Chapter 124

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Sidewalk Prophets—'Come To The Table'

(Hosanna's POV)

I receive a message from Ava just before dinnertime.  I send Tyler and Rosie an invite and apologize for the late reply.  Tyler responds immediately, thanking me.  He says he'll bring some drinks. 
I pour the pan drippings into the saucepan.  Tris is being kind enough to whisk the gravy for me.  "Thanks," I say. 
"No problem.  This is fun.  I helped my mom bake some sweet bread before but never anything like this," she explains.  "Eric wasn't kidding, this smells amazing."
I smile.  "A friend of mine gave me the recipe," I tell her. 
I hear someone knocking on the door.  "I've got it," Eric announces getting up from the island and answering the door.  It's my brother.  He smiles when he notices Tris is in the kitchen with me.  He sets down two boxes on the counter—probably cakes. 
"My apartment smells good," he tells me. 
"We borrowed your oven.  I don't think I've had this many guests here at once before.  I just didn't want to run out of food," I say. 
"It's fine.  You know I don't mind," he responds.  Eric gives Tris an 'I told you so' face. 
"Whatever, Eric," Tris responds laughing.  I think she's getting used to him.
He chuckles and walks behind me as I cover the pans with foil and let them rest for a while, setting the timer.  He wraps his arms around me.  "Mmm, I've missed these parties," he says. 
"We just had one a few weeks ago," I point out. 
"Yeah, but they're fun and your meals are the best," he says nibbling on my neck. 
I giggle.  "Stop that, you're tickling me," I insist, stepping up to the fridge.  I grab the cream and pour some in while Tris continues to stir.  "You want me to take over?" I ask. 
She nods stepping away.  I whisk the gravy as there's another knock on the door. 
Eric growls but walks away from me and answers it.  I look up briefly to see Peter stepping into our apartment.  I smile at him as our eyes meet.  "Eric, can you put some music on since our guests are starting to arrive?" I ask. 
"Yeah, baby," he says kissing my cheek.  Peter looks around our apartment for a moment before coming over and taking a seat at my island.  I notice Tris and my brother sitting together on the sofa talking. 
"Hi," he greets me. 
"Hello, Peter," I smile. 
"What's in the boxes?" he asks. 
"I don't know.  You can open them and see.  Four usually brings some sort of dessert or cake.  He has such a sweet tooth," I tell him. 
"I never would've guessed," he comments.  "Oh, wow.  These look good."
I grin.  "He loves chocolate so I'm sure at least one is.  Are you a big fan of the Dauntless cake?" I question. 
"It's pretty good.  I prefer ice cream," he says. 
"Well, Lydia just went to Candor on Monday.  I think she said she was bringing some," I explain. 
"Really?" he asks.  "I didn't realize that you all go from faction to faction."
"Yeah.  She deals with the prisoners from Candor.  She visits Amity often, too," I explain. 
"Oh," he says surprised.  "I hear Will got some office position."
"Yeah," I say.  "But you'll be more likely to travel for work than him.  He'll be stuck at a desk or running errands around the main compound."  He nods. 
I turn the element off when the gravy is finished.  I check on the green beans and mashed potatoes.  They look perfect.  I turn everything off and shock the green beans in an ice bath. 
"Your food does smell good.  I noticed the moment I got out of the elevator.  The whole floor smells delicious," he compliments. 
"Thanks," I respond peeking at the meat. 
"Eric is a lucky man," he says quietly. 
"Yes, I am," he agrees wrapping an arm around me.  "Where's Molly?  I hear you two are sharing an apartment."
"Um, she'll probably come later," he responds and leaves it at that. 
I hear another knock. "I've got it!" I say excitedly. I do love these parties. I open the door to April and Jonah.  "Hi.  Come in," I tell them giving each of them a hug.  "Oh, did you make bread?"
"Yeah," April says.  "This is my grandmother's egg bread recipe."  She sets the loaf onto the counter.  "Hi, I'm April. This is my fiancé, Jonah," she introduces herself to Peter.
He looks taken aback that my friends are even talking to him. "Peter," he replies reaching out to shake her hand, then Jonah's.
"You look familiar," Jonah points out. "Have we met before?"
"I was just thinking the same thing," April adds.
"He's Jacob's cousin," I tell them softly.
"Oh... I'm so sorry," April says solemnly.
Peter nods. "It's a good thing Hosanna was there," Jonah mumbles.
Peter blinks. "What does that mean?" he asks.
"Um... before his execution..." I start quietly, "...I asked to be there.  Since I was the one he harmed, I was allowed to come.  I prayed for him," I explain. 
"You prayed for him?" Peter asks puzzled. 
I nod.  "What did you pray for?" he questions.  He looks really confused. 
"Well, I told him I forgave him and explained to him what I believe.  I asked if he wanted me to pray for forgiveness of his sins," I tell him. 
"What'd he say?" Peter asks surprised. 
"Yes," I respond. Peter looks dumbfounded. I look to Eric, seeing that we've caught his attention as he's letting some new members into the apartment. "Sometimes when confronted with one's own mortality, it makes an opportunity to be more open to what's beyond."
