Chapter 123

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(Hosanna's POV)

After lunch, I tell Tris that we need to go to the store first and we can stop at her apartment afterward.  She offers to come with us and help.  I sigh relieved.  I didn't want to obligate her to come but the assistance is appreciated. 
We show her around and I grab a cart when we get there.  We go to the meat department first.  I just want to make sure that they have enough for the crowd I'll be feeding.  I grab several roasts and I start to think about how I'm going to cook all of this. 
Eric smirks at me.  "Just use Four's oven.  You know it works and it wouldn't be the first time anyway," he says. 
I grin at him.  "How do you read me so well?"
He shrugs.  "Because I know you as well as myself."
I see Tris actually smile at that.  "Alright, well we're set on the meat.  What do you want with this?" I question my husband since it's his choice. 
"Your mashed potatoes were the best," he tells me. 
I laugh.  "They weren't anything special: just potatoes, milk, butter, salt... maybe this time I'll put some chives and sour cream in them," I say. 
"Oh wow, that sounds amazing," he tells me enthusiastically and Tris joins me in laughing.  We head out to the produce section. 
"Eric, I never knew you were such an eater," my friend comments grinning. 
"Just wait.  After you try her dinner, you're going to want her to cook every meal for you, too," he explains. 
"Aww, I didn't know you liked my food that much," I say sweetly, hugging his side.  He kisses my head before letting me go.  I grab two very large sacks of potatoes and put them in the cart. 
"If we didn't have to eat in the cafeteria for faction morale, I would want every meal at home, just the two of us.  Well... with the occasional party because these are usually pretty fun," he elaborates. 
"So what's the protocol with leaders eating in the cafeteria?" Tris inquires. 
"We have to be in the cafeteria as often as possible for the faction to see us.  It keeps up faction morale and lets us know what's going on.  We usually only miss about two meals a week, give or take.  Sometimes we go away for the whole weekend, though. It's nice to have some private time and Eric does enjoy my cooking, but for the most part, we're here."
Tris nods. "How about your brother?" she questions coyly.
I grin wildly. "He takes almost every meal in the cafeteria.  He's not much of a cook though. He can make scrambled eggs but that's about it. He's been known to order pizza or Ch... stir fry from the Pit," I say wincing.  I almost slipped and called it Chinese food. Oops.
"Hmm, maybe I'll have to help him with that in the future," Tris says suggestively.
"Good luck with that," I smile. I've tried. Perhaps she'll have more success than I did growing up.
I peruse the produce for something for the crowd. The zucchini looks terrible.  It's all wrinkly and old. We end up selecting some green beans since I don't think the crowd would like broccoli or Brussel sprouts.  They're the only vegetables that look really good and would cook well for that amount of people. I select a few fresh herbs before we grab some milk, sour cream, and butter. I think I'm good on everything else at home.
We go to check out and I see Rosie working. "Hey, how've you been?" she asks me excitedly as we place our purchases on the counter.
"We're pretty good. We've had a lot going on lately but I'm hoping things will calm down soon," I say.
She nods as she rings us up. "Oh, you're the new leader. Congratulations," she says to Tris. "I'm Rosie," she reaches her hand out to shake Tris's.
"Tris," she tells her. "It's nice to meet you."
Rosie grins. "Are you having a party?" she asks a little hesitantly.
"Yes," Eric responds.
"So... Tyler wanted me to ask if we could come... you know... next time you were in," she says softly, almost bashfully.
"Tyler?" Eric questions.
She nods. "You two have been seeing each other?" I inquire.
"Yeah," she smiles. "Exclusively, actually."
"Really?" I ask surprised.
"Well, it's just been for the last... two weeks maybe," she says. "It's the first time for either of us just seeing one person, at least that's what he told me."
"Wow... congratulations," I reply because I'm so happy about that. "Um, Sam, Ava, and the baby are coming. I'll have to check with them. I can send Tyler a message if they don't mind. I just... want to make sure everything is okay with them," I explain.
She nods. "That's understandable. I'm glad you're actually considering it," she responds gently.
"Of course, you're both my friends," I say glancing at Eric. "I just don't want to make anyone uncomfortable."
Eric hands her his point card. "Thanks," I tell her appreciatively grabbing some bags. Tris helps and Eric grabs the rest after he puts his point card away.
