Old Room

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Tape 8, Side A

"He is getting married, what do you feel about that?" My psychologist asked me after listening to my last tape. I took the tape from her and slipped it on my backpack.

"What do you mean, what should I feel about it? Nothing. We are not in that kind of relationship..."

"You are his stepbrother. His wife will be a stepsister in law to you. You will see them together in important occassions. Yet you slept with her husband. Are they married now?"

I waved my finger at her. "That's cheating. You are asking me to jump to the end of the story. We are just on the first quarter."

"Is this a basketball game?" My psychologist smiled at me.

I sighed and shook my head.

The psychologist nodded, "How is your mother? How was her honeymoon?"

I smiled when she mentioned my mother, "She had a great time on her honeymoon. Based on the videos and pictures she took of their travels, she enjoyed them a lot. I am grateful."

"Did you and Qing picked them up on the airport when they came back?" She scribbled on her notepad while asking that question.

"No," I shook my head. "I had work that day. Qing...I don't know what he was doing or who during that time."

She raised an eyebrow, "I see."

"But we had dinner the day after they arrived. In Papa's place. Their big place." I said.

"Ah," my psychologist smiled. "You got to visit the place where Qing grew up,"

"Yeah," I nodded. "We had dinner. Mama was happy I am finally ready to move into her condo and..." I was about to talk more when the alarm that said that we already exceeds the time of the consultation sounded. I have been in her office for one and a half hour already.

"Let's see each other next week, Dayu." She smiled at me.

I nodded. And left that office.

This is tape number 8.

And my mother was back from her honeymoon.

Thanks to Qing, I was ready to move out of my apartment and into her condo even before our parents came back from their honeymoon in the US. I still have a two weeks lease on my apartment but she is determined to get me to move to her nicer place.

"You don't want to live here with me and your Papa, the next best option ia if you will move to my condo building. The security there is much secure." She said while we are having dinner together with my new stepdad and step brother.

I twisted my lips at her, "If someone will hear you, they will think you are talking to a teenager. Mama, I'm twenty five already. Who will date me if they learn that I still live with my mother?"

"Are you dating anyone?" My mother challenged me. "I thought you swore to being celibate your whole life. That you will live like a monk or a eunuch from now on."

My mouth fell open while Qing choked on a piece of potato on his mouth. I tapped his back violently a few times to help him.

"Stop!" He pushed my hand away. "You are not helping me, you are trying to damage my lungs." He sighed then stare at me. "You promised to be celibate?"

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