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Tape 10, Side B

If I thought that that's the end of our encounter with Mrs.Ho, it's because I was naive and stupid.

She is like a skin fungus, it won't go away until you kill it's root.

She is like a skin fungus in a way that she is ugly, not physically but her demeanor, and she is irritating and scratchy as hell.

I don't like her.

That's not surprising because she keeps on bothering the two person closest to me at the moment. My Mama and Qing.

Qing, he can take care of himself. As long as I made my body available for him to fuck, he is fine.

My mother, is another issue.

It bothers me a lot when others are bothering my mother and her happiness.

It started with one phone call. Papa calling me and telling me to visit my mother in her work and ask her to lunch.

"Maybe you can ask her what's bothering her. Please, Dayu ah," Papa asked the favor.

"Why? Is she acting strangely?"

"She is being unusually quiet. You know your mother, she is a bubbly, vibrant lady. Much like you. But this start of the week, she went home and she had been quiet. When I am asking her, she said she is just tired."

My eyebrow raised at that, "Tired from looking at numbers? When that tires her?"

Papa chuckled, "Yes. She always said that, right? That's her answer when we ask her if she is tired. How can looking at numbers all day, tire her? But this time she said she is tired. It's worrying me. I don't want to push her, it might hurt her. You know..."

"I know, Papa. You don't want to hurt her." Papa is being considerate and sweet. Being newlyweds and all. "Don't worry, I will drop by at the bank during lunch time."

"Thank you, son." Papa sounded relieved. "I will leave it in your hands?"

"Yes, Sir. Trust me. I will cheer Mama up."

Papa chuckled again and we ended the call.

During lunch break, I get out of my way to get a taxi all the way to the bank where Mama works. I went straight to her office. People in this bank knew my face. They know I am their manager's son.

"Mama!" I greeted her enthusiastically as I entered her office. I found her looking at the computer monitor but with a blank look on her face.

"Dayu ah? Why are you here?" Mama stood up from her seat behind her desk.

"I want to have lunch with you. So, shall we?" I smiled at her.

She stared at me for moments before she sighed and nodded. We went out for lunch. In a Greek restaurant nearby.

"Did your Papa called you to take me out?" She asked after a waited get our orders.

"Yes," no need to lie to her. "He is worried. You know how much he adores you. And you forced him to call me and now I am jealous that someone else is so in love with my Mama. I am not the only one worrying for you now. I have a rival..."

That made her smile. "You do, right?" Her smile turned into a giggle. "Ah, Mr.Wang is so sweet to me..."

"Okay that is enough. Before we all cringe here. So tell me, what is the problem?"

The happiness in my mother's eyes dimmed. "Nothing much. Just some ugly rumors resurfacing. Don't worry about."

I felt like cold water was poured on me. "What ugly rumor?" I asked as I prayed that please, please, let it not be that "ugly rumor".

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