The Biggest Offense

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I watched, a bit nervously, as doctors rushed to the oncoming ambulance. The medics jumped from the back to slide out the stretcher holding the patient.

"What happened to him?" Someone asked while we watch as a bloodied man in the wheeled bed got rushed inside the hospital

"He crossed the oncoming traffic. I think he will die," one woman said to her companion.

"Poor man. And he looks so young," the woman's companion said before they look at me. I nodded to them and turn away.

Just in time to saw Ato walking back out from the emergency room of the hospital. "Qing is fine. A few bruises but he is fine. Good thing the driver of that SUV is a racer with nice reflex, eh?" He winced when he saw my unamused face. Ato sighed, "He is asking for you though,"

"He can go to hell," I said without smiling.

"Dayu ah," Minnie pinched my elbow. I glared at her, "Why are you pinching me?"

Can't they see that I don't care? It's Qing's choice to ran towards that passing cars. Yes, it's a good thing that the driver of the SUV stopped in time to avoid running Qing over. The driver also blew his horn so hard and loudly that the car behind him also stopped in time. No crash had happened.

How ironic that Qing will cause a crash when he was in a car crash months ago. He is stupid. Wang Qing.

Wang Qing is so fucking stupid.

"Go inside," YaLong pushed me. He and Minnie are my only friends who accompanied us to the hospital. Denden and Kitty were left in the police station. Beijing police force is determined to sue Qing for endangering himself and for disrupting traffic. And also for public scandal. I am not sure on the last one but Denden and Kitty were left to explain about Qing's condition. Kitty's acting will be put to the test. When we left the station, where the arresting officers took Qing, Kitty is already sniffing.

"My cousin was in a car accident almost nine months ago. He was in a coma for half a year. His senses are still fray and he still can't control his body well. Please understand..." she said to the police officers.

What bullshits.

Anyways, I don't care. That was scary, sure. Watching Qing run through that traffic is heart attack inducing but like I said, I am over him. We are over. We are done. The end.

"Get inside, you will want to hear what he has to say." Ato encourages me.

"Go Dayu," Minnie gently pushed me this time. "If you are determined to finish this thing with Qing, say your final goodbye. Formally end things and then you can leave for Europe in peace..."

"Wait," Ato's eyes widened in suprise at what he heard, "You are leaving for Europe?"

"Yeah," I sneered at him. "I can travel in Europe too, you rich people don't have the exclusive rights to traveling abroad."

Ato groaned, "Goodness, you and your temper." He sighed. "If you will leave, get inside and talk to Qing. Believe me, you will want to hear what he has to say," Ato insisted.

YaLong and Minnie pushed me too so I had no choice but to go. I walked to the emergency room, asked for Qing and a kind nurse pointed me on the right direction.

I saw Qing sitting on the hospital bed with his legs dangling on the side. A doctor talks to him.

"And when did you parents got married?"

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