"No problem," she waves.
We get part way home when Tris looks like she's about to burst with questions. "Ask it," I insist.
"What's going on with that woman?" she inquires.
I sigh. "It's kind of a long story. The short version is that my friend got pregnant during initiation with her long time boyfriend. They had moved in together. He cheated on her constantly. She caught him and left. She eventually married someone else and he hadn't really been over her until now, I guess. Oh, and the girl she caught him with was Rosie," I explain so she can understand the complete awkwardness of the situation.
"Oh, wow," she says.
"Plus she used to... try to sexually harass me, Ryan, and Four," Eric adds. "She's been to lockup for that."
"Oh, yeah..." I say biting my lip. "I forgot about that."
"Trust me, I didn't," he responds firmly.
"I see what you mean by uncomfortable," she nods.
We get home and I drop the bags off on the counter. I turn on the oven and send a quick message to Ava explaining the situation.  I start to unpack everything and put some things in the refrigerator. "So how was it setting up apartments?" I ask.  I figure that I'll start out with lighthearted conversation. 
"It was really fun," Tris smiles.  "I was surprised that Uriah and Will are rooming together."
"Really?" I say confused.  "I thought Christina wanted to have Will as a roommate."
"Yeah, well... I guess the boys had already planned it out. Lynn and Marlene are sharing and I already had my own place so she got a single.  She said she'll have a big closet all to herself, though."  I laugh at that.  "I offered to help her clean it up and go shopping in the future when she has the points for furniture."
"Next time you talk to her, tell her I'll help, too," I say.  She smiles and nods. 
"It was kind of weird finding out where everyone will live," she tells me. 
"How so?" I ask getting out my roasting pans. 
"Peter and Molly are sharing an apartment," she says.
"Oh?" I question. 
"Yeah, Peter said they were getting a double but then when she came up, she had no idea.  She looked really happy about it," Tris explains. 
"Are they a couple?" I ask. 
"I didn't think so but maybe they are," she shrugs.  I get oil and herbs out to put on the roasts.  She watches intently. She smells each of the herbs as I use them. I notice that Eric started working on washing the potatoes.  I smile at him when he looks over his shoulder at me.  "I really didn't believe that you could cook," Tris says to my husband. 
"I had to cook a bit for my sister growing up.  I'm not as good as she is, though," he responds motioning to me.  I lean over and kiss him gently.  "I already started Four's oven.  It should be up to temperature soon," Eric tells me. 
"How'd you get into Four's apartment?" Tris questions. 
"We have a key," I explain.  "It used to be Eric's old apartment anyway."
She makes a face.  "He's not even there. Besides, he doesn't mind," Eric says rolling his eyes at her. 
"How do you know?" she asks. 
"Because he's my brother and he told me so," my husband replies confidently. 
"He has our key, too," I tell her. 
"Oh," she says. "So... this may sound strange but I could've sworn I saw my mother and Earl earlier through the cafeteria doors."
I grin. "I'm sure Kay probably told them about you," I explain. She looks lost like she has no idea what I'm talking about. "Kay works in the cafeteria. She's the morning manager. She helps out a lot at other times though. Abnegation comes to pick up our donations after every meal.  It must've been your mom and Earl this morning."
"Donations?" she asks.
"Yeah," I smile. "We give all our leftovers to the Factionless. Abnegation opened up a cafe to feed them."
"Oh..." she laughs. "I'm so glad I wasn't seeing things with my mom here. I heard about the cafe, I just never knew where they got the food," she explains.
"That was Hosanna's idea," Eric adds. I blush a little.
"You really are making a difference," she responds in awe.
"I hope so, every little bit helps. I believe God uses us to help others. There are so many hungry people in the city... and others that need saving," I say, adding the last part quietly.
"My mom had Caleb and me baptized when we were babies but she never really talked much about God. I think she was letting us decide for ourselves. My dad spoke about him more than her, though," Tris tells me.
"Well... I believe everything is in His hands but he uses us to do his work from time to time. I try to go to church every free Sunday that we have, unless work demands something from us. We usually go though. You're welcome to come with us anytime if you want," I tell her.
"I'll think about it," she says.
