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Tape 9, Side B

That's what happened. I was called to my bosses' offices and handed the job of handling the documents for that important project.

"You should have told us that you are now related to the Wangs," the firm's owner pat my shoulder and laugh good naturedly.

But I still cringe. Why should I tell him about my family? I hate mixing personal things with my job. When I am at work, I concentrate on my work. I don't need to take my family issues in my job.

But since I am now related to the rich Wangs, I suddenly became a noted person in our company. Funny how that works. I have been working here for seven years now, I interned here. I started in the lowest rank. Took me two years to be a regular employee, took me another three years to get promoted to assistant manager, now, I am suddenly a person of interest.

Wow. People really could be slave to power and money. Two things the Wangs have.

I wonder. Is my mother also getting the same treatment on her work? She married a powerful man. I was just associated because of her, but she, she put herself on the eye of the storm.

Wow. My mother is a brave woman.

I called her during lunch time and told her about my new assignment. About working with our client being the group Qing is consulting on.

"Yes," my mother agreed. "Qing called his Baba last night."

"Qing called Papa?"

"Yes. He told him about associating in your firm. They want to protect you, of course. They know you love your job and happy with it. They don't want you to lose it. Honestly, your Papa is happy you are working on another company and not under his supervision. He thinks he will smother you with care if you work in one of his companies."

I winced at the thought. "I also don't want to work in one of his companies. The issue of nepotism and all..."

"That's what he thinks too. That is why he and Qing are concern because the investment team chose your firm for this big project. Will you be really okay?" My mother's tone was laced with concern.

"Yes," I assured her. "I will be extra careful from filing documents from now on but nothing that I can't handle. I will be fine,"

"Okay son. See you this weekend? That is still on, right?"

I smiled. Every weekend, I try to drop by their place to have snacks or sometimes have lunch or dinner there with them.

"We have that gala thing this weekend, remember? I will be there..." I chuckled while reminding her.

"Oh yes!" She remembered. "You are right. Your suits are ready here. We have to be there for your Papa. He is receiving an award. We have to support him."

"Will Qing ge be there?" I casually asked.

"Of course. He said he will be there. Get here early so we will have enough time to get ready."

"Okay. Love you."

"I love you too, my Dayu ah." Mama ended the call.

My week continued without any hitch. I was careful about the receipts and files on the job commisioned by Qing's investment team that the construction will start by next month.

My full concentration was on that job and my other duties. I called my friends to tell them that I cannot entertain them or party with them and be there for them a while, or until I get my footing on my new assignment.

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