"She means that he was willing to accept God, that his soul is now in heaven because he truly believed," April explains.
"Oh," he responds blinking again.
"It was nice to meet you. We'll be around if you want to talk more, about this or anything else," April tells him gently.
"Yeah, same here," Jonah agrees patting him on the shoulder. That wakes Peter out of his trance. He looks at me and I try to smile at him before greeting my guests.
I see Wendy, Craig, and little Nora enter. As soon as they set her down, she runs for Eric.
He picks her up smiling. She gives him a sweet hug and giggles.  Eric catches my eyes.  I walk over to the corner where I set some toys in a bin tucked into the bookcase and pull them out, tossing a blanket out and dumping the contents onto the floor off to the side.  Nora claps her hands together and practically jumps out of Eric's arms. "You two are so good with her. She's always asking to visit," Wendy tells me.
"I'm sure it's the toys," Eric replies. Craig shakes his head at me but doesn't contradict Eric.
"There's some mashed potatoes and green beans I made for her in a dish by the sink.  I made them plain, put them in the food processor, and cooked the vegetables more," I tell Wendy. 
She makes an appreciative face.  "Thank you," she tells me.  I smile in response. 
Ellen and Neil join us.  "Hey Eric, my mom gave me a new fizzy drink," Ellen informs my husband setting a couple bottles on the counter. 
"Oh, yeah.  What kind has Erudite made now?" my husband questions.  She's completely piqued his interest and he's heading over to the kitchen. 
"It's lime," she says. 
"Lime?" he asks picking up the bottle.  "That actually sounds really interesting."
I grin at him. He loves those drinks. I notice Peter just watching the interaction. "Ellen, this is Peter. Peter, my cousin, Ellen," I introduce them.
"Wait, your mom is in Erudite?" he asks.
"Wow, nothing passes your attention. Are you a Nose?" Ellen jokes. He laughs. "Yeah, my mother and Hosanna's mom are sisters. Her mom was from Erudite. We see her every Sunday at church," she explains.
"Oh," he says quietly.
Ava, Sam, and baby Chase arrive. I take the baby from Ava's arms as she goes and socializes with our friends.  He's such a cutie.  I walk around playing with him and talking with my friends.  April and Jonah keep getting asked about the wedding since we planned it kind of quickly and several of their guests are present.  I catch Eric staring at me from across the room.  He's talking to Mike and Kristen.  I walk over and join him. 
"Hi, how have you been?" I ask them holding the sleeping bundle in my arms. 
"We're great, actually," Kristen beams.  She shows me her finger and my mouth drops open. 
"It's about time," Eric jokes. 
"Well it took a while to save up for that giant rock she's wearing," Mike jests back. 
"Yeah, I'm going to have to lift more weights to get used to wearing this," Kristen laughs making a gesture curling the ring.
"It's beautiful," I tell her because it actually is a lovely piece.  It's not as big as Mia's but it is quite large for what a guard must make.  She looks so happy and I'm glad. 
I notice the rest of the leaders show up together with Mia and Hale. I figure that I should probably get the meat ready. 
"I'll take him," Eric says.  I look over at him in question.  "You look like you're headed for the kitchen.  I'm sure whatever it is you're planning on doing might be hard with the baby in your arms."
I pass Chase gently to Eric and kiss his cheek before making my way into the kitchen.  I slice the meat quickly considering how much there is.  It turned out perfectly even though I've never cooked this much before.  I was a little worried.  I notice that pretty much everyone I've invited is here and the counter is practically overflowing with side dishes.
"Why don't I go ahead and pray over the meal?  Everyone that's here for the first time, help yourselves afterward.  There's seating in here and out on the patio.  Be sure to close the screen if you go out since there's a toddler around here somewhere," I explain. 
I notice several smiles before Eric takes my hand.  He must've passed the baby off.  I pray a blessing over the food and fellowship.  Everyone helps themselves to the meal.  I notice there are some sort of tamales and look up to see Zander talking with Sam and Mike.  I wave at him.  His mom makes the best food. 
After there's a break in the line, Eric and I jump in.  There are so many different foods that I try a little of mine and several of the others, including Zander's tamales and April's bread.  Eric and I walk out on the patio to see Sam and Ava sitting with Tyler and Rosie.  They're actually smiling and talking.  We take a seat with them. 
"Thanks for the invite," Tyler says.  I smile at Ava. 
"Of course. You're always welcome," I tell them both and mean it.  They could use some kindness in their lives.  As long as they're pleasant guests, I don't mind them joining us. 
"Where's the baby?" Eric asks.
Sam laughs, "Um, I guess Max wanted to hold him while we ate."
I smile. He loves children. The conversation is lighthearted and enjoyable. I notice Peter come out on the porch with Thomas, Abby, and Julia.  I don't see Molly out here, though.  Maybe she's making friends inside. 


