questions now?" I raised my eyesbrow at him.

"We are stepbrothers after all. It's normal for me to be curious and that I would like to know what my brother is doing in his life, in general. Right?"

"Yeah, but what about the other stuffs?"

We are going to be stepbrothers, correct. But we are also fucking each other in a totally loose arrangement. We are fuck buddies. Fuck buddies just have sex, they don't get curious and ask question.

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