Mr.Avoid Them All

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Tape 7, Side A

"So why didn't you sleep with Qing that night?" My psychologist asked after listening to tape 6.

I shrugged, "Like I said, I am tired. I am cranky when I am tired and he doesn't need to see that."

My psychologist stared at me. I stared back. I won't back down this time. I am determined to win this staring contest. I think our score is 3-0 by far, in favor of Miss Psychologist.

She sighed, "I see that we are back to being stubborn. So...let me ask you, are you angry when he said he is straight?"

I chuckled hollowly, "Why will I be angry? I don't care whatever he is."

"Upset then. Were you upset?"

"Why will I be upset?" I asked her back.

My psychologist sighed. "Okay, I think I will not get any informative answers from you..."

I stood up, "I was not upset or angry or mad or anything. Can I go now?" I turned around to leave before she can give me permission. I can leave anytime I want, I am paying for this consultation.

"Dayu," my psychologist called me back. I turn to face her again. "Yes?" smoothing my face of any reaction.

I am sulking. I know.

She held out the sixth tape to me. "Don't leave without this," she handed me the tape. "Are you sure you are okay?"

I took the tape, sighed and nodded. "I will work hard on the next tape."

"And maybe we can spare some time to talk about them." My psychologist smiled at me. I nodded, "Maybe," I smiled and gave her a salute before leaving.

Next tape. Tape seven.

Let me start this tape by saying...

Yes, I went out of my way to avoid Qing. After we took our parents to the airport for their flight to get to North Amerika, he asked me to have lunch with him.

"No," I shook my head. "I have to start cleaning my apartment for my relocation to my mother's condo."

"When do you plan to move?" He asked.

"After they got back from their honeymoon, I guess."

"I can help," Qing volunteered. "I will not be busy this week."

"Nah," I waved my hand. "I don't have a lot of stuffs. I can take care of it. Or if I need help, I will ask one of my friends." I chuckled at him. "And I don't think we are in any kind of relationship to ask each other to help pack stuffs."

He frowned, "What do you mean we are not in any kind relationship to ask help from each other? We are stepbrothers now. Remember? We just watched our parents get married."

Right. So we are stepbrothers now. Not fuck buddies. I see...

I can't help laughing humorlessly at myself. I think the joke is on me.

"Why did you laugh like that?" Qing frowned.

"Like what?" I smooth my face and asked him back innocently.

Qing sighed, "Is there a problem, Dayu?"

"Nothing," I answered fast. "I am just tired. I think my adrenaline from the wedding rush is finally plummenting downward. So I am feeling down too. Plus I will miss Mama..."

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