Two Plus Two

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Tape 15, Side A

"You guys are back together? Same deal?" My paychologist handed back the 13th and 14th tape to me. She listened to them while scribbling in her notes.

I shrugged, "Not really. We spent that whole weekend together, talking more. Mundane stuffs. Simple things..."

"There is nothing wrong with talking about mundane and simple things, Dayu." My psychologist smile kindly to me.

I frowned at her, "You said I have trust issues when I talk about mundane stuffs with you..."

"Yes," she nodded. "And it's true. You should open up more. This activity with the tapes, I am getting to know you better while listening to them rather than forcing you to talk to me. And you are also learning more about yourself. I think you also dismissed that you are a deep person with deeper thoughts and feelings. You keep this simple and normal persona, but in reality, you have thoughts inside you that needed addressing yet you chose not to and it's bringing pressure inside you that in this trying times, you cannot afford to have." She said.

I nodded slowly. I think she is right. I ran away and hide from my feelings at times rather than addressed them.

"So, what happened next? You guys spent the weekend together, talking, which is good. Do you think you both have deeper feelings now for each other?"

I shook my head, "No."

"I see..." the alarm went on as she said that. "Well, see you again, Dayu." She said.

I stood up and carry my bag. "Yes," I nodded and left her a small smile before leaving.

Tape 15...

My bullshit lovelife, or sexlife if we are all being politically correct, is easy to hide to everyone except to people who saw the bullshits through you even though you tried your hardest to hide them.

Those people are called friends.

Friends. Such inconvenience sometimes and you can live without them. According to my psychologist, homo sapiens or humans are social beings and we crave companions and touches and friends.

Those who don't need friends or hate people are psychopath and those who use others for their gain but disregard them as well are sociopaths.

I am neither of those two although I think I am close to being a psycho but still, I have friends. And they are awesome and all that but like I said, they can see my bullshits even if I hide it.

We were at a social bar one Wednesday night, accompanying Denden who is once again rejected by the girl he likes. Liked. He doesn't like her now.

"Bitch! After she asked me to see that boring musical with tickets costing gold bars, she dumped me?! Bitch!" Denden exclaimed while drinking.

"Bitch!" The four of us raise our bottles of beer in agreement and to cheer him on.

Denden is just like that. He is mad one moment but he never hold grudges. He will drink tonight but then will forget everything in the morning. He will pick himself up, cure his hangover and then try dating another girl again.

Denden is wonderful like that. He is awesome.

"Dayu," Kitty smiled smugly at me. "Don't look back but a guy is totally checking you out,"

"Where?!" Minnie is instantly interested. I think Minnie has a fantasy of watching me fuck a guy in a live action movie. Like in porn. She thinks I am hot and if I got a hotter boyfriend, she will surely pay us to fuck in front of her.

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