Chapter 51 (Eric's POV)

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As I grill dinner on my amazing birthday present, I can't get my mind off of what happened earlier. I don't even know the full extent of what occurred. Thomas just called me and said Rosie was saying some terrible things about Hosanna. He was afraid she might go too far if she thought there was a chance. He said that he had lots of information about what she's been up to. He couldn't tell if it was all mutual or not since most of the interactions where in apartments, but she was badmouthing Hosanna and said something that could possibly be considered a threat. I told him I'd be with her or near her until after lunch tomorrow and that we'll deal with Rosie in the morning after I have a chance to go over the full report. I shake my head, irritated by the situation. I'll deal with her later. I don't want the last night of my honeymoon ruined by this.
I flip the hamburgers, the way my dad used to. They look perfect on one side. I smile at that. This is one of the best presents I've ever been given. My wife really made this year memorable. Well, her and then David bringing my parents in. That by far was the surprise of my life.
I wonder how Lizzy will react when I tell her. I think about how if David has our phones tapped with a listening device, then Jeanine might have the same thing on Lizzy's phone. She did have cameras everywhere. I'll have to get her away from her phone for this secret.
"Baby! Can you grab me a plate? I think these are done!" I say so she can hear me inside.
She walks onto the patio a moment later with a large serving platter. "Perfect timing. I just finished in the kitchen. Those smell really good," she says handing me the platter.
I take them all off and turn up the heat to burn off the mess left behind. I definitely want to keep this thing clean. Hosanna removes the platter from my hands, kisses my cheek, and walks to the kitchen. I grab the cleaning brush. This kit with the utensils is so cool. I was confused at first thinking she got these manly things for me to help out more in the kitchen, but then we stepped outside and I was in awe of what she bought me. This grill is awesome. I laugh as I scrape off the burnt mess. I feel all manly like my dad. He was always pretty macho. I guess that's because he was raised in Dauntless and it was a part of him. I turn off the heat when I'm done and bring the spatula into the kitchen, setting it in the sink.
My gorgeous wife has everything else ready and the island is set for two with candles burning and her roses are in a vase. That's pretty sweet and romantic. I sit down on the bar stool and Hosanna takes the seat beside me. I smirk, pulling her onto my lap. She giggles and runs her fingers along my forearms. She rests her head on my shoulder for a moment sighing before she sits up straight and pulls her plate closer to mine.
"So... what do you think of the grill?" she asks me.
"I like it," I say.
She laughs, a sweet airy sound. "I'm glad," she responds.
She takes a bite out of the burger and groans, an intense sound. I kiss her bare shoulder around her tank top and run my lips along her soft skin. "I love it when you make that sound..." I mumble along her skin.  She giggles and I take a bite of the burger I cooked. "These are much better than downstairs in the cafeteria. Maybe we should grill for our next party," I comment.
"That sounds great," she agrees.


After we clean up from dinner, Hosanna insists on cutting my hair. I don't really know how I feel about that. I'll admit, I've joked in school about the Abnegation cutting their hair and tying each other's shoes. I thought it was kind of stupid how they do that for each other. I guess I've been doing my own though because I don't trust anyone else to do it. The last time I let someone else, they really messed it up.
"I'll just trim it a little then," Hosanna coaxes me.
"Alright," I say giving in. I find it so hard to tell her no.
She washes out the gel first in the sink and then dries it with a towel. I'm really not used to this but I don't mind my wife running her fingers through my hair like that. I don't know why I find that so sensual but I do. My head must be unusually sensitive. She brings me to the bathroom mirror and looks my damp hair over. It should be straightforward, it just needs to be trimmed everywhere.
"The same length for all of it?" she questions.
"Yeah," I say.
"How much should I take off?" she asks.
I shrug, "Half an inch?"
"About here?" she says holding it up.
"A little more," I say.
"This much?" she shows me again.
"Yeah," I say.
She sets me down on a chair and begins to run her fingers through my hair. "You want it all the same length, right?  Or cut just like you have it?" she asks.
"The same length?" I say like a question. I thought it was.
She continues to run her hands through my hair snipping and massaging with her fingers. It's so relaxing and I'm beginning to enjoy this a bit.  I'm actually sad that it doesn't take long before she finishes.  "Do you want me to get the back and sides, too?" she asks. 
I look in the mirror and it actually looks pretty good, better even than I usually cut it. "Alright," I agree. She's actually really skilled at this. 
"Do you want me to use the same extension that's already on here?" she questions holding the trimmer from my kit. I look to see it's a higher extension than I usually cut it but I suddenly remember that I wanted it longer for the wedding.
"What are you thinking about?" she questions, rubbing the sides of my head.
"How I really enjoy that," I say closing my eyes as she continues. "I usually cut it shorter but... I don't think you can do that if it's too short."
"I can use a three. That'll be shorter than this. A two or a one would be too short though," she says smirking over me as she continues. She goes ahead and chooses that and begins to cut it. When she gets near the top, I watch her use a comb as a guard so she doesn't cut there. That's pretty smart. I was just really cautious and occasionally made a mistake. She trims all around and my head is buzzing at the feeling of her doing this for me. She finishes and I think she's done but she removes the extension and trims around my ears and neck. I haven't had anyone to do this in a while since I haven't trusted the barbers here. It's actually the reason why I've been cutting it so short. I watch her in the mirror as she's biting her lip in concentration and I find it incredibly attractive. Alright... I don't mind the Abnegation haircut. It's a pretty fabulous experience.
"All done," Hosanna says. "Why don't you shower and I'll take one in a minute when I'm done with my hair?"
"Are you really going to cut your hair?" I ask. I remember how she was thinking about that before. I actually prefer it long like this and I really don't want her chopping it all off.
"I was thinking about it," she says. I frown.  "You like it long," she states, not even a question.
"Yes," I respond honestly.
"Longer than this?" she asks.
"Maybe," I say quietly.
"Alright, I'll just trim it," she tells me. "Do you like the blue?" she questions with a smile.
"I normally don't like the colored hair but it's beautiful and incredibly sexy on you," I admit.
"Okay. I'll keep it like this for a while," she agrees.
I grin and actually stay out of the shower to watch her as she prepares to trim her hair. She pulls it out of the band and brushes it first, then gets the tips wet. She runs the comb through it and does everything by feel. I don't even see her look into the mirror once. I remember how she didn't even know what she looked like until a month and a half ago. I still find that hard to believe but it explains how she's not self-centered like so many pretty girls in the city.  As I continue to observe her, I figure that she must've trimmed it like this so it wouldn't break at the ends. She only takes a minute amount off.  When she's done, she sweeps up the mess quickly from the floor and counter. 
Before I know it, she's reaching around me and starting the shower.  We wash each other's hair and it occurs to me now why she always told me no before the wedding.  If I were to actually see her then, I don't know if I would've been able to control myself.  I smirk when we're clean though, we're married now...

To Save a City (Divergent/Eric) 2 of 3 COH Series Where stories live. Discover now