Once the meat is started in the oven here and at my brother's place, we make sure the rest of dinner is prepped for later. Afterward, I pull Tris over to the sofa. "I've been dreading having to tell you everything. We could use your help though," I sigh.
"Why? What's wrong?" she asks.
"You know that Jeanine was here not too long ago, well this is why," I start. She nods.  "What I'm going to show you, it will change you," I warn her.  Her eyes meet mine and she nods again. 
I pull up the files we have on my computer for her to view. Each leader has a copy and we've even given Jax one, just in case something were to happen to us. He has instructions not to open it unless the worst were to occur. I play her the recordings we have, beginning at the meeting with Jude before I was even appointed. I show her our meeting with Jack Kang and then several of the crucial recordings leading up to Jeanine's meeting announcing the serum. I play that announcement and then Jack's response, the one Lydia reported to us.
She shakes her head in disbelief and I pause it. "How can you even go along with this?" she asks outraged.
"There's more," Eric says. He plays his plan for Tris.
When it's finished, she looks to him in question. She nods to his ideas. "I'm in," she responds.
"There's one more thing we have to show you," I tell her hesitantly.  I slowly reach out and press play, letting her view the recording from Thursday.
She stands and covers her mouth with one hand. She shakes her head, tears falling down her cheeks. "How could you?  You just stood there!  You all did nothing!"
"What could we have done?" my husband says quietly.  "We were in Erudite. Their security guards may be weak, but there were so many on that floor alone that they could've overpowered all of us. We were on the basement level, twenty floors underground.  And did you see? Each one of them carries a syringe of paralytic serum.  They wouldn't even have to overpower us," Eric explains.  "Besides, if we fought and saved him, what then?  Jeanine has my sister.  She can get to Hosanna's aunt and uncle, too.  She'd be her typical, manipulative self and make up a ridiculous story about us. The city has been believing any preposterous manipulation she publishes and she'd get them to overthrow us.  If Dauntless leadership is out of the picture, she could easily control our entire faction without us.  If we don't outsmart her, we will be of no use to this city.  We have to do this smartly, not rush into it."
She frowns and turns her head, shaking.  "I can't believe Caleb was there," she says lowly to herself.  I give her a moment to calm down.  I know she needs it.  I know this is a shock.  We've all been expecting something terrible for a long time but this has just been thrown in her face. 
"Alright," she tells us quietly.  "We're still going ahead with your plan?" she asks Eric, staring into his eyes.  He nods in response.  "What about Candor?"
"What about Candor?" Eric counters.  "They were no use before and with the latest proof, she may just get a slap on the wrist.  We need to go all in or do nothing.  And doing nothing will make us just as guilty as Jeanine if we inject out faction with that serum."
She takes a deep breath, searching my eyes, then Eric's.  "Okay," she agrees. 
I give her a minute before I say, "We need to keep calm around everyone, especially Jeanine.  We need to put on a front to keep anyone from knowing what's going on."
She winces at the instructions.  "How... how do you do it?" she asks. 
"I've had a lifetime of practice," I explain.  She glances at my hand and arm, the one with the scar. 
She frowns but nods at me.  "I've had a lot of practice pretending I fit into Abnegation," she says, her voice raising in intonation at the end. 
"Yeah, like that," I tell her. 
"I think we all have spent our lives pretending," Eric agrees.  "I mean, I grew up with Jeanine.  I knew she was a psychopath.  Even here at Dauntless—as leaders—we have to put on a facade for the faction.  The only place I've ever felt like I could even be myself is at home with my wife."  He squeezes my hand and we share a look, a smile.  I glance back at my friend to see understanding on her face for my husband.  It's probably the first time she's ever really seen him for who he truly is. 
"Come on," I say grabbing each of their hands.  "I'll teach you how to make mashed potatoes from scratch."

*****Thanks so much for reading!  I hope you enjoyed this chapter.*****

Words of Wisdom:
"Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins."
1 Peter 4:8 NLT

"So take this seriously. The Lord has chosen you to build a Temple as his sanctuary. Be strong, and do the work.""
1 Chronicles 28:10 NLT

""I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father."
John 14:12 NLT

To Save a City (Divergent/Eric) 2 of 3 COH Series Where stories live. Discover now