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Qing's Tape 4, Side A

Qing: Let's talk about you this time. How is your husband?

Dra.Yen: What have you done?

Qing: Why are you suspicious of me?

Dra.Yen: You are asking after my husband. You hate my husband.

Qing: I don't hate your husband. I just think he should never invite me again to dine with the two of you. He is too nice. Is that a complex for him?

Dra.Yen: You are the one with a complex. Let me worry about my husband. You...what did you do?

Qing: I asked Dayu to be my fuck buddy. We had sex again. Inside my sports car.

Dra.Yen: Inside the black sports car that I asked you to left to me in case you die before me?

Qing: (sounding amused) Yeah. And let me tell you again, you will die before me. You are old.

Dra.Yen: Jerk!

Qing: are old.

Dra.Yen: Whatever. What happened to forgetting about it? What happened to sarcrificing for your parents?

Qing: Dayu and I agreed that no one should know. It's a secret affair. But Dayu doesn't know that it's a secret affair. He thinks we are going casual because I am about to be married.

Dra.Yen: You are about to be married. You are still keen on marrying Kim, or does that change?

Qing: No. I have to marry Kim to help my political agenda. And to help her.

Dra.Yen: You don't have to be the President of the country you know. You don't have to marry for ambition.

Qing: And what will I do? What other challenging job are there that will keep my mind occupied and not think too deep about my condition?

Dra.Yen: There are so many challenging job. Like...breeding turtles. You know...watching eggs hatched.

Qing: You're ideas are dismally disappointing.

Dra.Yen: All I am saying is that you don't have to marry for political reasons.

Qing: Yeah. I know. But Kim and Ato need my help and it will make my GrandPa happy. Besides, that has always been my plan. I don't want to ruin everything for something that is unsure.

Dra.Yen: Your complex to follow your plans and to succeed is showing. Qing, stop competing against yourself. You don't have to prove anything to yourself. You...

Qing: I want to marry Kim.

Dra.Yen: You are stubborn. And what about Dayu?

Qing: What about Dayu? We have a deal. And besides, if I turn serious on Dayu, he might be scared and bolt away. This deal will keep him with me. It's loose, he will have a sense of freedom and it's easy. Dayu is not ready for a serious relationship. Better stick to my plan of keeping him with me this way.

Dra.Yen: You really think he will bolt away because he is not ready for something more serious?

Qing: Yes. Why will he say yes to the deal if he wants something more? Dayu saying yes means he finds our deal convenient for him. Sex, without attachment.

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