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I should have punched him instead.

As the wonderful buzz of being drunk slolwy left my system, everything grew clearer and I am seeing Qing's shocked expression better.

I really should have punched him instead.

But that slap was over and done and now I just want Qing out of my sight.

"Stay away from me and my friends," I told him in a rage suppressed tone before turning my back on him.

"Dayu," Qing called my name and pulled my elbow again. That anger me more.

"Go away!" I shouted at him as I push his hand and arm harshly.

"Dayu...?" Minnie and Kitty gave me worried looks. YaLong, Denden and Ato looked like they are getting ready to break a fight in case I attack Wang Qing. Tension is in the air.

Great, now my night is totally ruined.

I sighed, "I am going home," I said before turning away from all of them. My buzz is already gone. Wang Qing took it and I don't want to deal with him anymore.

Enough. I already gave up. What more can he do to hurt me? What more can I give him? I already gave it all. My soul, my heart, my time, my body, my love...

I gave it all. But in the end, Qing couldn't keep his promise to me.

He forgotten me. Fuck amnesia, I am blaming him. Wang Qing. He is the one who forgot. He was the one who drove that car. He was the one who said "I love you" first. He was the one who offered that fuck buddy deal. He was the one who approached me and asked a make out session.

He started it. But in the end, he left me.

Fuck him.

I don't want anymore. I can't anymore. I am done.

Done with Wang Qing. Done with hurting. Done with everything.

I will leave. I will restart my life. I will forget. I will survive this heartbreak. And then I will be whole again.

To give myself to the next man who will say he loves me. And that man will stay. He will stay and will love me.

He will make true of his promise. He will not break it. That man will not break my heart.

Like Wang Qing did.

Fuck him.

I snatched my bag and coat along the way to get outside of the club. I can hear people calling my name but I am done. I will not stop anymore. I want to go home and rest and forget that I saw Wang Qing tonight.

So I kept walking on my way out.

When I got outside, to the sidewalk, I was steady on my feet again, lethally sober and close to pushing people out of my way.

I want to call a taxi on the road so I can go home already. But before I can hail one, someone got hold of my arm to turn me forcibly around.

"I think we need to talk," Qing told me with a deadly serious expression on his face.

Fuck him.

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