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Tape 21, Side A

"That must have been fun," my psychologist said with a bit of derision on her tone. I sneered digustedly.

"That was the most horrible night of my life," I equipped. "I have to stand there, in front of the surgery rooms' doors, while everyone throwing insults at everybody. Papa is defensive and offensive all at once and Mama and I cannot do anything but stand behind him. Papa's emotion had been hard to control..."

"I bet everyone's emotions were high that night." My psychologist suggested.

"Maybe. Most probably. I just cannot believe we were there, fighting among ourselves while Kim and Qing are trying their hardest to stay alive. We were all assholes but I really have to give it to Uncle and Auntie Wang and Kim's father, they can try the patience of a saint." I winced as I remember.

"What else happened," my psychologist winced after asking when she saw the expression on my face. "That bad?"

"The only miracle that night was no one thrown a punch. I really thought I had to restrain someone between Papa or Ato. That night was a nightmare," I sighed tiredly just remembering that night.

My psychologist and I smiled at each other. Then my smile dimmed, "I will tell it to you on my next tape." I said.

"And then our session will be over. Twenty one meetings in five months. That was the deal," my psychologist reminded me. "But you can still return to me if you want."

"I don't know," I said before standing up. "Thank you for today. I will see you again. For the last time."

"Okay Dayu..."

I left that office, more scared than when I first came in. Wondering what I will do after my therapy sessions with my psychologist are done.

But for now, I have tape 21 to record...

The bomb that Papa let go hung in the air after he confronted Kim's father.

Grandpa Wang and Minister Tiu stood up from their seats, "Kim have a daughter?" GrandPa Wang asked Papa.

"Why not ask him?" Papa gestured at Kim's father. Minister Tiu looked at his son, "Does Kim have a daughter? Do I have a great grandchild?"

Kim's father three dagger looks at Papa, "Yes...Baba..."

"Oh my..." GrandMa Wang and Auntie both exclaimed in shock.

"And I am the father," Ato volunteered the information willingly. Everyone's eyes turned to him.

"But you are Qing's friend, why would you...?" GrandPa Wang looked at Papa. "Does Qing knows?"

"Yes," Papa nodded. GrandMa Wang put a hand on her mouth and close her eyes in dismay. "But he is willing to marry Kim to gain her some freedom from her family. They made a deal. Kim and Qing..."

Minister Tiu turned to my father, "Is Kim that desperate to get away from our family? Why? We love her..."

"But you pressed in her mind that she should marry Qing for an alliance with our family. Qing," Papa looked at GrandPa Wang, "Dreamed of a political career and you planted in his mind that the only way he can have it is if he married for it. With Minister Tiu's granddaughter. Your desire to be related to your friend, forced the kids to accept this fate when they don't even love each other..."

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