Chapter 119

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(Hosanna's POV)

Thursday afternoon finally arrives. I've been antsy ever since Eric told us about Jeanine's call, how she wants all the leaders of Dauntless at Erudite this week for a demonstration. I can only assume the worst from that, but I'm not entirely sure what to expect.
We carpool to Erudite. Eric and Max drive. My brother and I ride with my husband while Ryan and Lydia are in Max's truck. We bring no guards since Jeanine specifically stated that leadership was requested to attend—with her that means only leadership.

((Outfit inspired by @BeckyJolene

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((Outfit inspired by @BeckyJolene.  Thanks so much for the help previously and in the future. Much love!))

I made a point for this occasion to wear a nice, dressy outfit but completely in all black today to represent my faction fully. My shirt has ruffles along the hem of the sleeves and just below the collar along the topmost section of the placket.  I applied my makeup elegantly and did my hair as well in a large—almost messy—topknot. For some reason, Jeanine seems to like me dolled up for my husband.  I do so to please her... for now.

I add my pin to my shirt—treating it like a brooch intersecting the collar and placket—and turn it on just before we arrive at Erudite Headquarters

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I add my pin to my shirt—treating it like a brooch intersecting the collar and placket—and turn it on just before we arrive at Erudite Headquarters.  It feels like we got here in the blink of an eye. Eric and Max park down the street from the headquarters in a large, several-leveled garage. We climb out of the vehicles and stride back along the avenue towards our destination together. Erudite members crowd the sidewalks, parting down the middle allowing us to pass. I'm sure our black clothes, solemn faces, and tattoos easily set us apart here.  One look in our direction signifies that we are intimidating, strong, and not to be crossed.
We arrive on foot at the main headquarters. Eric and Max push into the double entrance doors roughly.  Both doors clash with the walls, making a sharp, thunderous noise that startles the entire mass of people in the library. We walk through the confined space, our boots thumping on the white, marble walkway.  We still have the attention of the entire room, watching as we storm by. We're met at the reception desk by some Erudite security. They look scrawny and frail in comparison to most guards in our faction.
"Dauntless," one of them says to us nodding in acknowledgment. "You are right on time. Please follow me.  Ms. Matthews will be with you shortly."
We trail behind him to the elevator, the other guards at our flank and back. Splitting our group up, we take two elevators down. I glance at the panel of buttons signifying the floors. The guard had pressed the basement level. I hadn't even realized the extensive number of floors underground at Erudite. There are more floors below ground than above. For some reason, I find comfort in this; it reminds me of Dauntless—home.
I feel a squeeze coming from Eric as he holds my hand midway during our descend.  I glance at him but he's staring straight in front of us.  I look to the point he's focused his attention on.  His eyes are fixed on the shoulder of the closest guard's uniform.  I realize the uniform is new, finely made, and rather stylish compared to the drab ensemble that they previously wore.  Now that I realize it, there are more guards in here with us than leaders—more than double, in fact.  I focus on the very spot that has Eric's attention and it occurs to me that these uniforms have a pocket in the epaulet consisting of a decorative band being held down by a button.  On each left shoulder of the guards standing before me are what looks to be a syringe containing a blue liquid tucked into that pocket.  I almost gasp in surprise when it registers what's in those syringes... paralytic serum.  I have never forgotten what that serum looks like; it's burned into my memory.  I squeeze Eric's hand back—letting him know that I see it, too.  I am quite aware of what this could mean for us as we travel into the bottommost pit of the lion's den.
The elevator chimes, signaling our arrival to the lowest level. The lighting here is quite bright and brilliant for being so far below ground. We start to walk down the hallway behind our escort, a toll in our wake notifies us of our companions' arrival. I peer over my shoulder to be completely sure that it is, in fact, the others. Lydia smirks at me when our eyes meet.  She has no idea of the danger we're in here. 
We're led to a black room with beams of light wrapping around the walls on three sides.  There's enough standing space for us, all of the Erudite guards, and several others—including Jeanine when she arrives. I notice there is a massive, rectangular window leading to a white room on the fourth wall.  It covers almost the entirety of that wall. It's strange how our room is completely dark and the other is completely light. I observe the colorless space briefly and realize that there is a long, pale table with two matching chairs on opposing sides.
I hear another ding notifying us that someone is most likely joining our group. A moment later, some Erudite members enter the room with us—including Caleb Prior and Riley Thompson among them. I address them both. "Caleb, it's been a while and Riley, it's so good to see you again," I say in greeting, attempting to alleviate my apprehension about being down here.
Caleb just stares at me possibly in surprise, confusion, or shock but Riley speaks. "Hosanna," he smiles. "How have you been?"
"I've been well, although a little worried about everything running smoothly," I tell him honestly, but I'm sure he'll never know my true intentions with that comment. I can tell that the other Dauntless don't even seem very concerned about being down here, haven't noticed the threat surrounding us all in this observation room.
He nods in understanding. "What could possibly go wrong?" he responds sarcastically rolling his eyes. I can't help the laugh that bubbles out of my chest. Perhaps he is aware. Eric comes over and holds my hand. I smile at my husband. "Eric," Riley nods. "So... do you know what's going on here?" he asks us curiously.
"Some sort of demonstration," I explain solemnly.
"Hosanna Eaton?" Caleb questions softly after there's silence between us.
I grin. "It's Franklin now, actually," I tell him looking to my husband once more. He smirks staring Caleb down. Eric knows exactly who he is.
Caleb looks baffled by what I said until he sees our intertwined fingers. "You're... married?" he asks in awe.
"Yes," I say a little bashfully. "This is my husband, Eric," I introduce him.
Caleb reaches his hand out awkwardly. He clearly still hasn't gotten handshakes down yet. Eric grips his hand roughly, probably squeezing a little too hard by the expression I see on Caleb's face.
"So... your sister is doing well in initiation," I tell him changing the subject. "She's ranked first so far."
"Really?" he questions surprised. "So am I. By what she told me though, I had thought she might not make the cut."
"No, she's doing just fine. She's in trouble for leaving the compound and probably scrubbing the cafeteria while we speak as punishment, but she's fine," I clarify dismissively.
He nods, still with a baffled look on his face. "I'm confused then. Why did she come to see me?"
"Boy trouble," I explain gesturing to my brother. "Apparently he's a heart breaker," I whisper.
"Is that... Tobias?" he asks quietly.
My brother must hear his name and comes over to join us. Eric is still remaining silent.
"Caleb Prior," Tobias nods. "I go by Four now."
"Four?" he questions.
"He has an unusually low number of fears," Eric explains. "That's very... admirable in Dauntless."
"Oh, I see," Caleb nods. "So why are you both here?"
"Jeanine requested all of Dauntless leadership to attend. Four is still in training until we choose another leader but he's almost there. We thought it was important enough for him to be present," I clarify.
"Wait, you're all leaders?" he asks. I nod as my comrades stare at him. "Wow, I hope Jeanine thinks that highly of me. She must since I was asked to join the group today."
Another chime is audible, echoing through the hallway. The remainder of our missing colleagues must be joining us for this meeting. I glance to the doorway to see Jeanine round the corner. Darlene and a few others who generally accompany her are present as well.
"Thank you all for your patience," she grins. She enters the room and stands between our gathered group and the window.

To Save a City (Divergent/Eric) 2 of 3 COH Series Where stories live. Discover now