I spend the evening talking with my friends and playing with the babies.  I get to know the new members better and they seem to be having a great time. 
"So you have these parties often?" Christina asks.
I shrug. "We try to. When we get caught up in meetings and other obligations, they tend not to be our top priority. I wish we weren't so busy," I explain.
"Well, that's why we added Four and Tris to leadership. Once they're trained, we may be back to a normal schedule," Eric adds.
"I didn't realize that leadership was such a chore," she jokes.  She elbows Will.  "It looks like you've got your work cut out for you."
I smile at her.  I glance across the room full of my friends.  Aaron, Doug, Luke, and Jeff are talking with Peter and Molly.  I notice Charlotte and Dan are speaking calmly with Tyler and Rosie.  I'm glad they can all get along and be friendly. 
I continue to observe my friends socializing.  I'm afraid this will be our last good day.  After our plan unfolds, things may not turn out how we've hoped.  There are so many things that can go wrong.  Eric's sister or even my family could be hurt.  All of Dauntless leadership could end up being removed from power, imprisoned, or worse... executed.  This is worth the risk though, to save all of Abnegation, Factionless, and even the Divergent.  We all believe this is worth it, to save those who don't know their lives are hanging in the balance.  I will freely give my life for this and I believe it will not be in vain. 
My eyes meet with Tris's.  She has the same look in her eyes that I'm feeling right now, the same concern and worry as I'm experiencing this very moment.  I nod to her.  She nods back.  This is what we're risking, what we'll fight for.  Our lives are worth others' happiness and freedom.  I would gladly give it up to keep those I love—the innocent—safe.  And it is worth it.  It is worth everything.

*****Thanks for reading! I hope you liked this chapter.*****

Words of Wisdom:
"God blesses those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they will be satisfied."
Matthew 5:6 NLT

"They will give him great responsibility, and he will bring honor to even the lowliest members of his family. ""
Isaiah 22:24 NLT

I believe there is a time and place in all of our lives where we all have to stand up for what we believe and defend ourselves by doing or even saying what's right.  That being said, I had a falling out with someone in my family that has caused problems.  I don't regret what happened because I believe my God is more important than a distant relative liking me.  My life here is short but my soul is eternal.  I will always put my God first. 
I guess we all have to decide what we can live with.  If someone doesn't listen, at some point there's no more trying to reach that person.  We have to do what we can, help those who want help, and let go of those who refuse to listen.  It doesn't mean that we don't pray for them.  I guess if people are willing to work out issues, let them work it out.  If people want constant chaos and bickering, sometimes you just need to step away or make a stand—depending on the situation. 

""Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven."
Matthew 10:32-33 NIV

"And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul?"
Mark 8:36-37 NLT

"If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet."
Matthew 10:14 NIV

To Save a City (Divergent/Eric) 2 of 3 COH Series Where stories live. Discover now